Chapter 11 lazari teen

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Electric POV- "Change me back Slendyman!!" Lazari yelled out she was now a teen in a REALLY short dress, red hair and horns? and keeps screaming guessing she hit puberty. "Lazari sweetie calm down ok" i say trying to calm her down she hugged me crying shes shorter then me, kinda like Ben's height. She goes in the mansion with e.j and Nina. E-"what are we gonna do now" s-" well i have a friend he has to have a cure so i will go talk to him" e-"ill go with" s-"no you have to stay with lazari ok" "ok" i say and go inside and get her some clothes then after we all watch a movie *meanwhile with slender* slendermans pov- i walk through the forest and find hid cave i go in, evil should be here, he will have a cure for Lazari hopefully.
ev-"ahh look who it is slender man long time no see snice your wife and all, guessing your here for lazari swan" i look down and nod " well you cant turn her back to a 8 year old but you can keep her from eating you" "what do you mean" " well why do you think shes zalgos daughter" "well um whats the recipe" " golden flower, magical lake water and a real tear from heartbroken from her the hardest one" " ok thank you" "now you may wanna check up on the dear girl she must be hungry by now" i run out and call kate i know its her month off but i need her "kate um i need a favor" "what its my month off" "i know but this is an emergency i need you to get a golden flower you can take my daughter electric and go with her" "ugh fine ill call her and stuff bye" "bye" i run off to get the magical lake water. Electric pov- when i get a phone call from Kate werid i thought it was her month off "hello" " hey electric we have to go pick a golden flower for your dad" " but i thought it was your month off" " it was" i hear her irritated at the thought so i pack some supplies and say bye to jeff lui and dark them only knowing im going on a mission " call us if anything happens" " i know i know don't worry so much ill be with Kate" " thats what were worried about" i giggle a bit hug thm then leave with kate i hope e.j can take care of lazari while im gone. me and kate set off for the golden flower * mean while with e.j* eyeless jack pov- we finsh the movie and lazari fell asleep on my lap i carry her to her room and on the way she wakes up "hey sleepy head" "hey e.j" she jumps off sad looking "lazari are you ok" "yeah just im 18 now and stuff and they say 18-21 is suppose to be fun years but i know nothing about being fun" "well your in luck i am a master at being fun" she giggles and i take her around pranking people, making cupcakes an leaving a mess behind watching scary r-rated movies and much other stuff then we go out to the lake and see the fishes her eyes bright up i remember bringing her here when she was smaller but now shes so beautiful "jack look at that one its a new breed!!!" she says excited " its pretty um lazari i forgot to teach you one of the other things of being 18" this is my change dont blow it jack "what is it?" "you have to get closer to me" she gets closer and i take my chance and kiss her shes surprised at first but relaxes and kisses back then we hear electric clear her throught "your lucky it wasnt slender or jeff" we stand up quickly and blush red then we go and walk inside and hear them takling about making lazari cry!?! im not letting that happen i brust in red mad "DONT YOU DARE MAKE MY BABY CRY" "jack calm down and-' "NO YOUR NOT MAKING HER CRY" " JACK, listen its for her own good if not she will start killing the people she loves first with you and me we have to make her cry ok and im sorry im the one that has to say this but you have to kiss nina in front of her" " NO IM NOT HURTING HER THAT WAY" "JACK YOU HAVE TO IF YOU LOVE HER" 'I WONT DO IT" i walk out and nina grabs me the kisses me and lazari right in front electric secertly takes her tears while im being kissed forced. she pulls back and i chase after lazari shes crying so much then sees me and gets mad "I CANT BELIEVE I TRUSTED YOU, YOU JERK YOU KISS ME TELL ME YOU LOVE ME THEN GO BEHIND MY BACK AND KISS ANTHER GIRL" "lazari i can explainnin-" "NO YOU YOU LIED TO ME" then she throws up black vomit? and looks at me hungry "well im never hungry but now i am" then she attacks me biting me i dont want to hurt her so i push her off me running inside her following behind me. then stitches tackles her down holding her down then electric uses a tecniquie to make her sleep and gives her the juice i go up and take a nap. *time skip* i go down and i was gonna check on lazari when i overheard her conversation "b-but mom he hates me i yelled at him for trying to help, bit him i even chased him around he will never like me again" "lazari dont say that look at me your a beautiful girl and sweet im sure he will forive you he did say he loved you" i knock on the door and electric leaves, only leaving me and her there she sees my wrists and stomach and starts crying i go over to her then hug her tight and close to me "j-jack get away i might hurt you again i already did" she says trying to push me away. " lazari your not gonna hurt me that wasnt you it was someone else ok , i will always love you no matter what" "r-really" " yes your my baby girl i will always protect and love you" she looks up at me and kisses me when jeff walks in "hey lazari i thought you would need- get away from her" "im fine jeff dont worry about him he's a good guy" " he nearly killed my sister and ben" "well he was possed now go were bussy" " i have my eye on you" he says glaring and leaves then lazari yawns and i take her to her room after i go to mine and sleep

a/n- so this part was more about lazari finding love and becoming a teen its an important part for the future chapters coming also nina wont be in the next 5 or 6 chapters much for pior reasons, i will start doing more of these authors notes, good night / moring my little killers~

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