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Diary of Ellie-May Swan,
22nd April 2013, 18:34pm

Ahh, my first ever diary. I'll be sure to write everything down for you in here, Tara. Can I call you Tara? It just seems selfish not to name you. After all, I will be telling you my most deepest and darkest

You won't believe who I ran into today. Shelley Madison. The one and only nut-chick in this godforsaken loony bin. I think I'm the only normal student here, on this floor anyway. Yes Tara, there are five floors in this side of the school. Greenwich Boarding School for the mentally challenged - more like the nut-cases if you ask me - the first two floors are for years 7-8's, the second floor is for years 9-10's, and we get a whole floor to ourselves for year 11's. The teachers get the top floor with the bathrooms just above us. You should see the state of the facility's here, it's no wonder half the students smell so bad when they've got to wash within a room of fifty other girls all grabbing for the same soap bar. I get shivers just thinking about the hygiene. The boys dorms are on the other side of the school, I normally sneak over there after lights out and hide in the trees outside their windows. They don't see me of course. They're all dumbasses if you ask me.

What's that, Tara?

Yes, of course I'm careful. Don't want any teachers catching me roaming around, of course if it's Mr Hutchins then that's a different story. He can catch me any-day. Hehe.
I've taken you with me tonight, Tara. I'm outside Scott Johnson's window. He is laying in bed, smoking what appears to be weed, that he keeps oh-so-secretly hidden underneath the floorboards. Such a tool.

He already tried to lift my skirt up twice today during P.E. Normally I sit to the side with Taylor, watching the catastrophe they call physical education. Scott on the other hand is our top footballer and all American idiot. Why he came to England is beyond me but all the girls fall for him. Looking at him now just makes me realise how alone he must feel. A new school, new friends. I bet he has lots of secrets. Secrets that needs to be found.

Don't worry Tara. I'll find those for you. I have a way of sneaking around this place after dark. I know all the hiding places around here, God knows I've been here long enough. I even have hiding places of my own.

Later, back in the dorm.

I had a look Tara. I got just close enough to sniff the revolting drugs from his window when he reached out and turned on the blasted lamp. His face wary and scared. I had to cover my mouth from laughter. This is my new mission. To uncover Scott's secrets.

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