How Do They Do It? (handbook of living in london)

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  • Dedicated to Jackie ( my boy loving BFFL)

     Did you ever have a bad experience from jumping into a new enviroment? Without planning or even understanding? Like when you broke the new printer you bought which was worth your whole teenage allowance. It was because you didn't read the manual, but manuals are overrated, right?

WRONG!  Sure, it's unfashionable to carry around some book in italics made of cheap paper that reads:

Connect your HP printer in a fast FIVE minutes!

So some people resort to other books. Like those stupid, For Dummies, books. Do you want to really admit your a dummy to the cashier when your buying it, or your family? Seriously, that's just making the obvious, well obvious! That's when I decided to create my own book. This book is a survival guide. Not some stupid zombie apocalypse surviving book, this is surviving in a zombie free enviroment overseas as a foreigner. I've seen the terrible affects of it, because well, I moved overseas. It can be hard to understand and confusing, just like that HP printer.  This will just look better, and have a teenage girl's tips for surviving in London. Sure not many of you will need it. It's not like every day you move to London, if you live in America I guess. But it's also hilarious, and talks about the worst moments I've had. What not to say, and what TO say. What not to do, and what TO do. Every little rule there. So, why not hop along for the ride. Even though those dummy books are on important stuff, note the heavy sarcasm.

*Pugs For Dummies. Reaaaaaaalll important. A breed of a dog. This'll help me with everything! *

Anyways, sit back and enjoy the ride, my guide as an American girl living in London.

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