Chapter 5

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When I parked in the driveway of my house and walked inside, immediately, all I could hear was crying and screeching.
"Mommy!!!! I want mommy!!"
I followed the screaming into the living room. When I walked in, Angie looked my way and gasped. "Mommy!"
She ran as fast as her little legs could carry her. I knealt down and she ran into my arms. She was still crying.
"Shh! Shh! Don't cry Angie! I'm home. Mommy's home." She calmed down a little as I rubbed her back to comfort her.
My mom walked into the room.
"It's about time you got home," she said. "She's been crying non-stop for two and half hours."
"Missed you. You weft." Angie said.
I looked at her. "Aww baby, I'm always gonna come back. I love you too much to leave you."
"Wuv you too!"
"She's been talking," my mom said.
I nodded. "She talks when she wants too. She knows simple words."
"How old is she again," my mom asked.
"She's sixteen months, almost 1 and a half."
I smiled at my baby girl. She smiled a big smile back. I laughed. "There's that smile I was looking for." I tickled her tummy. "There it is! There it is!"
My mom laughed. "You really love her, don't you?"
I nodded. "She's a part of me." My smile faded... because she's also a part of Austin.
I guess my mom could read my thought cause she said, "You haven't told him yet, have you?"
I shook my head, no.
She sighed. "Just take your time, honey. There's no need to stress over this."
"Okay," I said sighing as well. "Has Angie had anything to eat today?"
"Just some smashed bananas," my mom answered. "She had them three hours ago before she started breaking down."
I looked at Angie. "Are you hungry, baby girl?"
"Hungry," she repeated. I smiled.
"Hey mom, do you have any cherrios?"
My mom nodded. "Yeah. You want me to get her some?"
"Yes please. Right Angie? Say yes, please!"
"Yes, pwease," she repeated. I smiled again.
My mom left to get her her food and I placed Angela on the couch. I got up and walked across the room to turn on the TV to PBS Kids. Then I sat right back down next to Angie.
I yawned. God, I was tired. It's been a long two days back. As Angela was watching Clifford, ((Idk if that's still on but...)) I found myself dozing off.
I woke up two hours later when my mom shook ne awake. I yawned again.
"What is it," I asked my mom sleepily.
"Someone's at the door asking for you."
I sighed. It was probably Trish telling me how it went after I left school today. I looked over at Angie. She had fallen asleep as well with a half-empty bowl of cherrios on her lap. I smiled. After making sure she was comfortable, I walked to the door yawning again. When I noticed who was standing there at the door, I stopped.
"Austin," I asked him. "What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to talk to you," he answered.
I took another slow step towards the door. "Why?"
He looked down. "I just wanted to talk." He paused. "Can I come in?"
"Um.... Sure...."
He walked in and I shut the door. He started heading towards the living room... where Angie was.
"Stop," I said almost yelling. He paused. "Let's not go in there. Let's go into the kitchen and talk instead."
He shrugged. "Okay."
We walked into the kitchen and sat down in the chairs at the table.
"So," I started. "What do you want to talk about?"
He looked down for a second, sighed, then looked back up, into my eyes.
"Trish told me."
My jaw dropped. "She did what?"
"Trish told me why you left, who Angela was."
I found myself tearing up. Why did I trust her?
I shook my head. "How could she?"
"It's not her fault. Dez and I kind of dragged it out of her. We kept annoying her until she told us."
"Oh." I looked down. "I get it... I get if you hate me..."
"Why would I hate you," he asked like he really didn't know.
I covered my face with my right hand. "Because I kept such a big secret from you."
"About that. I really didn't see any reason that you had to keep that a secret."
"Well, I thought you guys would defriend me if I told you what happened."
He gave me a confused look. "Why would we defriend you because of a silly thing like that?"
It was my turn to look confused. "What do you mean by 'silly thing like that?'
This was his kid he was talking about. Why in his right mind would he say that the fact I was pregnant with his child was silly? Like, what the hell?
"Well, I'm not trying to be mean but you leaving because of that, seems below you."
"Wait, what--"
He interrupted me. "I mean, I didn't think you were the jealous type, and to be jealous enough that you'd run away from the people that love you, it doesn't seem like you."
Now I was really confused. "Um... Austin, if you don't mind me asking, what exactly did Trish tell you at lunch today?"
"She told us that Angela was your mom's new baby girl. And she told us that you ran away because you were scared that the baby was going to take up more space in your parent's life and that you thought they wouldn't have time for you after your mom gave birth."
"Oh." I didn't say anything after that. Austin was right. That did sound way below me. Why would Trish say that?
