Chapter 3

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This chapters kinda really short and im super sorry for that but I wanted to get something out there so you guys know that I'm trying to get back on track lol so I hope you guys like it and don't forget to comment what you think!


As the others walked out I noticed Klaus had vanished. When I looked at Elijah he was staring back at me with a questioning look.

"You know Nathaniel you overacted towards Niklaus." He said flatly.

I exhaled heavily " I know Elijah but seeing him kissing her at the ball tonight in front of me just hurt and he definitely had that slap coming"

Elijah managed a small chuckle, "As much as that may be true I still think we need to come up with a clear solution for Marcel and his band of incompetent fools" Elijah says with seriousness.

"Don't you think I'm aware of that Elijah" I fire back, "it's not that I don't think something should be done, it's that you guys have always just decided that death is the easiest way to get rid of your problems and that is why not so much you but Niklaus has so many enemies!" I say irritated.

Elijah stares at me for a moment before speaking, "Well what is it that you think we should do?" He asks.

"You, Father Kieran, and I will go to his little warehouse tomorrow and speak with him." I say.

Elijah thinks for a moment, "Well that seems reasonable. But what if he doesn't listen to us?"

He's right. There's not even a percentage of a chance that Marcel will listen to us unless we make it clear our threats are not to be taken likely. I think to myself for a moment.

"Well in that case we have no other choice then to fully disarm him. And by that I mean making sure he doesn't have the power or the men to do his bidding." I say with sorrow not wanting to have to kill people who shouldn't be mixed up in this kind of business.

But there's no other way to deal with someone as stubborn as Marcel. He really does remind so much of Klaus it's almost terrifying. Although they say they hate each other I can still feel their connection whenever I bring up the others name when speaking to either of them.

"You do know that this might turn in to a war Nathaniel. If tomorrow he does not wish to abide by your wishes we'll have to act swift and fast to be sure that an incident like the one that just occurred doesn't happen again" Elijah says carefully.

I nod, "I understand Elijah. We'll deal with it tomorrow quick and fast, as soon as I sense that he will not back down."

"I'm glad you've finally came to your senses" Klaus says walking down the stairs.

"It would have never came to this if you would've just let him be instead of trying to reclaim a home that burned down when the rest of this city did." I shoot back.

There was a moment of silence. And that's when i realized I just admitted I've known about their past travels and what happened here a hundred years ago.

Elijah was the first to speak, "How long?"

"How long what Elijah? How long since I've known where you guys have been? The past two hundred years." I say with as much confidence as I could build up.

Klaus was the next to speak, "I knew I felt your presence that night at the theater. Even before Mikael showed up at that night."

Elijah face widened in realization, "You're the reason Mikael didn't kill us that night. I remember when he found us in the street he should've been able to get to Klaus but there was that slight moment when it seemed he hit an invisible barrier. However, we took that little time to run but I was sure that i felt the magic radiating in layers in the air but had thought it was just my intimidation of our father."

I look towards Klaus to see his face showing nothing but I can feel his different emotions as he came to the realization of his escape of that terrifying night. Feeling my stare he looks me in the eye.

"I don't understand. If you knew where we were and were obviously not to far from us why did you stay away?" Klaus asks.

I shake my head, "Because I wasn't there because of you guys", I say deciding that there was no other choice then to at least give them a sliver of honesty, "I was there because I had been tracking Mikael."

Klaus stiffened, "Why were you following our father?" He asks.

"That's none of your concern Niklaus." I say trying to avoid the topic, "it doesn't even matter now anyway." I whisper.

"Im sorry Nathaniel but I agree with Nikalus. Why were you following our father?" Elijah says.

Just then there was a knock from the door that leads out to the street. Glancing at both of us, Elijah walks to the door to answer it.

As he walked towards the doors I felt a shift in the air. I looked at Elijah as he walked to the door about to open it.

Not knowing what to do I start to feel alarmed, "Elijah wait-"

Before I could get the rest out he opens the door and in less then a second the young boy at the door takes out a stake and shoves it into Elijah's chest and drops to the floor with blood oozing out of his eyes and ears.

I make my way to Elijah to make sure the stake wasn't tethered to magic and to my surprise it wasn't. I pull out the stake and toss it away. Klaus makes his way to the boy ready to end his life before I bolt up and grab him.

"Don't kill him! He didn't know what he was doing!" I say.

Klaus stares back at me in anger, "He just shoved a stake in to Elijah's heart and you expect me to let him live!"

I nod, "He didn't know what he was doing Niklaus. He was and probably still is under a spell. The blood oozing from his eyes and ears tells me he probably thinks this is just a bad dream and that he may be useful to us if I can lift the spell." I try to convince him

Before he could answer a blood chilling scream interrupts us. And we both turn to the boy on the floor crying staring at what seems like nothingness.

I kneel down and try to comfort him, "Hey hey it's ok. You're ok no ones gonna hurt you." I say.

He suddenly stops crying and stares blankly my way for a couple seconds, "He'll be here soon" he says before collapsing back to the floor.

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