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"close you're eyes" I smiled. and as she did so, my heart started pounding, my vision became blurry so I was only able to see Aria, the way she looked in the moon light was like nothing I had ever seen. i quickyly ran around the roof plugging in every light to a outlet and suddenly.......


i was so nervese i couldn't imagine what how he must feel. "ok open them!" my breath was taken away by dazeling lights surrounding the roof top and the moon twikleing over head. "oh my god!" i put my hand over my mouth and started to laugh and cry at the same time, I was a mess! He held a necklace in the shape of a coffee mug that said


i amedeatly started to cry but not the sad tears that you just lost something or you feel like you're broken kind of cry but the kind of crying that you do when you see a mirical or when you just experience something that you can't even fathom so you just start to cry. As he put it around my neck I turned my head and kissed him. The kiss quickly turn into something more, as I rapped my arms around his neck and he rapped his arms around my waste pulling me in closer. I pulled myself away and said so um, shall i go next? we both laughed. I pulled out my gift and gave it to Ezra. it was a dog color that said


i know its chessey but- he quickly pulled me in and kissed me. "i love it!" he said smiling "well I love you!" I said smiling "I love you too!" He said with a one of a kind smile. "To the moon and back?" I said laughing "No, to infinity and beyond!" I said laughing we started into each other's eyes I wanted to kiss him so badly so I finally blurted out "ok buzz light year are you gonna kiss me or what?" We both laughed and in a quick but swift motion Ezra had tapped his arms around me and dipped me down and finally kissed me. All I kept thinking was God our relationship is like the cheesiest movie/story ever! But then I thought, I'd rather have bad times with Ezra then good times with someone else. I'd rather be beside him in a storm the safe and warm by myself. I loved him and nothing would ever change that.

12:00 A.M
An hour later we were walking back to the car and Ezra took my hand in his and intertwined are fingers so we were holding our hand. Still walking side by side, then I occurred to me how could a relationship, our relationship have this much talking and getting to know each other and we still have story's and things about our selfs yet to share. All of a sudden my thoughts by the most terrifying words I' be ever herd stayed to me


A man in all black had pulled a gun on us a was trying to take our money. "GIVE ME YOUR MONEY!" " hey listen we don't have any money but-" I quickly knocked the gun out of his hands and in a scrabble of getting it I herd a loud bang and the man ran off. I looked at Aria who was standing there in shock. "Aria are you ok did he hurt you?!?" I said with my adrenaline still pumping. "No, I'm fine, are you ok?" Aria said still terrified. "Yea I think so!" I was I such a state of shock. "Thank god cause I love you so much and I don't know what I would do if-" I went to take a deep breath when I found myself grasping for air. "OH MY GOD EZRA! YOU'RE HURT!"

He quickly feel and I caught him in my arms setting him down gently on the ground. "NO EZRA!" I started to sob the my nightmare seemed to never end Ezra started to close his eyes and I started to sob even harder. "DON'T YOU DARE CLOSE YOUR EYES!" Suddenly I felt him take my hand "I love infinity and beyond......"he said in nearly a whisper, without thinking I said " and to the moon and back again" I started to cry harder then I ever have before I screamed for help but no one came. I fumbled in my Purse
For my phone, my hands still shaking. After I called I seemed to take forever for the ambulance to come I felt for his pulse it was growing weaker.....I kept saying over and over "Its just a dream.... it's just a dream..."

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