"So why exactly did you choose to run away because of that? And why did you mention the Senior party in the letter you gave to your parents when you did?"
I bit my lip. "You saw that?"
"I kept it," he said. "It was the last thing I had of you and I read it day in and day out, trying to figure out why you left."
"Oh." I thought of an excuse fast. "Well, that week was my menstrual cycle week and mainly I wouldn't have been so depressed but because of the hangover I got from getting drunk at that party, I was even more hormonal and wanted nothing to do with the baby or my parents."
I couldn't believe I was lying to him right now. I felt so bad.
"Then why'd you come back?"
"Because... I realized I had been stupid to leave my uh... sister and my parents like that. I wanted to see them again. Plus, I missed you guys, you, Trish, and Dez."
"Well, I'm glad you came back."
I nodded and sighed. "Me too."
"I just have one more question."
I flopped my head back on my seat. "Why do you ask so many questions," I whined.
He laughed. "I have just one more."
"Okay. Shoot."
"If your mom was pregnant and gave birth to a child in the past two years, then how come when I came over every day, I never saw her baby bump, and how come she never told me about it? How come she was always at home instead of at the hospital?"
I had no responce to that question. I had no idea what to say. "Um... That's a question to ask my mom." I shrugged.
"Oh, he said. "Okay."
We sat in silence for a few seconds until I heard him ask, "Can I see her?"
"Who? My mom?"
He shook his head. "No... Angela."AUSTIN's POV:
I don't know why I asked to see Ally's little sister. It was like my conscience was telling me that I had to meet her. When I asked Ally, I noticed she suddenly got really scared and she didn't answer right away. Honestly, she looked really cute scared but I hated seeing her THIS scared.
"So..." I asked. "Can I?"
"I guess so..." She sighed. "Follow me!"
We stood up and I followed her into her living room to find a little girl no more than one and a half years old sleeping on the couch.
"Oh look, she's sleeping," Ally said sounding rushed. "Better not bother her right now. Let's go back into the kitchen." She took me by the wrist and tried pulling me back.
"Wait a second." She let go of my wrist as I walked closer to Angela. Ally slowly followed me from behind. I stopped when I was standing right above her. I knealt down in front of the couch and got a good look at her. She was snoring a little. I smiled.
I looked over at Ally. She was smiling too. "Aww. Ally, she's so cute!"
"I know."
I turned back to Angela. She had blonde hair, a small button nose, small slightly-parted lips, strong, adorable cheekbones. She kind of reminded me of someone I knew. I just couldn't put my finger on it....
"She looks familiar," I said to Ally.
She nodded and I swear I saw her bite her lip. I ignored it.
I noticed the bowl of cherrios on her sister's lap. She looked kind of uncomfortable. I took the bowl in my hand and placed it on the ground next to me.
That's when Angela stirred. She moved around until I saw her eyes flutter open.
"Oh no," I heard Ally mutter.
"You okay," I asked her.
"Yeah. I'm fine"
I swear I heard her gulp though.
"You sure?"
She nodded.
She came up next me and knealt down. We were so close. It felt so good.
Angie was still waking up. She let out a little yawn. It was so cute.
"Aww," I said.
"Yeah," Ally started. "She's the most adorable thing. I love her so much."
It was then that Angie noticed we were there. She looked at Ally.
"Mommy," she asked.
Did she just call her sister her mom? I looked at Ally. She hesitated and nervously said, "Angie, mommy's not in the room right now. Do you need anything?"
"Thirsty..." she replied cute as a lamb.
I awed her again. I caught Ally smiling.
"Okay Angie. Do you want milk, orange juice, water...?"
"Juice," she managed to say.
"Okay." Ally got up. "Austin, I'm gonna go get her some juice. Stay here with her please."
"Sure thing."
She walked off into the kitchen and left me alone with her sister.
"Who are you," the little girl asked me.
"I'm Austin, you're sister's best friend." I smiled at her.
She looked confused. "Me no have sissy," she replied.
Aww! Poor Ally! She's only been here for two days and her sister doesn't even know she's her sister.
"Yeah, you do. Ally, the one who was just in the room. She's your sister."
She shook her head. "Mommy," she said.
I sighed. I wouldn't put any pressure on her since she was so young. She looked so adorable when she was confused.
"Say, you're pretty cute," I said booping her nose.
She smiled at the boop I gave her and she started giggling. Her laughter was so adorable.
"Cute, ain't she?"
I turned around to see Ally's mom standing behind me watching us.
"Yeah, she's really adorable."
Her mom walked up to the couch.
She smiled. "So Ally finally told you?"
