Chapter 1

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Vic's pov:

It's Sunday night. My door is locked and I'm drowning myself in music, wanting to curl up into a ball and cry. I want to feel comfortable in my new home, but I've moved so many times I don't know what that feels like anymore. New home, new school, which I am dreading. I hate school. School means a new crowd of people waiting to bully me, it has happened in every school I've been to, I guess I'm an easy target. Why am I so pathetic? Why am I such a disappointment to everyone? So many questions that I don't have the answers to. I'm gay, which makes people think that I'm their punching bag. My family knows that I'm gay and accept me, so why do I have so much trouble accepting myself? I hate myself because my little brother, Mike, looks up to me and all I'm showing him is how to be a worthless piece of shit.

It's 4am and I can't get to sleep. Why can't I be home schooled? An hour has passed and my eyes started to slowly shut and I drifted asleep.

I woke up to the sound of my annoying alarm going off. I knocked my alarm off my bed side table in attempt of turning it off, which obviously failed."Vic turn that stupid thing off," Mike whined and I groaned. I turned over to try and reach my alarm clock but fell out of my bed and onto the floor. Mike came in my room and turned it off."It's not that hard to press a button," he exclaimed, in an annoyed tone. I sluggishly crawled to my closet and slipped on some skinny jeans and an All Time Low shirt. I put my snapback on and slammed the front door, starting to walk to school. I only lived 5 minutes away. I got to the black gates and just stared at them until I finally built up the courage to enter them. This school is huge. Everyone was staring at me. I am very lost, where the fuck is the principal's office."Hi, are you new?" I suddenly heard from behind me, shitting myself in the process. I turned around and was met with two guys, one with spiky hair and the other was covered in tattoos."Umm, yeah," I replied.
"We can show you around, I'm Jaime and that's Tony," Jaime said, pointing to the tattooed guy.
"Hi, I'm Vic," I responded, with a smile, these guys were nice and I might actually have some friends. 

They showed me to the principal's office. I read the name on the door saying Mr Urie's office. I reluctantly knocked. I heard a voice telling me I could come in, so I slowly opened the door. Behind the door was a good looking guy with a huge forehead, drinking a cup of milk.
"You must be Vic, I'm Mr Urie, but you probably already knew that." He explained, with a genuine smile.
"Yeah," I replied, awkwardly.
"Okay, well here's your timetable and before you go to your first lesson, I've been informed that you were bullied at your other schools. Can you tell me why?" Mr Urie questioned, with a concerned look.
Should I tell him? Fuck it."Well, I'm gay and the people at my other schools didn't exactly approve of that," I explained.
"Welcome to the gay club, but in all seriousness if that happens come straight to me and I'll deal with it."
I was glad that this school has such a cool principal, but I wasn't expecting him to be gay. I wonder if he's dating anyone.

I left his office with a smile on my face and glanced at my timetable. I have music, which is great because I'm working on a new song and I would like to finish it. I went to the room I was supposed to go to with the name Mr Toro on the door. I hope he's nice. I opened the door and all eyes were on me, which made me extremely uncomfortable."Class, this is Vic, he's new here, so be nice," Mr Toro instructed. "Find a seat Vic, you can sit where you want."
I heard my name being called, it was Jaime and Tony. I walked over to them and sat with them, at least I'm not sitting on my own. Mr Toro told us that we can practice on the instrument that we play, but next lesson we have to perform it to the whole class. I'm probably going to fuck up. I made my way to a practice room and used one of the school's guitars because I didn't have mine with me. I need to bring it next time. I started writing down the lyrics and music to go with it and in 30 minutes I was done, which was relieving. Now I have about half an hour to practice the song that I called Bulletproof Love. Music came to an end and I had to go to my next lesson.

~Skip to lunch~
I looked around to try and find Jaime and Tony but I couldn't find them, so I just sat on my own just listening to music because I didn't really feel like eating. It was going back to normal because I was alone again and everyone was ignoring my existence, but I guess I didn't mind. I liked being alone sometimes. Everyone started leaving, which meant it was time for my next lesson, which was Art with Mr Way. I was going to my lesson when I was brutally knocked to the ground. "Watch it!" A British accent shouted, while walking away with a smirk, thinking he was the coolest person in the world. A hand appeared in front of me and I took it realizing that it was Jaime. "That was Oli Sykes, he's an asshole," Jaime told me.
I noted to myself that it would be best to avoid him or he could become my new bully and I really don't want to get into all that shit again. "Thanks for the warning."
We finally reached Mr Way's room and his desk was piled with comics, he had vibrant red hair and he was extremely hot.

~Skip to the end of the day~

The school day wasn't too bad but I guess everyone's nice on your first day. I hope this is not all too good to be true. An elbow to my ribs brought me out of my thoughts as I was forcefully shoved to the ground, again. However, it was more painful this time because it was on concrete.
"Get out of my fucking way!" I heard a familiar voice yell at me. I looked up and it was the one and only Oli Sykes. I watched from the floor where he was going and then he knocked on the door opposite my house to which a lady opened and I assume that it's his mum. Are you fucking kidding me? I just had to move opposite a dickhead. I finally decided to get up from the floor and unlocked my house."Hi honey, how was school?" My mum asked, smiling as always.
"It was okay, I made some friends," I responded.
"That's good, I'm gonna make dinner in a couple of hours so you can go do what you want," she said.
"I'll be in my room!" I shouted, while running up the stairs. I flopped on my bed and started checking my favourite youtubers channels for new videos. I found some new videos to watch and that's how I spent the rest of my night.

I never thought I'd say this but for once I'm not dreading going back to
school, but that could quickly change. I really hope that it doesn't.

I have already written a few chapters but I won't publish them unless people are interested in this book, so let me know.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2018 ⏰

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