U dont know me

9 1 1

Nivea p.o.v  

My alarm goes another day of school. School started at least a month ago and I'm already tired. I got up and did my normal routine. I washed my face, brushed my teeth, plugged in the straightener and curler so it would get hot when I come back in the bathroom. I walked back into my room and set out my clothes for the day. I chose something sexy but classy.

Indiana p.o.v

I woke up to the smell of breakfast. I knew Nivea was cooking something good. I got up washed my face, brushed my teeth and got my clothes out today in my hair is goin to natural just wet it and go. I walked downstairs and their was a plate of food I front of my seat.  

Me:thx for breakfast  

Nivea:no prob boo 

No ones p.o.v

Nivea: let's go get ready

They both go up stairs and change Nivea straightens and curls her hair and Indiana keeps it wavy natural.

At school

Nivea p.o.v

Me and Indiana walk to our lockers and grab our history and Spanish books for our first two classes and walk to room 167F for Spanish .

In Spanish 

Ms.Rose: hola class 

Students: hola 

Ms.Rose: today we have guest  


Ms.Rose: don't act like that so we have Christian and Jonas and they will be around the school filming the life of kids around this area 

Stacy: so life in the projects 

Ms.Rose: I guess so here is Christian and Jonas  

Christian: hi I'm Christian I'm 16 and I go to Westlake private school 

Jonas: I'm Jonas and I'm 17 I go to Westlake too 

Indiana: great more rich boojie people  

Ms.Rose: Indiana Thomas if you do not be quiet 

Indiana: what are you gonna do  

Ms.Rose: I will call your foster mom to come and get you 

Class: ooh 

Indiana: great call her what the hell is she gone do she ain't my momma 

Ms.Rose: at least I know my momma 

Class: damnnn 

Indiana: I know your momma too she the prostitute down the street who sucks dick for 10 cents right 

Ms.Rose: go to the principal 

Indiana: gladly that's the homie 

(She walks out)

Nivea p.o.v 

This is what I talk about watching her she pushes people's buttons and she gets into trouble alot with ms.Rose and our math teacher Mr.realm but eh it's all her she knows wat she's doing 

Nivea p.o.v over

Ms.Rose: okay guys now that that's out the way you may continue 

Christian: well um we are doing a documentary about life in other places than Malibu

De'andre: so technically what Stacy said life in the projects

Jonas: yeah i guess

Indiana P.O.V

Indiana: hey Mr.Hernandez

Mr.Hernandez: Indiana not a suprise

Indiana: i kno

Mr:Hernandez: why do you get in so much trouble

Indiana: cuz ms.rose is always starting drama

Mr.Hernandez: ms.rose starts it

Indiana: well she was all ooo new students and i was like great exactly what we need more rich boojie people

Mr:Hernandez: you know what your going to get along with these "boojie" people and they will do there documentary on you and nivea 

Indiana: you cant do tht to me honestly like really

Mr.Hernandez: yes (he gets on the speaker) exuse the interruption but can Nivea Johnson and our 2 guest come to the principal's office

(they all get there)

Mr. hernandez: so as we all know these 2 boys are doing a documentary and i think they should do it on you 2

Nivea: y i did nothing wrong

Mr.Hernandez: i know but it will be a fun experience 

Girls: just Great 

( they leave his office)

Jonas: so why did u ge all crazy with the teacher if that was us our school we would have gotten expelled

Indiana: well guess what rich boy not everyone goes to a private school and has teachers that give a fuck about them you have to earn a status and mine is the badass 

Christian: well then when do we start filming

Nivea: you guys can come over tonight and we could all get to know each other

Indiana: y 

Nivea: look i dont wanna do this either but we really dont have a choice

Indiana: fine 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2013 ⏰

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