Chapter 7

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What did she mean by, 'Whose Austin?' Does she not remember me?
"Ally, open your eyes," I told her.
"Whose Ally?"
My eyes widened. She didn't even know who she was. "You're Ally. Now please open your eyes."
"I don't know how to."
I sighed. "Please try."
I heard her grunt as she tried to open them. Her eyelids fluttered a little until her eyes were just barely open. She stretched them wider and started to blink.
"Oh my god," I said. "You're awake!!"
I gave her a huge hug. Strangely, she didn't hug back.
When we pulled away, she sat up on her bed.
"Where am I?"
"You're at the hospital," I told her. "You got into a car accident."
She shook her head. "I don't remember that."
I looked at her in worry. "Do you still not remember me?"
She looked at me for a few seconds trying to think. "I'm sorry but I have no idea who you are." She looked around the room at Trish, Kira, and Angie. "Oh hey Trish! Hey Kira! God, I missed you guys so much! Angie! Oh my goodness. Sweetie, come to Mommy."
My jaw dropped. For the millionth time today, I felt my heart shatter into a billion pieces. The love of my life.... doesn't remember me. She remembers everyone but me.
I watched as Trish handed Angie to Ally.
"Are you sure you don't know who I am," I asked her.
She stared at me for a few seconds again before saying, "I'm sure. You don't look familiar to me at all."
"What?! But I'm Angie's father. I'm your best friend. I'm your boyfriend!"
I kind of just spit out that last part out. I wasn't sure if we were still dating after what happened yesterday, probably not.
I glanced at Trish. Her eyes were wide as if she was saying, "How could you lie to her like that?" I just ignored her. Ally handed Angie to Kira.
"Really," she asked me. "I was going out with...." She looked me up and down once, used hand gestures and put a disgusted face on. "You?"
I nodded and stared at her in disbelief. Did she just technically call me ugly? That would be understandable though. I've been a nervous, crying wreck since this morning.
"Yeah. We were dating.... You seriously don't remember?"
She shook her head.
"Oh come on!! You have to!! We got together a few days ago!! We were at your house the night before and we kissed!! The next day, at Lunch, Trish and Dez were begging us to kiss again!! So we did! Afterwards, we got together because we loved eachother!! Remember? I told you I loved you more than pancakes!! I still love you more than pancakes!!"
Ally stared at the ground for a few seconds before looking back up at me.
"Please. Just say you remember!"
She shook her head. "I'm sorry..." She looked down again. I sighed.
"Hey," I stopped her. I pulled her chin up so she could face me. "Stop looking down like that! It doesn't give me a chance to stare into your beautiful, brown eyes."
She blushed, just like the first time.
I lifted her chin a bit more and did what I wanted to do, hoping it would jog her memory a little bit. I got lost in her eyes and I started leaning in. Slowly and gently, I pressed my lips against hers and put my hands around her waist. After a few seconds, she started kissing back and her arms were around my neck. I smiled into the kiss and deepened it. Sooner then I would've wanted, Ally pulled away. She stared at me with sadness in her eyes.
"Please," I pleaded. "Remember me."
"I'm sorry," she said again. "I can't.
The moment I opened my eyes, I remembered everything, everything but who this guy was sitting in front of me. He tried to tell me he was Angie's father, that he was my boyfriend. The moment his lips touched mine, I remembered. I knew who he was. He was Austin Moon and he WASN'T my boyfriend, not after his freakout yesterday. I pulled away from him once I figured out who the heck he was and I stared into his eyes. How did he get here? Did Kira tell him we were here? Am I even in New York right now? Did he actually still love me?
"Please," Austin said. "Remember me."
I gulped and replied, "I'm sorry. I can't."
I looked down again. Truth is... I just didn't want to remember him.
I couldn't believe she didn't remember me. I felt horrible. Then again, maybe this was for the better. She didn't remember me or who i am to her. For all I know, she might not even remember that i was the reason she was here in the first place. Maybe, I could convince her that it wasn't me who did this to her. Maybe I could convince her that I never did anything to hurt her. But no. That would be taking advantage of her memory loss and I can't do that to her... can I? No, I can't. That would just hurt her even more.