I nodded. "Yeah. I can't believe you were pregnant with Angie a few years ago and I didn't even realize it, especially since I was over so often."
Her mom's smile dropped.
"So she didn't tell you."
I gave her a confused look.
"What do you--"
"I'm back with the OJ!" I heard Ally practically yell from the other side of the room interrupting my conversation with her mom. She rushed over to us. "Hey mom," she said out of breath. "How's it going?"
Her mom gave her a look. "It's going good."
"What did I miss," Ally asked.
"Well, you're mom was about to tell me something about Angie," I answered.
"Was she now," she asked giving her mom a look.
"I think he deserves to know."
"What happened to, 'tell him when I'm ready?'
"Look at how well he's playing with Angela. You don't think it's time he knew?"
"I don't know. I'm scared."
"How about I just tell him for you?"
"Cause I think it's better if I tell him myself!"
"Then tell him right now. Just get it over with!"
Ally paused and looked at me. She looked at Angela. She shook her head, started tearing up and said, "I can't."
"Why not," Ally's mom asked.
"Ugh!! You don't understand!" And with that she ran out of the room.
I stood up. "Ally, wait!" She ignored me and ran upstairs, probably to her room.
I turned to her mom.
She had a small smirk on her face. "Go get her tiger!" I was confused. Why was she smirking?
I shook it out of my head and started walking towards the staircase.
"Wait," her mom stopped me. "Bring Angie with you!"
I was confused but I nodded anyway. I went to the couch, and knealt down to pick her up. Once I had her in my arms, I walked out of the room and up the stairs of her house.
"Where we going," Angie asked.
"To your sissy's room."
"Me have no sissy!"
I couldn't believe my mom! Why would she think to fight with me over something like this?! Didn't she know how hard it was for me to confront Austin about something like this. I ran out of the living room and up into my bedroom. I slammed the door shut and sat on my bed crying my eyes out into my hands.
A minute later, I heard a knock on the door.
"Go away," i yelled at whoever it was.
But of course, I hear the door open anyway.
"Ally, it's me Austin!"
I wiped the tears from my eyes and looked over at him. He walked in... with Angie in his arms. When I saw him doing such a fatherly act, I couldn't stop myself from crying again.
He walked over to my bed and sat down right next to me, still holding my baby girl.
"Why are you crying again," Austin asked.
"It's not important."
"Ally, I know that's not true."
"Why so sad," I heard Angie ask.
"I don't know. You're sissy just isn't feeling herself right now," Austin answered.
"Me no have sissy," she replied.
My eyes widened in shock. I looked over at them.
Austin shrugged. "She's been saying that. Weird right?"
"Yeah," I said. "Weird..." The tears flew even more.
Austin wrapped his free arm around me and held me strong but gentle. It felt... good. I was still looking at them. They were so close, it was easy to see the resemblance between them. I looked down.
"Ally," Austin asked. "What was the fight you had with your mom about? Is there something you aren't telling me?"
I shrugged. "I really don't want to talk about it."
He sighed. "Okay, but remember, when I'm ready, I'll be here."
I stared into his eyes for a few seconds before breaking the gaze.
"Hey, Angie! Wanna play on the floor for a little bit?"
She nodded her head excited. Austin lay her down on the floor and she immediately flew under my bed. Man, she loved it under there!
Austin scooted closer to me. I blushed a little but hid it well under my fear.
"Austin, I need you to assure me."
"What do you mean by assure you," he questioned.
"I mean... I need you to assure me that whatever I tell you, whatever happens, you won't be mad at me, you won't be mad at yourself, and you'll stay by my side through it all."
He looked me in the eye. "Of course Ally, I couldn't imagine it any other way."
I mumbled, "I could."
Austin sighed. "Ally, I don't like seeing you this way, scared, upset, untrusting...."
"I hate feeling this way too but it's so hard to feel safe and secure. If you knew everything, you'd understand why I'm so fearful of everything. I just wish I could come right out and tell everyone what's going on in my life knowing that nothing would go wrong and everyone would treat me the same way."
He didn't say anything for a second. He just took my hand. I felt sparks. "Ally," he asked. "What Trish said at Lunch, is it true or was it just a cover-up for you?"
I paused before saying, "Both."
I looked down.
"Hey," Austin stopped me. He pulled my chin up with his two middle fingers so I could face him. "Stop looking down like that. It doesn't give me a chance to look into your beautiful, brown eyes."
I blushed again. He let go of my chin but held my gaze. He sighed. "You have no idea how much I love you right now."
I paused for a second confused. "Wait, wha--"
I didn't even get to finish questioning him on what he had just said because before I knew it, his soft, full, lips were on mine. It felt so beautiful. It reminded me of our first kiss two years ago at the senior party but this time he was gentle... and not drunk.
