Chapter 1

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The pain shot through my arm like a million little ant bites but I had to keep running stopping at no cause. That's what he does chase me down until I can't run anymore that's when he will attack but I won't give in. Not now, not ever.

I woke up and checked the time. The digital clock read 3:14 A.M. Again the third restless night in a row I had no idea what made these nightmares start but they have been getting worse every night. It's too early to take a shower but to late to go back to sleep so I changed and snuck out the window to take a walk to calm down. I went pass the woods and into the cemetery. I reached behind the rock and grabbed my notebook and pen. While I'm here I might as well write some more. My dad wouldn't notice me missing for few hours so I have time.

I wrote about my dreams and what they might mean then I drew the building I saw in my dreams and wrote a reminder to search them to see where they might be. I hoped I can figure out how to stop them because the pain I feel in my dreams always happens to me in real life. Like last night in my dream I fell on my arm and sprained it the next day I woke up with a sprained arm. Biting back the pain in my left arm I continued to write.

I glanced down at my watch and realized that I had school today I put my notebook behind the rock and rushed back home. Good thing I was already changed or I would have been late. Sneaking back through the window and running down the stairs grabbing my bag and went outside. I waited for 5 minutes before the bus came I went on the bus and sat next to my best friend Grayson.

She can tell that there was something wrong cause I could tell that she was holding back questions. So I sat in silence getting lost in my thoughts I didn't realize that I was drifting off to sleep...


I woke up in a strange room not knowing where I was or how I got there I got up and looked around. I didn't know where I was or why didn't anyone wake me up. I started to worry that I wouldn't be able to find my way back home when through the corner of my eye I saw someone move. Curiosity swept over me and immediately I went in the direction I thought I lost the person when I saw a glimpse of them turning into another room I followed them. The room was so dark that it took a while for my eyes to adjust. I saw the person opening the door that was directly across from where I am standing, I thought it was a closet but when I went closer I found out that it was another room. I was about to turn around but I pushed my thoughts away and stepped in the room. This time the lights were on so I saw the person clearly. I saw a girl my age with blonde hair and emerald green eyes but a head taller than I am she was wearing all black with combat boots.

She looked straight at me and quickly walked out of the room. I tried keeping up with her but I didn't know what direction she went. I couldn't find my way back to where I was and I was too scared to move any further but also didn't want to stay in the same place so I turned right. I walked through a series of rooms and realized that I was in the same place that I started in. This time I choose left and walked in a straight line till I saw a door that I knew didn't lead to another room so I walked toward it and opened the door. I was right the door didn't lead to a room it lead to the backyard. Without thinking I walked outside.

I ran as fast as I could away from the house I looked at the street signs hoping that I could find out where I was so I could go home. I felt so helpless and lost. I finally found the street where my house I located at. Realizing that the door was locked and I forgot my keys in the cemetery I scanned the walls looking for the best way to get to my window. Hopefully I left my window unlocked.

I was finally in my house when I realized my dad was still up. I walked out of my room and into the hallway. I saw someone kissing my father, not knowing what to do or what to say I stood in the hallway frozen. My father never mentioned anyone before. I couldn't believe my eyes I knew my dad was thinking of dating but this? It was like walking into one of my nightmares. Hurrying back to my room to think about what I just witnessed and to check if I was still sane.

The girl left a couple minutes after I went into my room. Now that she is gone I decided to ask my dad about the girl. Walking slowly towards my dad's room I planned out what I was going to say in my mind. When I got to his room I noticed he wasn't there so I checked the living room, then the kitchen. He wasn't in any of the rooms so I decided to call his cell phone. After 3 rings he answered.


"Dad It's me Anna. Where are you?"

"I'm at a friends house."

"The girl's?"

"How do you know about her?!?"

"I uh saw her here when I got home."


"Dad do you want to talk about this later?"

"Yeah that would be great love you."

"Love you."

I didn't know what to do to pass time so I decided to do my homework. Forgetting today was the first day of school and I don't have homework I picked up a book and decided to read.


I was running but not from the guy or in the woods this time I was on a roof running from a wolf. The wolf looked hungry and ready to attack. I ran to the edge of the house looking at the distance i would need to jump. It was too far for me to jump over but I couldn't stay here and die. Backing up so I can catch speed I ran as fast as I could and when i reached the edge i closed my eyes and jumped. In the split second that I was in the air I felt free and safe but, as soon as I touched the next roof I felt pain shooting up through my leg. The impact of the roof was too much for my leg.

The pain from my leg pulled me from the fantasy and into reality. I checked my clock and it read 2:47 A.M. Not again I can't go to school with this pain in my leg and have it gone tomorrow nobody will believe me that it's from a dream. They would probably say I need therapy maybe I do but I'm not going to tell them that. I tried to walk to the bathroom but the pain was to much to bare.

I decided to fake being sick and hope that my dad will believe me.

" Dad come here."

" Yes, Anna?"

" I think I've got some type of flu or something."

"Ok I'll call the school and tell them that you're going to be absent today feel better I have to go to work."

" Ok."

Once my dad left the house I hopped back into my room and slipped into my bed. I started reading but my eyelids were feeling heavy and I began to drift off to sleep.


I was back in the roof and the wolf was getting closer to me. I couldn't run with my leg like this instead I have to somehow calm the wolf down. Figuring out how was the problem I had nothing on me to feed him and I'm not good with animals. Out if nowhere came this bright light and I was taken away from the dream.

Jolting awake from the sun I forgot to close the curtains last night. I tried to stand up but quickly remembered my leg so I picked back up the book and continued reading. My phone started to vibrate so I picked it up and checked to see who was calling it was my best friend Grayson.


"WHERE ARE YOU?" She screamed

"I'm sorry I got sick" I answered

"You don't sound sick"

"Trust me I am" I lied

She hung up the phone before I could say anything else. I felt bad for lying to her but I don't think she would've believed me if I told her the truth. I wish that there was a way to explain everything but I can't because I don't even understand it myself whatever it is it's not normal.

Going back to my book I forgot all about my worries and began to think about the dreams I have been having. I looked down and realized that I was supposed to be reading but I was too caught up in my thoughts that up forgot about the book. I glanced outside and realized it was dark remembering that I'm supposed to be sick I quickly went and changed.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2015 ⏰

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