Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

The Next Morning...

Riker POV

I texted Riley so many times this morning, asking her if I could come over, or if she wanted to come over, or if she just wanted to do something, but I never got a response! By the time it was 11:00, I knew something was wrong because she would be up by now.

I walked over to Riley's house, and knocked on the door, nervously. Riley's father answered it.

"Is Riley here?"

"Uh... Yeah. She's in the kitchen eating breakfast, but she had a really rough night, so..."

"I get it."

Riley's father let me in, and I walked to the kitchen. Riley was staring off into nowhere, crying. But it wasn't normal crying. It was the kind where your breathing is completely normal, but you have constant tears falling down your face. And she looked exhausted. It didn't even look like she had touched her breakfast. I sat down beside her.


Riley turned and looked at me, but didn't say anything.

"Are you ok?"

Riley looked down, and stirred her cereal slowly.

"I'm sorry. We don't have to talk about it. Do you want to do something? We could go to the beach."

Riley looked back at me again.

"You want to go to the beach?"

Riley slowly nodded, and wiped her face.

"Ok, you go get changed. I'll run over to my house, and I'll meet you back here in a few minutes."

I ran back to my house, and changed. When I got back to Riley's, Riley was sitting on the couch in her swim suit, obviously waiting for me.

"Ready to go?" I asked.

So Riley wasn't talking today, I guess... I held my hand out to her, and thank goodness she took it because I didn't know what else to do. Riley and I walked down to the beach without saying a word. Instead of the beach though, Riley pulled me to the docks. It was our special spot.

And then I had a thought. Should I pick her up and throw her off? It might make her laugh, but it might not. And something was definitely wrong. I guess I better not...

Riley and I sat down on the edge of the dock, and let our feet hang in the water. Riley leaned her head on my shoulder, and took one of my hands in hers. What exactly am I supposed to do now? Luckily, Riley made that decision for me.



"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"Being weird this morning."

"Riley, it's fine. Your dad told me you had a rough night."

"It was awful..." Riley said, crying harder now.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"No. I just want you to hug me, and tell me everything's going to be ok, even though it doesn't seem like things can get better..."

I pulled Riley close to me, and held her tight in my arms.

"Riley, I promise you, everything's going to be ok, and it's going to get better. And I'm not only saying this because you told me to. I'm saying it, because I know it will. You're a fighter, Riley, and you're strong."

"How can you say that!? I cry all the time about stupid stuff!"

"It doesn't matter. Riley, I know you're strong. You can make it through, and things will get easier. And if you ever want to talk about anything, you have me, Ross, Rydel, Rocky, Ryland, and Ellington. But you also have your parents. If anything's wrong, you know you can come to any of us."

"It's just so hard right now."

"I know. But it'll get better. I promise."

"I just hate him so much for doing this to me!"


"Yeah. He's hurt me so much, in so many ways. It just feels like I'm all alone in the world, and nothing's helping."

"Did you take your pills this morning?"


"Well don't those help?"

"Yeah, a little bit, but I just feel like I'm taking one step forward, and two steps back. I just feel worse and worse every day."


"Riker, I don't want to talk about it."

"Sorry... Do you want to do something to take your mind off of it?"

"I really don't feel like it. I think I just want to lay in bed."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure."

Days Later...

Riker POV

"Rocky, I go over there every day, and all she wants to do is lay in bed and do nothing all day long! And she doesn't go on her phone anymore, so I can't even text her! I just hate seeing her like this! She's so miserable!"

"Do you think she's thinking about like..."

"Like what?"

"Like... Killing herself? To make it stop?"

"I don't know. I hope not. I don't think she's the kind of person who would do something like that. She's smart, and she would realize that that's a stupid idea."

"Do her parents think something's seriously wrong?"

"Well yeah..."

"What are they doing about it?"

"They talked to her therapist again, and the therapist is trying something new to help her, so they're not doing anything at the moment, but I know they keep checking on her, just to make sure she's ok and stuff. In fact her dad called me this morning. They're going somewhere today, and he wanted me to come over and watch her while they're gone. He's worried about leaving her home alone."

"You should try to cheer her up or something."

"Duh! I'm not letting her sit in bed all day. We're going to do stuff."

"When do you have to leave?"

"A few minutes, actually."

"Are you going to change first? You're wearing pajamas."

"No. Riley's in her pajamas. She just wants to be lazy. I'll be lazy with her. Well unless I can actually get her out of bed."

"Well good luck."

"Thanks. I think I'll need it."

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