I found myself slowly but passionately kissing back. One of his arms slowly wrapped around my waist pulling me closer. I wrapped one of my arms around his neck. We kept our other hands together and intertwined our fingers.
I felt safe. I felt secure. I felt loved... and by my daughter's father too. That made me feel like the happiest girl in the world.
I can't believe I just did that. I kissed her so suddenly, I probably really scared her. Do I regret it though? No... because she was kissing back. Ally Dawson, my crush since three years ago was kissing me back!! It felt so beautiful! The sparks I got when our lips touched felt truly amazing. We were still holding eachother's hand and I didn't want to let go but I wanted to get closer to her. With my free hand I gently put my arm around her waist and brought her closer to me. She, with her free hand, threw her arm around my neck. We got so lost in the kiss, it was like we were the only two people on Earth. I never wanted it to be over but of course, everything good must come to end. It was when I felt an unfamiliar hand on my shoulder that I finally pulled away. I looked at Ally and smiled before turning around to see Ally's mom standing there with Angie in her arms. My smile faded.
Oh no.
"Hey guys. I would've let you continue but you've been going at it for like, fifteen minutes and I really need Ally's help getting Angie to bed."
My jaw dropped. Fifteen minutes? I blushed.
"So yeah," she continued. "If you two could wrap it up..."
She walked away and I turned back to Ally. I was still holding her hand. "Ally, I'm sorry if I startled you. It's just... I've been wanting to do that for ages now and seeing you here, looking this beautiful, I just couldn't help myself..."
"It's okay," she giggled. "I quite enjoyed it actually." She blushed.
My face brightened.
"I'm glad to hear that."
I then smashed my lips against hers one more time for a few seconds and pulled away.
"I enjoyed that too," Ally said giggling again.
I smiled. "Come here!" I pulled her in for a hug and nestled my head in her shoulder.
"You can tell me anything, Ally. Okay? You can tell me anything, good or bad and I'll always be here for you," I whispered in her ear.
"I promise. Just remember, you can come to me!"
She pulled away and smiled. I saw her wipe a tear off her face.
"Woah, woah, why are you crying again?"
"These are tears of joy, Austin. Don't worry."
"Okay. Good." I hugged her again smiling. She was happy and because she was finally happy, I was happy.
I pulled away.
"So I guess I better get going," I said.
She nodded. "Yeah."
We got up and she walked me out of her room, down the staircase, and to the front door.
"Thanks for cheering me up Austin," she said.
"No problem, Ally! I'll do anything for you."
I swear I saw her cheeks go pink.
"It's nice to hear that from some one once in a while."
I smiled and took her hand. "Just promise me that you'll stay here with me. I don't want you leaving me again because I..." I hesitated. "I... I love you."
Ally smiled. "You know what?"
"I think I love you too."
Hearing her say those words made me feel like the happiest person in the world.
"Well, I'm glad to hear that." I leaned over and gave her a quick kiss on her cheek.
I let go of her hand and started walking to my car.
"Austin, wait!!"
I turned around.
"I need to tell you something."
I walked back up to her.
"What is it," I asked her.
"It's Angie! She's... She's not..." Ally bit her lip and stopped herself.
"She's not what?"
Ally shook her head. "Never mind. It's not important."
"Are you sure?"
She nodded. "Yeah, I'll just tell you later..."
I stared into her eyes. She was still hurting. She was still hiding something from me... but I really didn't want to rush her.
I sighed. "Just take your time."
I hugged her one more time before leaving her house for the night.
When he let go of our last hug, he left. I watched as he drove off. Once he was out of my eye sight, I headed back inside and into the kitchen of my house.
My mom was sitting at the table. I sat down next to her.
"Did you tell him," she asked.
I shook my head. "I was so close to telling him. I wanted to. I was about to. There's just something in the back of my head telling me that I can't, that I shouldn't."
"Oh Ally! I'm so sorry." She paused. "Are you and Austin, you know, an item now?"
I shrugged. "I don't know but I know he likes me."
"No. Of course he doesn't like you. I mean, it's not like he just kissed you for fifteen minutes straight."
I blushed.
"And it's so obvious you don't like him. I mean, it's not like you were kissing back or anything."
I blushed even harder. "Mom, stop it! You're embarrassing me!"
"I'm your mother. I'm supposed to embarrass you."
"But you were never this bad before I left. When Austin came over today, you completely made a fool out of me."
She shrugged. "I missed out on two years of my baby's life. Of course I'm gonna make up for lost time."
