Chapter Seven

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The after-party was everything that I expected it to be. The smell of booze and cigarette smoke hit you as soon as you walked through the door, and everyone crowded around the band instantly. Led Zeppelin was blaring throughout the building which set the mood perfectly.

After being bombarded by people, we split off on our own as we mingled through the party.

“This is fucking unbelievable” I smiled.

Everything about the party was perfect. There wasn’t a lot of groupies, everyone was having the time of their lives, the music was amazing… the band deserved every bit of it.

“Trust me, it will get even more wild” he leaned in to kiss me as we waited for our drinks at the bar table.

And why not make it better? I slipped my fingers into my pocket and held onto the perfect cubes that I kept from the gig. I never would have expected a stranger to walk up to me and hand me acid, but I found out a lot of things in America that surprised me, didn’t I?

David handed me my drink before grabbing his and taking a big gulp out of it. I took short sips on the strong drink.

“Hey Gilmour!” we both turned our heads to see a guy walking up to him.

I didn’t know who he was, not that I really cared anyways. They were engaged in their conversation as I hesitantly pulled the drugs out of my pocket and dropped a single cube into my drink. I’ve never done this before; I’ve only heard stories about it.

What a perfect opportunity to experience it firsthand.

I walked around the club on my own before spotting out Roger who was downing shot after shot with Nick.

“Emma! Take a shot!” Nick handed me a small glass.

I put my drink down on the table and tossed the shot back, feeling the burning sensation of the alcohol as it set my throat on fire. I coughed and cringed at the bitter taste of it, and before I knew it, I had another one in my hand.

“Emma…” he started. Roger lit up a joint and took a hit.

“What?” I laughed.

“I hope you stay with Dave forever” he slurred.

“I don’t have any intentions of leaving him. I hope I stay with him, I really do” I smiled at the thought of it.

“Good. That’s good.”

I laughed and picked up my glass to start drinking it. I stared down at it for a second, and then brought it up to my lips. It didn’t taste any different, thankfully.

David crept up and put his arm around me, “There you are!”

I giggled and took another drink.

“You feelin’ okay, Rog?” he noticed Roger’s hilarious state.

Great” he emphasized.

No one knew where Rick was, but we weren’t about to go on a hunt for him. He was either looking for a girl or drinking away with the hundreds of other people who were there. And soon enough, David and I were split from the band too.

“You’re so beautiful” he complimented. I took another gulp and thanked him.

“I mean, you’re fucking gorgeous, babe. Why are you going out with a bum like me?” he laughed.

“Why wouldn’t I be going out with you?” I asked. I kissed him on his perfect soft lips.

That was the last clear moment of the night.

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