chapter7- meeting lazari and lulu

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Electric pov-
E.j-"SHE BIT ME,!?!"
Lulu-"oh dont be a baby about it"
Lazari-"Im s-sorry"
Great way to start my morning i get up and walk down the stairs toward e.j with a first aid kit
"What the hell happened"
Thrn slender walks in
"Eyeless, Electric meet lazari and lucy but know as lulu they are-"
I grab ben and jeff with my tentacles
"Ok boys i want one of you to tell me whats going on"
"Jeff explain to your sister"
"Fine ben took a picture frok my room thay i really like and wont give it back"
" oh ok if i let you down dont kill each other"they nod and i put them down and then hide my tentacles (i can do that) then look at the picture cause i had it in my habd now and i yelled at jeff
Then me and him get in a fight then slender picked us up
"Have your manners i will talk to both of you later for now show lulu and lazari the way home and the house"
We nod and he leave for "work" then stitches comes in angry and i can guess why so i hide

Stitches pov- i got up and walked out tried af and mad "Who did what and started it" i say really mad and then everyone points out jeff and he starts running and me being me i chase after him catching at a dead end and pinning him to the wall "what did you do that meant waking up"
"Nothing ben just took a picture of you from me"
"Oh yea why did i hear electric yell my name then behind"
"Well um you see-"
"He took a picture of your ass" electric and ben said together then leave holding in laughter
Stitches POV:
Then, i looked shocked at jeff! "Hehe...well...." jeff said mad nervously, "where did you get this?" I said holding up the picture in my hand! "Well....i kinda...took it...!" Jeff said, even more nervous! "Why?...nevermind, what were you going to do with this picture!" I said crossing my arms. "Well...what boys usually...uh do when....umm they look at something they...uh like...and turn them...on?!!" jeff nervous, you know! Then, look at jeff crazy, and did a little smile. "What?" Jeff said normally but still nervous, then, i went up to him and give him a kiss on the lips! And we both melted and kept kissing, and i wrap my arms around his neck, and his arms around my waist. Then, we let go, and i lean back, still holding on. And then, i whispered to his ear, "one day, we will do it!" I said and i gave him a kiss on the cheek. And i saw him blushing red. And i smirked, "ummm" jeff said as he rubbed his neck, "dont worry we will!" I said with a wink, and left to electric, "damn..." jeff smirk as he continued, "love that girl!"

Electric pov: after me and ben leave i show lulu and lazari the way home and around the house the intros and their rooms we had a great time they thought i was dating ben and i wasn't i wish i was wait no what am i talking about. Well after lazari and lulu trusted me stitchesand slender to tell us about there past. Lazari is duaghter of zalgo but she hates him and lulu was omce his "friend" and now lazari likes calling mr mommy. I put lazari to bed anf took a shower my self great i left my clothes in my room. I yell for stitches several times where the fuck is she!? Lulu comes and gives me some clothes i thank her put them on and go to sleep... Just kidding i played video games then fell asleep i dreamt jeff and stitches blagh ill have to invesgate soon about them.

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