I rolled my eyes and smiled.
"I embarrass you 'cause I love you," she said.
I laughed. "Yeah sure!"
She laughed too. "Come here, Sweetie," she said putting her arms out for me.
I walked up to her and hugged her.
When I pulled away, she held onto my shoulders.
"Listen Ally. I trust Austin especially after today and how he treated Angie. I know I've said this a million times already in the past two days but I am not kidding. You need to tell him the truth about all of this." I looked down. She continued. "And just so you know, I wasn't going to tell him this afternoon while he was over. I was just trying to get you to speak up and tell him yourself."
I nodded. "It's okay Mom. I get it." She smiled. I sighed. "How about this? I'm gonna promise you, I'm gonna promise myself, that tomorrow will the day. Tomorrow will be the day i tell him."
-The Next Morning-
I woke up to the sound of the alarm clock sitting on a small table next to my bed. I sat up and yawned. Today was the day. Yippee :/
I got out of bed, and found my way to my buerro. I took out a yellow and orange polka dot shirt, and some red skinny jeans. I got dressed for the day and walked downstairs to the heart-warming smell of something cooking. My mom was in the kitchen cooking it.
"What are you making," I asked her. "It smells good."
Of course, it's always the pancakes that catch ny eye...
"Well, I'll have a few."
"Okay," she said. "Hey Ally, can you watch Angie this afternoon? I have a doctor's appointment and you're dad will be out- like always."
I nodded. "Sure. Why wouldn't I? She is my daughter after all."
My mom smiled. "I won't be back until around seven at night. Are you sure you can handle taking care of her alone for that long."
I nodded again. "Of course. Besides, I can always call one of my friends over for company."
"Like Austin?"
I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, it should probably be him. I promised you I'd tell him today, yesterday, didn't I?"
She nodded. "And I don't expect you to back down from that promise, Missy."
I sighed. "So is Angie still in bed?"
"Yep. I checked on her earlier. She was having a kind of restless night. She was sleeping but she was tossing and turning a lot."
Aww! Poor thing! "I'll go check on her now."
I walked upstairs and into the nursery. My mom was right. She was still tossing and turning. I walked up to her tiny little bed and knudged her awake.
"Angie, wake up. Angela, wake up baby girl!"
Her eyelids fluttered open.
"Mommy," she asked yawning.
"Yes, sweetie?"
She rubbed her eyes. How cute! "Someting bad gonna be today..."
I cringed my eyebrows. "Huh?"
"Someting bad gonna be today," she repeated.
I shook my head. "Nonsense. Today's gonna be a good day, honey. Did you have a bad dream?"
She nodded.
"Aww, sweetie, come here."
I opened my arms for her and she hopped into them.
"Now, how about we go downstairs for breakfast? Grammie's making pancakes."
She shook her head fast. "Pancakes were in dream."
I looked at her confused for a second before sitting her back down on her bed.
"What was your dream about, Angie."
"Bad stuff."
"Like what?"
She bit her lip a little bit. "Fighting, crying, leaving... Austy there,"
"You mean my friend, Austin, the one who came over last night?"
She nodded.
"What was he doing in your dream?"
She looked up to the ceiling like she was trying to think. "He fighting, crying."
I nodded. "About what? What made him cry? What made him fight?"
"Me," she said pointing to herself.
I can't believe Ally and I kissed last night. It was so special. It felt so good, all I wanted to do was kiss her again.
I was still bummed about how she still wasn't comfortable with sharing her secret with me,but at least we're getting closer.
I got to AP English right when the bell rang, so I was confused when I saw Ally's desk was empty. Hmm...
I waited the whole class for her to run through the door shouting, "I'm sorry I'm late," but she never showed up. Honestly, I was worried. What if last night actually really scared her and she didn't want to see me again? What if that's why she wasn't here right now?
As first block ended, I started heading over to Spanish when Austin stopped me in the hall.
"Hey Trish! Do you know where Ally is?"
I shook my head. "No, why? Was she not in Ap English with you?"
"She wasn't... and now I'm really scared. I went over to her house yesterday after school to confront her about what you said at Lunch."
My eyes widened. "You did?? What did she say?"
"She said that what you said was correct. She showed me Angie. Angie was the most adorable thing ever and Ally seemed to care about her a lot."
"Yep.... Anyway, do you think your confronting scared her? Do you think that's why she's not here right now?"
Austin shrugged. "I don't know, maybe. It might have to do with what else happened last night?"
I raised my eyebrows. "What else happened last night?"
He hesitated. "Um... okay Trish. Don't freak out when you hear this but.... Ally and I... we kissed last night!"