I just sat there on her bed, staring at her in sadness. She wouldn't even look me in the eye. Didn't she want to remember me?
"Ally, I know that-----"
"I'm back with the doctor!!"
We turned our heads to see Dez slam the door open and walk in with the doctor.
When he saw Ally was sitting up with her eyes open, he smiled slightly. "Oh good. You're awake. How do you feel?"
I looked at Ally. "I'm feeling alright," she said wimpily. "I'm in a lot of pain and my head hurts but that's about it."
The doctor nodded. "That's understandable. You were just in a coma. You hit her head really hard."
"Do you remember anything," the doctor asked her.
She nodded and answered, "Everything... except for this guy." She pointed at me and I sighed sadly.
"What's your name, young man," the doctor asked me.
"Austin Moon." I looked at Ally. "I'm her boyfriend."
Dez looked confused. "Wait, didn't you guys break up?"
I shrugged. "Well, we got into a fight but we never actually agreed to break up... sort of."
What? He thought we might be still together after that fight we had, and that note I gave my parents? Geez. This boy can't take a hint. I bet he didn't even realize until hours after our arguement that I had told him he was Angie's father.
"Listen," I said catching Austin's attention."I don't know who you are but I get a feeling that I don't want to know you. Now, can you please leave. I want to talk to my friends and I don't want a stranger in the room while I do."
Austin's frown got deeper and his eyes got watery but he didn't fight me. He got up and walked out the door slamming it behind him in frustration.
I looked down. I can't believe I completely lied to his face.
"Where's Daddy going," Angie asked.
I looked at my baby girl. "Oh sweetie. He's not your daddy."
She nodded. "Yeah, he is."
I shook my head. "Even if he is, I don't want you around him. I don't think he'd be a good influence."
I looked at everyone in the room. They stared at me looking kind of shocked.
"Well then," the doctor said. "I'll leave you and your friends to talk."
He left the room and Trish walked over to me and gently took a seat on the tip of my bed.
"Wow Ally," she said looking me over. "I can't believe this happened to you."
I shrugged. "Things happen, I guess."
She continued. "I can't believe you don't remember Austin."
"I remember him," I said frustrated.
Her eyes widened. "You do? But you just said-"
I put my hand up to stop her. "I know what I said. I lied. I remember him perfectly, too perfectly. The thing is... I wish I didn't remember him."
"Ally," Dez chimed in. "You shouldn't have lied."
I shrugged. "Why not," I asked him. "Austin deserves to feel pain for putting me in this hospital."
"You don't think he already feels it?"
I didn't say anything.
"The whole way here," he continued," Austin was crying. He was a wreck. He kept blaming himself. Told himself that if anything had happened to you, he might as well go die. He loves you, Ally!"
I looked down. "Maybe I don't believe in love anymore," I said.
"But look what love created," Trish said gesturing to my daughter.
I gave her look. "It's different with Angie. At that party, it wasn't love that made us do it. It was alchohol."
Trish sighed. "Ally, Austin does love you. Believe us! You didn't see how nervous he was when he found out you left again. He broke down crying because he knew it was his fault and he didn't want anything bad to happen to you."
"Well, he should feel bad. Look where I am right now."
Trish, Dez, and Kira gave me looks of disbelief.
"What is wrong with you," Dez asked.
I shrugged. "Oh, I don't know," I said sarcastically. "I'm scarred for life but that's probably not it."
Dez huffed. "No," he said. "I mean, you're being kind of unbelievable right now. You're being selfish and sarcastic and mean to Austin."
"Well can I help it," I argued. "He hurt me. This isn't something I can just forget about."
"Austin sure thinks you forgot about it."
I grumbled. "Ugh! You guys don't understand. My life has been so difficult. Do you know how hard it's been been raising my kid for two years with someone I don't even know and then coming back to the people I do know to receive hate from my daughter's father."
