14.Labor Pains P.1

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3:00 am

As my pregnancy started advancing, my mom decided to stay with me when it was time for me to give birth, and help me for six weeks until I get back on my feet.

It's only been two weeks since the baby shower, and I've reached my eight month, and 32 weeks of pregnancy and I have been sick as hell.

Per doctors orders, I have been put on bed rest, until its time for me to have the babies.

I was sleeping soundly when suddenly I felt a gush of warm water in between my legs.

I instantly panicked.


"MAMAAAAAAAAA!", I screamed.

"What is it baby.", She said as she quickly rushed into the room.


"Child please. Your not dying Court, I think your water just broke."

"W...WHAT! I'm only eight months pregnant... Let me check down there."

I peaked down at my night gown, and sure enough there was no blood, just liquid.

"It's time baby. Your contractions are about to start soon, so let's get you to the hospital. Your carrying twins, so you weren't going to last full term.

I headed to the car, while my mother grabbed my baby bags. She also called all my siblings to let them know I heading to the hospital.

"You know what we have to do right?", my mother asked?

"Wh-What?!", I said focusing on taking steady breaths. These contractions were hell.

"I need to call Daniel and Windell."

"Why? The DNA test can wait a few hours after I give birth!"

"That's correct, but I know that they would hate to miss the birth of their children, even if they may not be the father. They don't want to take that chance."

"Ughh!" I screamed in pain. "Fine! Whatever! I don't care call em!"

"You better be glad your in labor talking to me like that.", my mother hissed.

She called Daniel first and then Windell.

"Hello", Windell answered.

"Hi Windell , this is Mary Lee Davidson Courtney's mom. I know that your probably not her babies father, but just in case, she's in labor. You need to get to Southampton."

"Well you see we have a problem.."

"What's wrong?"

"I'm already out here, Natties in labor!"



It's 3:00am, and we have been at this hospital since 10pm.

Nattie is in labor.

We were watching TV and she started to have severe stomach pain, so we decided to go to the hospital.

When she got evaluated, it turned out that she was in fact in labor, apparently when her water broke she thought she peed on herself. Poor girl.

They were prepping her to give birth, when I got a call.

I stepped outside to answer the call.

"Hello", I answered.

"Hi Windell this is Mary Lee Davidson Courtney's mom. I know that your probably not her babies father, but just in case, she's in labor. You need to get to Southampton.", Courtney's mother answered.

Why. Why are they both in labor at the same exact time. Well they didn't make it to the hospital yet, but Natalie is about to actually give birth.

"Well you see we have a problem..", I continued.

"What's wrong?", She asked.

"I'm already out here, Natties in labor!"

"What! What are the odds of that. When would you be able to see her?

"Nows not a good time. I'm about to get suited up to hold my baby when she gives birth."

"I understand. Daniel is on his way as well. When should we set up the test?"

"Within the next 48 hours, after everyone is done with labor, and rested."


"Mrs.Davidson I gotta go!"

I hung up the phone and went back in the room.

"Alright Mr.Levy. Natalie is just about ready to start pushing, are you ready?", Dr.White asked.

"Yes Sir."

Natalie's Mother Linda, her sister Naomi, and I were all in the delivery room.

"Be strong baby, you got this", Linda encouraged, as she held Natalie's arm.

Naomi was recording the birthing process for us.

"Push!", the doctor orders.

Natalie starts holding the push for 10 seconds and then stops.

"Keep doing this to get a rhythm. The baby will be out in no time.", The doctor informed.

She continued to push, until a problem occurred.

"OK Natalie were going to have to cut you open, NOW. We don't have any time to waste."

"What's wrong?", Everyone said simultaneously.

"The umbilical cord has been compressed, we have to perform a C-section."


*****Part 1 of possible 3 parts****

To Be Continued..............

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