My jaw dropped to the floor and a huge smile crept on my face. "Oh my god!! You did what?!?!?!"
"We kissed."
"OMG! Did you like it?! Did she like it?! What happened afterwards?! Are you an item now? Are you dating?! What did Ally say?! Do you love her?! Did you--"
"Hold up! Hold up," Austin said stopping me. "You are asking way too many questions right now!"
I sighed. "Sorry... So... Tell me about it, tell me everything!" He gave me a confused look. "What? I'd be interrogating Ally right now but she's not here so I have no choice but to interrogete you instead. Now spill it!"
"Spill what?"
I turned my head to see Dez walking this way.
"Austin kissed Ally last night and I'm trying to get him to spill the deets on it!"
"OMG!!! Austin, you kissed Ally?!?!"
"OMG!! This is huge," he shouted jumping up and down.
"I know right!!!!!" I jumped up and down with him for a few more seconds then turned back to Austin.
"Okay, NOW, you HAVE to spill it!!!"
"Well," Austin began. "We were talking about how she could tell me anything and she kept looking down in disappointment so I lifted her chin up to look into her eyes... and I couldn't help myself."
"Aww," I said. "I knew you liked her! I told her over and over that you did but she didn't believe me! Now, she knows!"
"What happened next," Dez asked.
"Well," Austin continued. "She kissed me back and it was so magical. It felt like it was only us in the room. Her mom stopped us fifteen minutes later."
I squealed. "OMG!! You guys kissed for fifteen minutes?!"
He hesitated. "I got caught up in the moment..."
Dez and I smirked.
"Are you, ya know, together?"
He shrugged. "I don't know. I want us to be. We like eachother, that's for sure."
"Woah," Dez said. "She told you she liked you?"
"Actually," Austin smiled and blushed. "She told me she loved me and I told her I loved her too."
Dez and I squealed and jumped up and down again.
That was when the bell rang.
"I got to go to Spanish," I said. "But this is not over!"
As I walked into the classroom, I was reminded that Ally wasn't here. That left me wondering if she really wasn't here because of what happened last night with her and Austin. Throughout all of Spanish class, I kept an eye on the door, hoping that she would at least pop her head in. I hoped she wasn't mad at me for telling such a lie to Austin. Honestly, I wasn't that worried, but in the back of my head, there was a small fear of the worst that could've happened. What if... What if she ran away again?!
It was lunch time now. Trish, Dez and I sat at our usual table. I was still worried about Ally.
"I'm really worried about Ally," Trish said.
Ha! I guess I wasn't the only one.
"Me too," I agreed. "What if she's not here because of me?"
Trish shrugged. "What if she's not here because of me? What if she.... ran away again?"
My eyes widened. "Trish," I shouted. "I can't believe you would bring up such a possibility. We're already nervous enough."
"I know," she said cursing herself. "I shouldn't have thought of that... but I'm still scared. What if something happened to her? What if something happened to Angie?"
"Whose Angie," Dez asked.
"She's Ally's new baby sister!"
I looked over at Trish. She looked down and bit her lip.
"I'm just really worried,"she said.
I sighed. "Can we just stop thinking about the negative and hope for the best?"
Trish nodded. "Yeah, that's what we should be doing! We should try to be thinking about the positive reasons she might not be here."
Dez and I looked off into space trying to think of some.
"I got nothing." Dez said.
I sighed. "Me neither!"
I was late. I was really, really late!
When I woke up Angie and she started telling me about her dream, I wanted to hear more. We had like, an hour discussion about it. She said she dreampt Austin was fighting with me over something having to do with her and then we left him. She said in her dream, Austin was wearing a purple shirt with a picture of pancakes on it. That's why she wouldn't eat the breakfast my mom made us. She was scared of the pancakes. After she told me what her dream was about, it took half an hour for me to assure her that it was just a stupid nightmare, nothing more.
Then, I finally had breakfast and got ready for school. I didn't really care that I was late. I was helping Angie and she is my main proirity. My mom couldn't drive me because my dad took the car out this morning so I had to walk, making me even later then I already was. It was around 11:30 when I finally arrived to school. It was lunch time. I hurried to my locker to put away my stuff and I headed to the cafeteria.
When I entered, I saw my friends sitting where they usually sat. They didn't see me walk in. They looked worried, especially Austin. I wondered if it was me they were worried about. I didn't tell them I'd be late and considering everything that happened yesterday, they might've guessed I ran away again or something along those lines...
I was starting to getting nervous. I remember what I promised my mom, that I'd tell Austin the truth today. I mean, I loved him. He loved me. I know that for sure now. It should be easy to tell him... right?