Kira looked at me with sadness. "We got to know eachother," she said softly.
"Yeah, but that's different. I didn't know you until I met you. You took me off the streets and I had no choice but to stay at your place because I was in such critical condition. Plus, I couldn't take care of Angie alone. I needed someone to help me. I didn't care who it was at the moment."
Kira was starting to tear up and I instantly felt bad. "Wait Kira, I didn't mean that. I just--"
"Save it," she said. "I know you're hurt right now, but that doesn't mean you have to be rude. Here," she said handing me Angie, "here's your child."
And with that she stormed out of the room.What have I done? "Dez. Trish, you understand why I'm so upset, right?"
"Yeah," Dez said "But like Kira was saying, you don't have to be rude."
He gave me a look, shook his head in frustration and left the room.
I looked at Trish. She was tearing up. "Look Ally, I know it's not your fault for feeling the way that you do. I know that it's the pain meds your on making you this emotionally unstable. I would love to stay and talk more, try to make you feel better, try to cheer you up but I think it's better if you rest. You don't seem in a talking mood and I don't want to be offended more then I already am but once you rest up, and you're feeling better, give me a call. I'll gladly drive down here to say hi." She patted my hand. She got up and started taking Angie from my arms. "I should probably take her. You need some time alone to rest. Don't worry. I'll bring her back later. Just get some sleep."
I nodded. She started to leave.
"I'm sorry," I said before she opened the door. Without turning around, she sighed, "I know you are," and she left... like all the others. I was alone. I drove them away. I looked down, covered my face in my hands and cried myself to sleep.
When Ally told me to leave, I did. I stormed out of the room, down the hospital stairs, through the main entrance and ran to the guy who worked at Dress-in Dans's car. I opened the door and hopped in the front seat. I held onto the steering wheel, placed my head on it and cried to myself. She didn't remember me. She didn't want to remember me. After what seemed like ten minutes, the passenger side door opened. I looked up to see Dez hopping in the car. He looked upset.
"What happened," I asked him.
He looked at me sympathetically. "Nothing," he replied. "Ally just isn't herself right now."
I sighed and knocked my head on the steering wheel. I kept hitting it upon the smooth surface in anger at myself. I hit it harder and harder and the tears came faster and faster.
"Austin," Dez yelled. "Stop it! You're gonna hurt yourself."
"Like I care," I said. "I already hurt Ally. Might as well, hurt myself. To make it even, you know."
I heard Dez sigh. "No, I don't know."
I glared at him. "You don't know anything," I said rudely.
He gave me a look. He shook his head in disappointment. "Between just you and Ally, I swear this afternoon has been full of nothing but rude comments. And your not even on pain meds. You have no excuse. For Ally, that's a different story."
Pain meds....
Maybe that's why she doesn't remember me. Maybe that's why she's lost her mind. Maybe. Just maybe.
Not even a minute later, Trish opened the door and climbed in the back with Angie.
"Ally said she's sorry," Trish said. "I told her to just get some rest."
"See," he told me. "Ally's on pain meds and she still had the decency to apologize.
I sighed. "I'm sorry Dez, for being rude. I'm just so upset right now."
He nodded. "I'm gonna tell you what I told Ally... I know you're upset but you don't have to be mean."
I looked down in shame. We just sat there quiet for a few minutes until I broke the silence.
"Where are we going to go?"
"What do you mean," Trish asked from the back.
"I mean," I started. "Where are we going to stay until Ally gets out of the hospital?"
Dez and Trish shrugged.
"I wish we would've gotten Kira's address. We could've crashed there a few nights."
I sighed. I took out my phone and did the only thing I could think to do. I went on Twitter and tweeted, "Hey. Is there anyone in New York City willing to let my friends and I crash a few nights? If your able to, kik me at @/moonboy1"
Immediately, I got a million of kik notifications. I scrolled through all the messages until I saw one believable enough for me. It was sent by a girl with the username @/doubletakelvr and it said, "Hi Austin Moon! I'm so excited that you finally gave us ur kik. I heard you're in NYC and need a place to stay. You can stay at my place, if you want!! I'm at the end of 21st Street. Please answer me!! You'd make me the happiest girl in the world." She also kiked me a picture of her in front of her house with her thumbs up.
