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I put down my pencil not knowing if I'll ever write again.
Someday I will but for now it's time to change. Slowly walking out of the cemetery I see a shadow through the trees. If I was smart I would leave but I decide to head in the direction of the shadow. I see a person and I carefully walk toward her.

"Who who's there?"
I begin to walk closer to her."I'm not going to hurt you my name is Anna"

I'm right next to her when she pulls out a knife and stabs me. Right then and there I knew that this is what death feels like, slow and peaceful.

Why? Why did she kill me? Where am I? Where is she? Who is she? What did I do to her? With all the questions running through my mind I didn't notice that someone was beside me. I looked over and there she was instantly I yelled at her.

"Why did you kill me?"

"Because I need you."

"What do you mean?"

"You will see eventually."

She vanished. I tried to run after her but she was nowhere to be found. I decided to "explore" but in reality I wandered around lost. I felt like I was in an endless maze everything constantly changing.

"She brought another"

"Yes,indeed she did"

I turned around and there was two maids across the hall talking loudly to each other.

"H-Hello can you help me I'm lost" I shouted out.

"Oh you poor dear didn't you know just think oh where you want to be and you'll be there."

I did what she said and I ended back in the cemetery. I begin to look around for my notebook then i saw it, my body. Then there she was again.

" Why do I have to be dead?"

" I can't tell you something that you already know."

" What does that even mean? What does any of this even mean?"

" In time you'll know."

"Why so many secrets?"

That was it and once again she vanished. But this time I followed her.

"Don't just leave me!"

"I'm sorry but I can't stay either."

Then I was gone but where was I? Was I really dead? Why did I have to die? Is she really who I think she is? No she can't be, can she? Is she even alive? What does she even want from me for? With all the questions running through my mind, I didn't even bother to notice where I am. I notice the black walls and gray bedding and I knew I was back in my room. I heard something unexpected, my father crying I rush towards him and then I saw two police officers telling him that I'm dead. Knowing that he would blame himself for my death, but I am helpless.

The strangest thing was after the police officers left he started yelling and cursing at the picture of my mother. Then he threw it on the floor I wanted to run to him and ask him why. I wanted to yell at him. I wanted to be alive. The worst part is that i'm standing here unable to do anything. After my dad left the room, I walked to the picture and picked it up. Then I realized hat the person who killed me was my mother.

I started to fill with rage. I never saw her since I was born, leaving me to wonder why she left me and now I see her for the first time and she kills me. Does she even know that I'm her daughter? The maids said that I was another, so how many people did she kill? As the day grew thin I kept asking and asking questions. Do I even want to know the answers? Will the answers ask more questions?

The Cemetery KillerWhere stories live. Discover now