Chapter 18

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OK so this chapter is like the second part of chapter 17 so 

e-n-j-o-y! :D


Alexis's P.O.V:

Josh screamed "were out for 2 minutes!" and Tina said "That was the funniest interview I had ever done!" I was frozen. I noticed that Zayn was looking at me. I dont want to sing! I dont know how to sing! and im not going to sing my song! every one is just going to make fun if it and me! suddenly I felt that Zayn hugged me and he said "Are you ok?" I looked at him with a mad face and said  "Im not going to sing!" he smiled and said "Yes you are! You have a beautiful voice!" Maybe my voice is not that bed but still I dont want to sing! I said "No! Im too shy!" he kissed my forehead and said "Believe me your going to be great!" This boy knew how to calm me down but I was still nervous! I said quickly "I dont remember the lyrics!" Louis smiled at me and said "Here's your notebook!" he winked at me and tossed me my notebook. Why did he had my notebook?! I said "Louis why do you.." and he smiled and said "Explain later now learn your song!" I nodded and sat on my chair and started memorizing the lyrics. who am i kidding about? I remember the lyrics for my own song. Thats not a thing that you forget. instead of memorizing the words I was calming myself down. Im not exactly prepared to sing in front of the whole country. well at least its a radio and no one can see me.

I heard Josh screams "30 seconds guys!" My heart started eating really fast and I walked to the table where we sat before. I sat next to Zayn again and I said quietly to the boys "Im going to kill you later" they laughed and said "We'll see about that" and then Tina said "And were back with one direction and their lovely Friend which is going to perform her own song! give it all up to Alexis Rose!" all of the boys clapped realy loud and I got close to the microphone. I said "Ok so this song called impossible, hope you'de like it" I took a deep breath and started singing.

"I remember years ago

Someone told me I should take

Caution when it comes to love

I did, I did

And you were strong and I was not

My illusion, my mistake

I was careless, I forgot

I did

And now when all is done

There is nothing to say

You have gone and so effortlessly

You have won

You can go ahead tell them

Tell them all I know now

Shout it from the roof tops

Write it on the sky line

All we had is gone now

Tell them I was happy

And my heart is broken

All my scars are open

Tell them what I hoped would be

Impossible, impossible

Impossible, impossible

Falling out of love is hard

Falling for betrayal is worst

Broken trust and broken hearts

I know, I know

Thinking all you need is there

Building faith on love and words

Empty promises will wear

I know, I know

And now when all is gone

There is nothing to say

And if you're done with embarrassing me

On your own you can go ahead tell them

Tell them all I know now

Shout it from the roof tops

Write it on the sky line

All we had is gone now

Tell them I was happy

And my heart is broken

All my scars are open

Tell them what I hoped would be

Impossible, impossible

Impossible, impossible

Impossible, impossible

Impossible, impossible!

Ooh impossible (yeah yeah)

I remember years ago

Someone told me I should take

Caution when it comes to love

I did

Tell them all I know now

Shout it from the roof tops

Write it on the sky line

All we had is gone now

Tell them I was happy

And my heart is broken

All my scars are open

Tell them what I hoped would be

Impossible, impossible

Impossible, impossible

Impossible, impossible

Impossible, impossible

I remember years ago

Someone told me I should take

Caution when it comes to love

I did........."

I closed my eyes and then the boys and Tina clapped even louder and screamed "That was great!!!!!!!" I smiled and said "Thank you" Tina said "Well, I think we just found a really talented girl! were definitely going to hear from her again! Ok guys I was Tina and those were one direction and Alexis Rose and I wish you all to have a great day! talk to you tomorrow!" and josh screamed "and were out!" and he also started clapping and he said "Alexis you were amazing!" Zayn quietly said "Told you" and he winked at me and I smiled at him. I said "Thank you!" and then we all went home. Man I was so excited! but still there was a sad thought in my mind. This is the first time I spoke to someone about my stepfather. I never talked about him since what happened. 


end of chapter!!!!

This chapter may be a little bit short but I'll try to make the next chapter longer :D

Mariana XOXO <3

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