June 1st

17 0 0

E= Eleanor's P.O.V.
K= Katherine's P.O.V.


I woke up to feel a chill across my pale skin, why is this house always so freaking cold? Looking over to Bethany's bed in the other side of the room, I saw that it was empty. She must be gone downstairs already.

"Morning!" Bethany greeted me as I walked down the stairs into our kitchen.
"You're awake early," I replied, what time did you get up?"
"6:30, I had some homework."she mumbled drowsily clearly not fully awake yet," hurry up school starts in 20 minutes!"

I skipped breakfast and we packed our bags ready for school. One of the upsides to us living so close to our school was that we could leave 15 minutes before school starts and still be early or on time depending on the weather and how fast we decided to walk.

Today ,although it is almost May now, was rather cold which slowed us down considerably, but I didn't really mind because it wasn't like I had any friends to get to or anything. When I was to still be in the same form as Bethany, we used to hurry to get to school early so we could spend time with Anuja and Chloe before school . But now I had been separated from my twin sister, I lacked any motivation to get there quickly.

I've been in SPD (my new form) for 4 months now and I guess I've made some friends here. But in the mornings, my friend Darin is always late and Quyen doesn't disconnect herself from her headphones until the last minute when Miss is pretty much walking through the door. Most of the people in this form are okay and they're all nice and all but I still wish I was back in JAG (my old form). I wish things could be back how they were.

My alarm clock woke me up this morning as usual. The snooze button was pressed at least ten times until finally I managed to drag myself out of bed at 7:25, get dressed and go downstairs for breakfast.

I made my self some cereal and got ready to go to the bus stop at 7:50. The school bus isn't half as bad as other people at my school say it is. To be honest the 40 minuite bus journey may seem long but when you have good music and you zone out it goes really fast.

As I walked through the doors of our form room I scoured the small group of people sitting around a table in the corner of the room but she wasn't there. Jess was always early so this wasn't normal!

Not wanting to be noticed yet I went and sat on the stairs. Our form room was on the 3rd floor so the stairs were usually not that busy in the mornings (most people faked injuries so they could take the lift instead) . Looking out of the window, I saw people running inside to get away from the rain that had started since I got inside and heard people coming up the stairs. "shit" I mumbled under my breath not wanting people to think in was a loner sitting on the stairs all by myself, but it was too late whoever was coming up the stairs was already too close for me to get away in time. So I sat as far into the corner and watched the raindrops run down the window.

Whoever it was reached the top of the stairs, they were walking slowly and seemed to be dragging their feet, but who can blame them we were going to school not a fairground.


Just after I passed the second floor, I could hear someone at the top of the stairs. 'Oh great' I thought to myself, 'now I'm going to get laughed at, and its not even first lesson yet!'
As I reached the last flight of stairs, I could hear them moving almost as if they were trying to hide themselves. Turning a corner, I saw her. She was a small build maybe a year eight or perhaps a year seven, with medium length blonde hair and glasses which I could see in the reflection of the window. When she realised I was there the shrank back into the corner; that was when I realised who she was, "you okay?" I asked quietly, not wanting to disturb the silence which always seemed to hang around the stairway in the mornings.
"Yeah I'm fine," she replied, "I just didn't want to have to sit on my own in the form room, so I thought I'd wait for Jess out here."
"Oh right, I guess you could sit with me and quyen if you want." I offered.
"No I'm fine thanks" she mumbled.
It wasn't like quyen ever talked to me in the mornings anyway so I thought, why the hell not stay out here? So putting my bag next to hers I sat down on the other side of the window so I was opposite her.

How didn't I realise it was her before? Katherine was another girl in my form, we hadn't talked much but she always smiled at me when we happened to make eye contact and seemed to always try to make other people happy, despite all the shit that was happening with her Jess and Emily. But she always seemed a little bit sad underneath. She put on a happy face but every now and again it slipped through and I seemed to be the only one who noticed it.

Hey if u r reading this thanks ^.^ pls comment any typos I've made so I can correct them cause I already know there will be some and yeah pls comment cause I'm crap at writing so I'm literally writing this in hopes of getting better and feed back would help loads so yeah ^-^

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