Could this be the start of something new?

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I looked up to see who it was stood there over me. I slowly lifted my head up, squinting my eyes because the sun was too bright. As I looked up, I noticed a girl stood there, with bright red hair and she wore shorts with an ATL t-shirt and a pair of converse. She also wore glasses. 

'So, you gonna answer me or what?' The stranger said folding her arms, raising her left eyebrow at me. 'Sorry, just got thinking about stuff'  'Like...??'  'Well, some stupid thing I did earlier'  'What did you do?'                         'I kinda punched my brother, which I now regret'  'Omg, really?' 'Yeah' I sighed. 

The stranger came and sat down by my side. 

'Omg, you're hand it's badly swollen'  'Yeah, hurts like hell'  'Maybe, we should get that checked out' 

On that note, she got up and softly helped me to my feet. We walked to her car and she drove to the hospital. 

We waited in the waiting room, until we were called. 

'I never got to ask your name?' I curiously asked. 

'Oh, My name's Sasha, what about you?' 

'Nice to meet you Sasha, I'm Connor' 

'Nice to meet you too' 

We then talked some more and giggled away until I heard the doctor shout my name. 

'Connor McDonough?' 

'Coming' I got up and walked into the room, the doctor indicated at. 

The doctors x-rayed my arm. It was fractured, they then gave me a sling and said i'll live. 

'Sasha, thankyou for everything today you've been great' 

'Aww, it's alright Connor' 

Seconds later, I clocked Riley in the same hospital being seen to. 


Someone tapped me on my shoulder, I looked up for the minute that I could. My nose was still dripping, and it still had to be pushed back into place yet. Connor stood in front of me. I was speechless. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him. 

 'What do you want Connor?'

'Dude, I just wanna talk to you'

'Don't you think you've done enough?' I said getting up, walking towards the vending manchine and pulling out my money. 

I inserted money into the machine and punching the 2 digits, C3 to get a bag of Cheetos. I waited a few moments, and movement began inside the machine. Seconds later the movement inside of the machine, stopped. I was already furious with Connor. Everything today was just going wrong. First the whole incident with Tilda, kissing me. Then Connor accusing me and punching me and now this. What else can go wrong. 

I got annoyed and took my anger out on the machine, punching it several times before breathing and resting my head on the machine facing the floor. 

I turned around to see Connor approaching me. I picked myself up and started to walk away from him. 

'Riley' 'Riley' 'Just wait' 

I continued to walk until, i felt his hand pushing me and stopping me from walking. 

'Connor please' 

'I just wanna talk?' 

'What is there to say?' 

'Well, for one I wanna apologise for everything, I shouldn't have accused you of kissing Tilda. That's not something you would do. I mean she has done it in the past, when you guys were dating. She kissed Chris rememeber?'


'I'm sorry anyway, I shouldn't have took her word over my own brother's. I definately shouldn't have punched you either, sorry about that' 

'I guess i'll live' 

He then embraced me into a hug and began to pat my back. 

'Look, I'm sorry Riley' He apologized again. 

'It's fine, I was a bit of a jerk too' I admitted. 

'You don't say'  we both laughed off. 

'Here let me get that' He hit the machine and there came my cheetos. 

'Cheers dude' 

'You're welcome' 

I got my cheetos out of the bottom of the machine. Smiled at Connor and went to have my nose put back into place. 

'It's gonna hurt a little, on 3' 

'1, 2 --' 

'OUCH! You said on 3?' 

'At least you weren't expecting it haha' Connor tried to brighten the mood. 

'Yeah I guess' It hurt like hell, the doctors gave me some antibiotics and then discharged me. I was now free to go. 

Connor walked ahead, and I slowly followed behind.


I rang Tilda, I couldn't go through this no more.

'We need to talk'... 

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