3- She Didn't Either

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My mind was reeling as I stared at the three boys in front of me. I could see it now; the dark hair, completely different attitudes. These were the three boys who I had met eight years ago, only older and much more attractive.

"Uh, Nyx?" I switched my attention back to Gavin, Gordon, and Grey who all wore the same puzzled looks as they gazed toward me.

"Y-you moved." I whispered, so quietly it was practically inaudible. Gavin looked down at his feet solemnly, not daring to look my way again.

"We didn't want to. We- we had to." I nodded at the vague response, before giving them each a small grin. Did I want to know why they left me? Of course, but that didn't need to be addressed at the moment. I was just happy to have actual friends at this school now.

The trio gave me a weird look at first, but soon smiles began to form on their faces as well. In a split second, I had six arms embracing me, taking me by complete surprise. My face flushed at the sudden contact and I quickly buried my head in Grey's chest.

"Do you still have the toy car?" Grey asked. His deep voice had me shuddering as I glanced into his stormy eyes. He seemed to be able to intimidate the most dangerous of men just by the way he looked and sounded. A shiver ran down my spine when I thought of what would happen if he actually got angry at someone. I could already picture his dark eyes becoming close to black, his tan skin turning bright red,-

"Hello, earth to Nyx." My mouth snapped shut at the sound of Gavin's light voice and I looked back up at Grey.

"Yeah." I answered. "Why?" His lips twitched up slightly, but never formed into a full grin as he, along with the others, stepped away, still surrounding me. The tall boy just shook his head, letting his shaggy black hair fall into his eyes.

Silence fell around us, making me nervous enough to begin fidgeting with my father's ring that hung from the chain around my neck. "Why do you have a ring on your neck?" This question was followed by a loud grunt causing me to take my attention off of the necklace and onto Gordon who was rubbing his stomach with a pained expression.

I awkwardly shifted my weight off my foot, focusing on Grey's white Nike's. "Because it's my dad's." I stated plainly all the while attempting to keep the pain from being obvious.

"Well why isn't he wearing it?" Suddenly, both Gavin and Grey's elbow jutted into either side of his gut, causing another groan to erupt. "What?! It was just a question." Grey just shook his head, pinching the bridge of his nose, while Gavin threw up his arms.

"It was a stupid question, Gordó Niño!" he yelled, shoving a finger into his older brother's face.

"It's not a stupid question, you imbécil!" A small pout formed on Gordon's face, making him look like an innocent little boy and I couldn't help but bite back a grin. Gavin on the other hand didn't take being called a jerk very well and in turn, began to rant in Spanish.

Grey, who had moved beside me to get a better view of the show in front of us, watched his brothers in absolute boredom. "They do this a lot?" I whispered, not taking my eyes off of the two boys.

"Yeah. They never stop, either. Even if I yell." I nodded as an idea began to form in my head.
Yelling, huh?

"Arketá, boreíte ilíthioi!" The boys came to a halt; even Grey who was just starting to chuckle beside me. Three pairs of eyes stared back at me in shock, probably wondering what the hell I had just said.

"What kind of language is that?" A smirk formed on my lips at Gordon's scared face. I was beginning to learn that he doesn't really have much of a filter; then again, neither do I.

"It's called Greek." His mouth dropped, along with Gavin's as they gaped at me. Knowing I had guided our conversation away from my father made a small smirk form on my face. As the other two idiots stared at me, Grey just cocked his head, obviously curious about something, yet he remained silent. "T-that's awesome!" Gordon sputtered out, a child-like grin breaking into his face. He quickly released Gavin's shirt, running over to me with bright eyes as if calling him an idiot in another language was the most fascinating thing he'd ever heard. "Say more! Say more!"

I shook my head, thinking of what I could say. "Échete ti nootropía tón pénte etón." Gordon's brown eyes lit up with wonder as the words slipped through my mouth. He took in every single word, not even knowing what it meant.

"What does it mean?" A smirk formed on my lips.

"You have the mindset of a five year old." The excitement in his eyes disappeared almost instantaneously, replaced with a jutted out bottom lip and heavy pout. While their brother was highly offended, Gavin and Grey were laughing their asses off. Gavin was laughing so hard he fell to the ground.

"You- you're face! Gordó Niño, she got you good." Gordon's thick brows furrowed in annoyance and he quickly spun on his heel to walk away. Of course, that action came to a halt as soon as he caught sight of Theia walking straight towards us. "She looks like the brighter version of you, Hot Wheels."

"She is." I stated bitterly, watching my sister's every movement.

"She's hot." I rolled my eyes at the blunt statement before smacking Gordon on the head.

"She's taken by one of those meat head jocks." He didn't even react to the hit and instead watched Theia come closer and closer as if in a daze.
"Oh Señor, ten piedad. Creo que me he enamorado."

Grey shook his head as he grabbed ahold of Gordon's arm. "You're not in love, idioto. Come on, let's give the two some space." I turned as they brushed past me shooting them one last wave, before looking back at Theia.

"Who are they?" She cocked her head curiously, eyeing the boys as they walked off. I just shook my head and crossed my arms, giving her a blank look.

"Friends. What do you want, The?"

"You- you just um, well you skipped half of the day." My eyes rolled as a dry laugh tore through my throat.

"No shit, Sherlock. I didn't feel like going." Theia's eyes widened a fraction and flashed with what looked like pain as she looked towards the grass, not saying a word.

I flitter of remorse passed through me, but I quickly covered it up with another snarky remark. "If that's all you are going to say, I have better places to be. See you after school." I hastily brushed past her, not looking back at her shocked expression or the tears that were building in her eyes.

Don't feel sorry for her, Nyx. She didn't believe you either.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2016 ⏰

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