I started my car.
"Where we going," Dez asked.
"First to Dress-in Dans to get our luggage and then to 21st street."
He gave me a confused look. "Why 21st street?"
I sighed. "There's a place we can stay there."
I went back on kik and replied to the girl, "Thank you for your help. I'll be there in about half an hour. Look out for a black truck."
Almost immediately she replied, "Oh my god!! You answered me!! I'm freaking out right now!! Okay, I'll look out for guys! How many of you are staying over and for how long? My mom needs to know!"
I kiked her back saying, "There's three of us and a baby. I don't know how long we'd be staying, just long enough for my friend to get out of the hospital."
She replied, "OMG, whose in the hospital? Why do you have a baby? Who else is with you?"
I rolled my eyes. My fans and their questions? I texted, "I'll tell you everything when I get to your place. Just look out for us."
She replied with a simple, "Okay :)"
I pressed down on the gas pedal and headed over to Dress-in Dans. Once we got there, we took our luggage and hopped back in his truck. He said we could borrow it as long as we want... Thank God.
When we got to 21st Street, I took my phone out and went on kik. I kiked her saying, "Hey, I'm almost there. Could you stand outside for us?"
She replied a few seconds later saying, "sure."
As we slowly drove down the road, I finally saw her standing outside her house with her phone in her hand. I pulled up next to her, parked on the side of the road and all of us, Trish, Dez, Angie and I got out with our luggage.
The girl starting freaking out. "Oh my god," she yelled. "You're actually Austin Moon. You actually chose to stay at my house! MY house!"
I nodded. "Well, I really needed a place to stay so..." I trailed off. I took Angie from Trish while she took hold of one of my bags.
"Aww," the girl exclaimed looking at Angie."Who's this little cutie?"
I smiled. "This is Angie... my daughter."
The girl's mouth dropped open. "You had a daughter?!?!?!"
I nodded. "Well, my friend gave birth to her but yes, I'm the father."
"Whose the mother," she asked cautiously.
I looked down and sighed. "Do you remember my songwriter, Ally Dawson," I asked her. She nodded. "Well... she's the mother..."
The girl's mouth dropped even more and suddenly her lips curved up into a smile. "Yes," she shouted into the air. "I knew Auslly was going to happen!!!!!"
I looked at her confused. "Auslly? What's that?"
She looked at me in disbelief. "It's you and Ally's ship name. A bunch of people these days ship you guys."
I was still confused. "What do you mean by ship us?"
"To ship two people," she explained, "is to want them to be together."
"Oh," I said. "A lot of people ship us?"
She nodded. I smiled. "Well I ship us too!"
When I said that she started completely FLIPPING OUT! "I have to put this on my blog," she shouted and took out her phone.
"Wait," I stopped her. "I don't mind if you blog that but please don't say anything about me being here until after I'm gone. I swear, if anyone finds out, Paparazzi will find me and they'll destroy your life."
She nodded. "Okay. This will be hard but I promise I won't say anything to anyone."
I smiled. "Thanks."
"So..." she continued. "Where is Ally, anyway?"
My smile disappeared as I remembered. I looked down speechless.
"She's," I gulped. "She's...." I trailed off. I couldn't say it.
"She's at the hospital," I heard Trish say.
"Why," the girl asked. "What happened to her?"
I threw my face into one of my hands.
"Car accident..." Trish said sadly.
The girl paused before asking the one question that caused me to break down for the billionth time today.
"But wait. What were even doing here in New York? Aren't you supposed to be in Miami right now?"