As I got closer to them, I kept my eyes locked on Austin. Were we even together? Was he going to acknowledge what happened last night? Was he even going to acknowledge me?
When I got up to them, they looked my way and finally saw me.
"Hey guys," I greeted them before they could say anything. "Sorry, I'm late! It took a while to get Angie up and ready for the day."
Everyone sighed huge breaths that I could tell they didn't know they were holding in. I sat down next to Austin.
"Thank god you're here," Trish said.
"Haha! I would've been here earlier but like I said, I had to take care of Angie first."
Austin sighed a happy sigh."I'm just so glad you're here, Ally! You had us so worried," he said pulling me in for a hug. "I love you so much. Don't ever be late like that again without warning us first!"
I smiled. He did acknowledge what happened last night. He told me he loved me again. As he pulled away, he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. I blushed.
I turned to see who that came from.... Trish and Dez.
"What," I asked them.
They smirked. "We know about the kiss."
I turned to Austin. "What," he asked. "It was such a special moment that I had to tell somebody about it."
I rolled my eyes and smiled. "It was pretty special, wasn't it?"
He smiled.
"You know," Trish cooed. "We don't exactly know what it looked like. How about you demonstrate it for us?"
My eyes widened. Was she asking us to kiss again... in front of her... in front of the whole lunch room.
"I don't know, Trish," I said. "What made it special, was the fact that we were alone."
"The way Austin described it, the kiss made him feel like you were the only two people in the world. If you really loved eachother and you kissed right now, wouldn't you be able to look past all of the people who may be watching?" Trish was smirking like crazy now.
I looked over at Austin and he was already staring at me with a slight smile on his face. He shrugged before pulling me in for kiss.
I was startled at first but it felt so right. I found myself sighing into it, pulling myself closer to him, kissing him back. We intertwined our fingers on one hand and with the other, he put it around my waist, I put mine around his neck. It was just like last night only a little better. Strangely, it became only us in the room like Trish had pointed out before, and I liked it that way. His lips felt like they were made for mine and I suddenly couldn't wait to tell him about Angela. Maybe, he'd actually be happy about it! If he loved me as much as it seemed he did, then I shouldn't worry about his responce to finding out Angie was our child. I should be excited to see his happy face when he finds out Angie is his.
It was when we heard the bell ring that we let our lips lose contact. We stayed close though. We touched foreheads and breathed heavily onto eachother's faces. I bit my lip and sighed.
"That was wonderful," I said.
He laughed. "Are we, you know, together now?"
I smiled. "If you want us to be."
It was his turn to smile. "I do."
"Well then, Austin Monica Moon, I am proud to call you my boyfriend!"
He hugged me tight and I hugged him tighter.
We heard a monotonous clapping sound coming from somewhere near us. We looked up to see a smirking Dez and Trish, clapping their hands in unison.
"Ten minutes," Dez said.
"Your kiss lasted ten minutes."
I blushed. I completely forgot they were watching the whole thing.
The second bell rang for us to get to class.
"I guess we better get going, Austin," I said.
He nodded. We stood up and he put his arm around me.
"See you later guys," Trish said still smirking. "Have fun in class."
I rolled my eyes and Austin and I walked down the hall to Science.
"Hey Austin?"
"Yeah, Ally?"
I sighed. "Do you want to know why I left and why I came back?"
His eyes brightened. "Yes! Please!"
I gave half a smile. "Then come over my place again today. I'll tell you there."
"Okay," he said. Promise?"
I slightly rolled my eyes. "Yes, I promise!"
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" He hugged me tight and quickly let go.
"I love you Austin, more than anything and I finally feel ready to tell you so..."
"I love you too Ally, more than pancakes. That says a lot," He said pointing to his shirt.
That's when I noticed it. That's when I noticed his shirt. My jaw dropped to the floor when I saw what he was wearing. This couldn't be. This was impossible. There was no way... He had on a purple tee, and firmly planted in the center of the shirt, was a picture of a stack of pancakes.
The whole rest of the day, I tried to ignore the fact that Angie technically dreamed up what Austin would wear today. It must have been just some kind of coincedence... right? I mean, Angie said that Austin and I got into a fight in her dream but right now, we're nothing but close. It's not like she's some kind of psychic or anything.
After Algebra, Austin and I met up in the hallway.
"So, we're going over your house now?"
I nodded. "Yep. Do you want to walk home with me or do you want stop by your place before coming over?"
"I'll walk with ya!"
"Okay, let's go then!"
He put his hand out for me to take. I took it. Hand in hand, we walked out the school doors and down the road to get to my house.
