Chapter Ten

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A new chapter. Enjoy! Please vote if you guys enjoy!


Normal POV

As Lucy, Minerva, Master Jiemma, and Stardust walked up the stairs, and closed the door to his office, everyone finally started asking questions. Why was that girl? Why did she call Master uncle? Did Minerva just hug someone? Did Master Jiemma let someone talk back to him?

Questions were floating through the air, and no one except the people up the stairs, and in the office, could answer.

However in the office, the three people were having a staring contest, before Lucy finally gave up, and yelled, "Fine, fine, I give up. I missed you two."

Minerva, and Master Jiemma laughed, and Minerva pulled Lucy's cloak down, and they finally noticed the exceed that poked it's head out of Lucy's arms.

"Who's this cute darling?" Minerva exclaimed, actually showing emotion, and hugging the exceed close. Lucy was surprised for a second, because Stardust was alive when she went to visit her uncle and cousin, but she remembered that Stardust didn't go, because she was sick.

"Her name is Stardust, and she can use sky dragon and sky god slayer magic. Stardust, the girl holding you is Minmin, and the big guy is Uncle Jiemma. " Lucy introduced everyone.

"Now let's get down to business." Master Jiemma said in a serious tone.

"Why are you here Lucy?" Minerva asked.

"I'm here because I'm now Princess of all Races, and you guys get your god and goddess status back. Both of you are allowed back to the realm, but you can stay and run this guild if you like." Lucy explained, and gave Minerva a bracelet with the main charm being a moon, and Jiemma a ring with a snake curled around the earth.

"We'll stay and run this guild." Master Jiemma decided, and put on his ring, while Minerva let Stardust go, and clasped on the bracelet. The second both had on their individual accessories, a bright light emitted from both of them, and when it cleared down, their accessories had disappeared, but a tattoo had appeared on each of them.

Around Jiemma's pinky there was a snake that acted like it was a ring, and the ring on top of it. Minerva's tattoo was on her wrist, and it was different phases of the moon.

"Finally, we get our powers back." Minerva exclaimed, as she stared at her tattoo with reverence.

"Wait, Lucy the last time we saw you, you were blind. Can you see now?" Master Jiemma questioned, without glancing up to look at Lucy, and instead focusing on his tattoo.

"Yeah, I'm still blind, but I used Dragon's eye today, and I finally found a pair of wings that let me see, but I'll stay in this form. Anyway, tell the guild that I'm blind." Lucy explained, but was finally fed up with Master Jiemma, and Minerva not paying her any attention.

"Anyway, are you and Stardust joining the guild?" Minerva asked, since Lucy had pretend coughed to get her attention.

"Yep. Can we get our guild marks?" Lucy answered.

"Of course," Minerva scoffed "Where do you want them?" and in reply Lucy stood up, and pulled up her dress to show the top of her left thigh, and Stardust turned around to show her back.

Minerva pulled open a drawer and took out the stamp which had an imprint of a sabercat with the cat roaring, and asked, "What color do you want it in?"

"I'll take it in purple." Lucy answered, as Minerva stamped the guild mark on her thigh, and a purple cat appeared, with a white outline. This rarely happened, but when it did it meant the people were one of the strongest in the guild.

"I'll take the stamp in the color pink." Stardust said as Minerva stamped the guild mark on Stardust's purple fur.

"Now let us go introduce you to the guild." Master Jiemma said, as he stood up, and walked to the balcony overlooking everyone.

"Wait, can you tell everyone that I only use chaos dragon slayer magic?" Lucy yelled, making Master Jiemma pause.

"Of course." He answered, not hesitating a bit, as he reached the balcony, and looked at everyone sitting and talking among themselves.

"Attention." His voiced boomed in every corner of the guild, and everyone was silenced at once.

"There are two new members of the guild. This is my niece, Lucy Apocalypse. She uses chaos dragon slayer magic, and because of this she is usually blind, but she's using dragon's eye today, so make sure you guys help her. Also if any of you dare to touch a hair on her head, Minerva, and I will skin you alive." Master Jiemma threatened, while Lucy stepped forward without her hood on. The male population all gasped on how pretty she looked, but returned back to normal at Master Jiemma's threat.

"Her exceed is Stardust. Stardust uses sky god, and sky dragon slayer magic. She better not be hurt as well." As everyone took in the look of a tiny exceed that could use rare magic.

"Now for the final announcement, we will be participating in the Grand Magic Games again. The contestants will be Yukino Agria, the twin dragons of Sabertooth, Sting Eucliffe and Rogue Cheney, Orga Nanagear, and Rufus Lore. My daughter and niece, along with her exceed, do not feel like participating yet." He announced, as everyone cheered for the participating members.

"Why aren't we participating?" Lucy asked Minerva as Minerva pulled Lucy and Stardust down the stairs to meet Team Sabertooth.

"It's because dad wants to see who's too weak to be in this guild." Minerva whispered to Lucy, not wanting anyone to overhear.

"Still as harsh as ever." Lucy said, as they stopped in front of Sting, and Rouge.

"Lucy, this is Sting, and the other is Rouge." Minerva introduced, pointing to each one in turn.

"I'm sorry about earlier, but I do not like rude people." Lucy apologized, and offered her hand, and Sting took it, shaking enthusiastically, and blushed, Rogue also shook her hand, but kept his face blank.

"I'm Rufus, and this big guy here is Orga." Rufus chorused, as he took Lucy's offered hand, and kissed it.

"Your beauty will be kept in my memory." He flirted with her, but Minerva smacked his head.

"Yo." Orga greeted, as his face contorted and it seemed like he was thinking.

"I just remembered my question. Who taught you chaos dragon slayer magic?" Orga questioned.

"Acnologia." Lucy revealed, watching as Rufus, Sting, Rogue, and Orga flinch back at the sound of the Dragon King's name.

"The dragon that sent Tenjinrou Island down seven years ago." Sting questioned, as he got over his shock.

"Yeah, but he only did that because Zeref was on the island." Lucy explained.

"Anyway, meet Yukino," Rogue butt in, as he waved Yukino over.

"Lucy-sama, I'm Yukino." She muttered, bowing to show her respect, but Lucy just waved her up.

"No need, just Lucy works." Lucy introduced, as Stardust flew over with a strawberry milkshake in her hand.

"Guys, meet my exceed, Stardust." Lucy announced, as Stardust landed in her arms.

"Lucy, I'm sorry you won't have anymore time to chat, but Dad is sending the five of them to train for a day, while we get to go shopping. Here's the tickets for the train station." Minerva cut in, directing a sweet tone to Lucy, but a serious tone to the group, as she handed Rogue the train tickets. 

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