My eyes fluttered open. Where was I? Oh yeah, I was at the Hospital! I yawned and sat up. What happened yesterday, or whenever I was awake last? I know I had woken up once before but I had no clue what had happened. Those pain killers they put me on really can mess with your head. Speaking of my head, it hurt a lot at the moment. I pressed my hand up to it and rubbed. I felt weak. I wanted my friends. I wanted Austin... kind of. Too bad only God knows if they know where I am.
All of a sudden, a doctor walked in the room. "Oh good. You're awake. We were starting to get worried."
"How long was I out for," I asked him.
He shrugged. "About two weeks. We thought you might've found your way into a coma again."
I cringed. "A coma," I asked.
He nodded. "Yes. Two weeks ago you got hit by a car and found yourself in short coma. You woke up that day but fell back to sleep. This is your first time waking up since then."
"Oh." I looked at the floor.
"Your friends were worried about you."
My head shot up. "My friends," I asked him.
He nodded. "Yes, your friends. They come everyday for you."
"I didn't know they knew where I was."
He gave me a slightly confused look. "You saw them two weeks ago when they came in to say hi."
I looked at the ceiling. "I did?"
"Yeah. You don't remember?"
I shook my head.
"That's understandable," he said. "Your pain meds were very strong that day. It would make sence if you didn't remember anything."
"Well, what happened that day," I asked.
He looked at me sympathetically and I already felt myself tearing up.
"Okay, let's go," I yelled to my friends from the car. I honked the horn a few times before Trish and Dez came out with Angie and hopped in.
We were heading to the hospital again for the fifteen time since the first time we were there. Everyday, our visit would go the same way. We'd get to Ally's room, see her sleeping, and talk to the doctor. According to him, Ally hasn't woken up since the first time we were there. He didn't say he was worried but by his tone of voice, you could infer that he was. And if he was nervous, I became nervous. What if she really never woke up? I'd feel so dead...
That girl on 21st street was still letting us stay at her place. Turns out, her name is Meg and she has a huge Auslly blog dedicated to me and Ally. I looked through a bunch of her pics on my Tumbler account and I liked them. God, her followers were freaking out. I had decided to freak out the Auslly shippers even more by finally posting about Angie on Twitter. I took a picture with her and tweeted, "Selfies with her father.... Luv you Angie. So glad @/allydee and I made such a beautiful baby girl." People went nuts! Like seriously, they went crazy with the retweeting, and reposting, and the gossiping... they even trended #ausllybaby which really cheered me up. I also received a bunch of questions through Kik. I tried answering them all but of course, I knew that would've been impossible. The news was all over it too. Some of the issues posted about it were negative but they didn't bother me.
I parked my car in the hospital parking lot, and Trish, Dez, Angie and I got out.
"Is Mommy awake yet?"
I turned to Angie, took her out of Trish's arms and let her sit in mine. "I don't know, sweetie. Let's hope she is."
Angie didn't say anything else and we all walked into the hospital, to the third floor and to the floor's front desk.
"Excuse me," I asked the lady sitting there. "Is Abby Dawson taking any visitors at the moment?"
She looked at her computer and scrolled through a few things before saying, "You can go in."
"Thank you."
We walked to her room, down the right hallway, last door on the left. I took a deep breath before putting my hand on the doorknob and opening the door.
I expected to see a sleeping Ally when I opened it but I saw a crying Ally instead.
She turned to look at us. "Austin, Trish, Dez, Angie!!" She said my name, does she remember me now?
I ran up to her. I set Angie down on one of the chairs near the hospital bed and went to Ally. "Oh my god, you're awake," I said. "How are you feeling?"
She didn't say anything. Instead she just threw her arms around me and cried into my shoulder. At first, I was a little shocked but in a few seconds I was hugging back.
"Shh! Ally. What's wrong?"
She said into my shirt, "I feel terrible."
"You do," I asked her, "Do you need some Ibuprofen. Are you in pain."
She shook her head. "I feel terrible for being rude."
I pulled away from our hug. "What do you mean," I asked her.
