Chapter One

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In this story, Sting, Rogue, Gray, and Natsu are one year older than Lucy, with Laxus still being six years older. Everyone else stayed the same, however, their age changed in accordance to Lucy. For example, Erza is still two years older than Lucy and Wendy is still five years younger than Lucy.


Lucy's POV

All I remember about myself is that my name is Lucy, and that I am four years old. I hold the keys for all twelve of the zodiacs and a few of the silver keys. I also know that I'm lost in the mountains and that I don't have a clue who or where my parents are.

I'm sniffling and trying to hold in my tears when I feel the wind start blowing against my face. The wind stings my cheeks red, as I shiver and look up as a big shadow falls over me. It's a ginormous dragon that's black with blue markings over it. It has a white underbelly with coal black eyes, and as it lands on the ground in front of me, it creates a huge crater. When it opened its mouth, I flinched in fear.

I thought that it was going to roar and kill me so I started to cry my eyes out when the dragon said, "Please don't cry. I'm Acnologia, the dragon king, and who might you be?"

I smile tentatively at Acnologia before answering with confidence to try and impress him, "I'm Lucy, I'm four years old, was born on July 7, x767, and I have all twelve of the zodiacs."

Acnologia must have found my talking funny because he started to chuckle which got me annoyed.

"What are you laughing at?" I questioned with my hands on my hips.

"I'm just thinking about what a handful you're going to be." He replied, and noticing the confused look on my face, he elaborated, "I mean, I'm going to take you off this mountain and teach you dragon slayer magic."

"I can't wait to get off this mountain." I cheered as I started spinning around in circles.

Acnologia's tail stopped me and before I could dodge I ran into it. I glared at him as I rubbed my now red forehead. He chuckled for a few seconds before he starts talking again.

"Just so you know, since I'm the king of dragons, you will learn all the elements a dragon slayer can know, but due to that much power, there will be a consequence. You will be blind and only be able to see when you use dragon's eye and are using dark chaos dragon slayer magic, as that is my main element."

"What's dragon eye?" I question, wanting to know how I would be able to see.

"Dragon's eye is a magic that is only able to be used one time a week and uses quite of bit of magic, but that will soon be like nothing to you. Anyway, dragon's eye allows you to see and you get magic circles in your eyes. Also since you are only able to use it once a week, it will last for a day." Acnologia said gravely while looking at me with a serious look on his face.

"I agree to go with you. I will learn your magic and agree to you being my dad." I said with a smile on my face. I looked up into his eyes which looked shocked, but was soon replaced by happiness and love.

"Climb on then," he said as he lowered his tail so I would have a way to climb on. I climbed onto his tail while using his scales and sat on his back.

Once I was fully seated, Acnologia flew off into the sky, with me, and that is how I became the Princess of Dragons, and Acnologia's daughter. 

Lucy, Acnologia's Daughter (A Fairy Tail Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now