I couldn't believe I was saying this but I was still very nervous. I mean, most of my nerves had gone away after we kissed at Lunch, but when I saw his shirt the prominition that something would go wrong came back to me. I promised my mom I'd tell him. No matter what the hell happened, I wasn't going to back down from that promise.
Right when we arrived at my house, my mom was walking out the door.
"Oh, you're here! Perfect timing."
"Hey Mom," I greeted her.
"Hello Miss Dawson," Austin said.
She smiled. "Hello Austin. I'm glad to see you back here after what happened last night."
"Glad to be back."
My mom glanced at me, then she glanced at the space between us, there was none.
"Are you two... together now?"
I blushed. "Yeah," Austin said looking at me with a smile. He squeazed my hand that he was still holding.
"I knew you two would finally call it official one day. And Austin," she said looking at him. "Treat her right, please."
"Wouldn't treat her any other way, Ma'am," he said assuring her.
"I know... Anyway," she said turning to me. "Angie's playing in the living room. She's had breakfast and lunch already today so go easy on the snacks. And..." She walked up to me and whispered something in my ear so softly that Austin couldn't hear it. "She won't stop talking about her dream. Just take note of that. Also, I'm still expecting you to tell Austin the truth."
I nodded. "I promised, didn't I," I whispered back almost sighing.
My mom pulled herself away from my ear and smiled.
"Okay, you two. I am off to my doctor's appointment. Ally, I will see you at seven."
I nodded. "Bye Mom!"
"Bye Miss Dawson," Austin said.
"Bye." And with that, she walked off to her car, got in and drove away.
Austin and I walked inside and into the living room to see Angie playing on the floor with building blocks.
"Hey Angie," I said knealing down next to her.
"Hi," she said back.
Austin knealed down next to me as well. "Hey Angie! Remember me?"
"You, Austy!"
Austin smiled at the cute nickname she had given her.
"Yep, that's me."
He booped her nose and she giggled. I smiled. That was such a fatherly thing to do.
"Angie," I asked. "Do you want anything?"
"Juice," she said. I sighed. It was her favorite. I got up and walked into the kitchen to get her some OJ. When I walked back into the living room, Angie was on the floor having a laughing fit and Austin was tickling her tummy, going, "Where's Angie? There she is."
I couldn't help but laugh along. It was so cute, what he was doing. I knealed back down next to him."Hey Angie, I got your juice."
Austin stopped tickling her and she sat up trying to stop her laughing. I handed her her zippy-cup filled with OJ and she scarfed it down.
Austin and I looked at eachother. I guess she was thirsty.
After about two hours of playing with Angie. Austin stood up and sighed. "I have to go. My parents wanted me home by five.
"Aww, do you have to go?"
He nodded. "Hey, trust me, If i had the choice to stay here with you guys or not, I'd stay here with you forever."
I smiled. He came up to me and gave me a hug.
I walked him to the door. If I was going to tell him who Angie was, it had to be now, before he left.
"Hey Austin," I said. "Before you go, don't you want to know the truth on why I left and why I came back?"
"Oh my gosh, I forgot about that! I had so much fun playing with you and Angie...."
I smiled.
"Okay. Here goes..." I hesitated. "You know how we told you that Angie is my little sister and my mom's daughter?"
"Yeah," he said, pleading for more.
"Well, stuff happened that week before I left and I can't believe I'm saying this but..." I trailed off.
"But what?"
I sighed. "Angie isn't my mom's daughter... She's actually mine."
"She's actually... mine."
My eyes widened. I couldn't believe it! Ally ran away because she was pregnant with Angela? Angela... was hers? I suddenly got really, really angry. "So that's what happened at that Senior party two years ago?! You had sex with some guy?"
"Well, I never intentionally meant to. It kind of just happened... We were drunk and I had no idea what we were doing!"
"Who was it?! Who'd you do it with?!"
"I can't believe you don't remember!"
"Well, of course I don't remember. I was drunk!"
"I was drunk too but I still remember."
She wiped the sweat off of her forehead.
"Okay. Whatever! You remember, I don't! I just want to know who this idiot is who got you pregnant!
She stared at me in disbelief, started tearing up and said to herself, "I knew it was a bad idea to come back. I knew this would fricking happen!"
"You knew what would happen? That I'd get pissed when I found out some stranger raped you?"
She shook her head again. "He was no stranger!" She was crying now.
"Then who the hell was it?! I'm gonna pound him!"
"Go pound yourself, Austin!!"
And with that she slammed the door in my face, leaving me out there in shock.
AN: Quick reminder. I wrote this years ago but still appreciate Feedback. Thanks! 2 B Continued.

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