She looked into my eyes. "A couple of weeks ago, I was awake and you guys came in to say hi? Am I correct?" I nodded. She continued, "And I was being rude to everybody, correct?" I looked at Trish and Dez. They nodded and shrugged at the same time. She continued. "I told you I didn't remember you, right?" I nodded. She sighed.
"Wait," I interrupted her questions. "Why are you saying that as if you don't remember that happening?"
She shrugged. "Because I don't. That's just what the doctor told me. My painkillers were apparently really messing with my head that day."
I sighed of relief. I knew it was the painkillers!!
"So," I started. "You remember me now?"
She nodded and looked up at the ceiling for a few seconds. "Yeah, I remember you. I just feel like I never forgot you..... It's kind of hard to forget what happened back in Miami before I left."
I looked down in shame. "I'm sorry about that, by the way," I told her. "I never meant to flip out on you. I just got angry because I care about you that much."
She didn't say anything but she stared into my eyes like she was in deep thought about something.
"I know I broke my promises and I know that I hurt you but I want you to know that I'm very happy with having Angie as a daughter. I am very happy that she's ours. I was just a little upset that you kept a secret like that from me for more than two years. I'm okay now though. I understand how difficult it must've been for you to tell me..... I'm sorry." I looked down. I felt a petite hand push my chin up so I could face her. "Hey," she said. "I'm the one who should be saying sorry."
I looked down again and she lifted my chin... again. "Stop looking down like that," she said. "It doesn't give me a chance to look into your beautiful brown eyes." I blushed. Ally sighed "You have no idea how much I'm in love with you right now."
I smiled. She really did remember. Ally cupped my face in her small, delicate hands. She looked from my eyes to my lips and I looked from her eyes to her lips as well. We started leaning in. I gently put my hands on her waist. She closed her eyes and I closed mine too. Before we knew it, our lips connected and they moved in perfect sync, like they were made for eachother, like we were made for eachother. I deepened the kiss and she accepted it. She attempted to her arms around my neck but I guess she was in a lot of pain that she leaned back to say ow.
"What's wrong," I asked her.
She shook her head. "Nothing. My arm was just acting weird. It like completely spazzed out." (Remember when she was in the accident and her arm bent the wrong way)
I took her arm in my grip and looked at it. It was a little swollen. "Can you bend it," I asked her.
She tried to bend it but it took the strength out of her and when she finally did it, I heard a loud crack followed by Ally yelling, "Ouch! Oh my god it hurts!" She tried bending back to the way it was but her arm wouldn't budge. It was stuck there.
"Ally, do you need the doctor? Does it hurt that bad?"
She nodded and closed her eyes in pain.
"Dez, get the doctor," I yelled at him.
"Ugh," he grumbled. "It's always my job to get the doctor. Why can't Trish get him this time?"
"Just go, you doof," Trish yelled as she pushed him out the door.
"Ally, it's gonna be alright," I said comforting her. "Just take deep breaths."
She tried to take deep breaths, she really did but she was in too much pain. She kept holding her arm, screaming. All of a sudden, her breathing almost stopped. I looked over at her. She had just passed out.
"Is Mommy gonna die," I heard Angie ask.
"No sweetie. Mommy's okay. She's just in a little pain.... I hope." I mumbled the last part so she couldn't hear me.
I turned to Trish. She looked at me and asked, "Why does this keep happening to her?"
I shrugged. I wanted to know too. Two weeks ago, it was her stomach. A few days so. I caught her gripping onto knee. Now her arm? When will her pain end?
Since the day Ally passed out because of her arm, she hasn't waken up. It's been eleven days. God, this is just like last time when she wouldn't wake up. I hated it. They took her into surgery to get her arm fixed up about a week ago. By now, her arm should be fine.
That girl, Meg, the one we're staying with is getting anxious. It's been more than three weeks and she still wants to tell the world that me and my friends crashed her house. She's doing a pretty good job keeping it a secret though.
She's really nice too. She's been helping take care of Angie along with everyone else. Trish handles the feeding, Dez works with getting her up in the morning, and Meg helps with the diapers. I pretty much do everything else.
