Chapter One

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"Oh, wow." Hannah snorted, her eyes flickering off towards the right. I followed her gaze, meeting the girl's, clinging to Alex's arm. I rolled my eyes, and turned back to my tray, filled with salad.

"Gosh." I say, picking up my fork, and sweeping some lettuce onto it. "I mean, he literally does it with every girl!". I chew the piece of lettuce slowly before adding, " It's surprising he's lasted this long. You'd figure, you know, some girl would stand up to him."

I glance at Hannah, and leer into her eyes, searching for anything. "What?" she asks, setting her carton of milk down. I shrug, and cross my arms. "Do you..pity him?"

She coughs, and squints her eyes. "Pity him? Morgan I don't pity him. That's the last thing I would feel for him.". I drop my arms, and lay back in my seat.

"It just seems like-I  don't know, you feel bad for him?"

"Morgan." Hannah says sternly, leaning into into the table. "I don't pity him. I don't feel bad for him, okay? And if I did, so what? I mean, the dude needs help. He practically fu-,"

"Don't say it!" I squeal, covering my ears with my hands. Hannah rolls her eyes.

"I'm just saying. And Morgan, don't be stupid and make the same mistakes those other girls are making. With him." Hannah says, standing up, taking her tray with her. 

"Why would I make the same mistakes? Hannah what are you not telling me?" I ask, picking up my tray. I swing my legs over the bench, and rise from my position.

Hannah shrugs as we make our way to the trash bin. "Nothing." she mutters, dumping her tray in the garbage. I raise an eyebrow, and hand my tray off to the janitor, who throws my tray away for me. I twist on my heels, to find Hannah no where.

"Alright, catch you later!" I call out to the doors, which she exited.

As the dragging day went on, my mind could only go over what happened at lunch. Why was Hannah acting so weird? She never acts this way. What is she not telling me? However, Mrs. Barns was in no mood for my internal crisis. "Morgan!" she barked, placing her hands on her hips. I stir, and look up abruptly.

"Yes, Mrs. Barns?" I ask, cooly. Her lips form a tight line.

"Stop day dreaming, and work. Or you'll have homework." I nod my head, as she turns around.

"Phew." I mumble, rubbing my hands together.

Before the bell rang, I felt a tap on my left shoulder. I flinch and turn around, almost choking at who I was gawking at. "Alex?"

The corner of his lip curves up; a smirk. "Hello, Morgan."




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