She always talks about 'Auslly' and does what she calls, 'fangirling.' I don't really understand the term but based on what I've seen her do, 'fangirling' is when you jump up and down, squeal, hit your head against the wall, and then fall to the floor yelling, "I'm dead, I tell you, dead." The first time she 'fangirled' I got scared and almost called for an ambulance. It makes me happy that someone loves me and Ally together though. Meg's been asking about Ally. She's been really worried. She always asks if she can come to the hospital with us. I tell her no because we wouldn't want to overwhelm Ally in the small chance she wakes up again and has to take strong painkillers. I'm starting to give into Meg's constant begging though. It's so annoying, I'm just about ready to tell her that I'll only bring her if she shuts up. I mean that in the nicest way possible.
I was getting Angie ready to head to the hospital when Meg pulled me aside and asked me the question she asked me every single day.
"Hey Austin! Can I pretty please come with you guys today?"
I sighed. "No. Not today. Maybe tomorrow."
She grumbled. "Ugh. But you said the same thing yesterday!"
"And you asked the same thing yesterday," I said kind of annoyed."
I stuck Angie's socks on her tiny little feet.
Meg rolled her eyes. "But I really want to see Ally. She's like, my idol!"
"You said that yesterday too."
She smirked. "Oh come on! You know, I'm going to keep annoying you until you let me go!"
My eyes widened. "Please don't." I put Angie's left shoe on her left foot.
"I wanna go. I wanna go. I wanna go. I wanna go. I wanna go. I wanna go. I wanna go. I wanna go. I wanna go. I wanna go..." She kept repeating it over and over just to get on my nerves.
I stuck Angie's right shoe on her right foot. "Please stop," I told Meg, trying to sound polite.
"I wanna go. I wanna go. I wanna go. I wanna go. I wanna go. I wanna go--"
"ALRIGHT," I practically yelled, aggravated. I took a deep breath before saying, "Fine. You can come!"
"Yay," she yelled excitedly.
She ran off to get herself ready.
I rolled my eyes. I swear it's like taking care of another kid. Meg was nice and all but she can be really annoying sometimes.
I helped Angie put on her jacket and headed out to the truck. Trish and Dez were already in there waiting. I got in the driver's seat and handed Angie to Trish. I can't drive with her in my hands. I wish I could but I couldn't. I stared at the road impatient.
"What are you waiting for," Dez asked.
I sighed. "Meg. I told her she could come with us today."
"Well, it's about time," Dez stated.
I looked at him confused. "What do you mean?"
"That girl has been begging you for three weeks."
I shrugged and looked back at the road. I just wanted to see Ally again. I wanted to see her awake. I wanted to hug her and kiss her and tell her that everything's going to be alright and mean it. I wanted her to tell me that everything was going to be alright and mean it. I wanted the doctor to tell me everything would be alright and mean it.
I heard the car door open. I turned my head and saw Meg climbing in. I started the car.
"Lets get going," I said. I pressed my foot on the gas pedal and started driving.
After what seemed like forever, we finally arrived at the hospital. We walked inside, took an elevator to the third floor and found ourself heading to her room. Her doctor was just walking out. He stopped us.
"Hello Mr. Moon, others. Ally has waken up again." My face brightened. "But she woke up crying because her arm hurt. We put her on strong pain meds. She fell asleep again for about half an hour. She woke up again twenty minutes ago."
I sighed of relief. "Thanks for telling us doctor. We appreciate it." I reached for the doorknob.
"Wait," the doctor said putting his hand on my shoulder to stop me. "I must warn you, since she's on such strong pain killers, she'll be under the weather a little bit like the first day you came."
I nodded. "Okay. I understand."
"Oh. One more thing," he started. He looked at us sympathetically and sighed sadly. "She has amnesia right now."
My jaw dropped. "She lost her memory again?"
He nodded. "Yeah. But this time, it isn't just one thing she forgot... She doesn't remember anything."

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