Finding out

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Hermione POV:

I can't wait for my fourth year at hogwarts!  I thought to myself as I was waking up. I went to the bathroom and got ready for the day. I heard my father call me down with an angry voice. I quickly ran to the kitchen and saw my mother and father with an evil look on their face. Without realizing what was going on, my father came up to me and punched me on the eye. I fell back and saw my mother coming towards me and, giving me a hard kick on the ribs. They both came to me and started beating me up until someone blasted the door down, I looked to see who it was but, because my vision was blurry I could barely see who they were. All I could see were a man and a women with wands in their hands. Then the women spoke "Step away from my daughter Grangers!" I was shocked, daughter? Soon my mother or adoptive mother said "ah, more freaks! You must be the Notts. Here to take away this disgusting freak we had to live with for 14 years! If you are! Take her! With have nothing to do with freaks like you!" Then my adoptive mother grabbed me by the collars, and threw me at the people, the man caught me and said "thank you mudbloods, have a good day! Pertificus Totalus!" Then apparated me somewhere, when I passed out.   When I finally woke up, my vision was clear and all my broken body parts were healed. I was on a bed and sitting across from it was a women reading a book. When she I was awake, she came over and said "I know this might come as a shock to you Hermione but, I am your real mother. My husband and I were the ones that showed up at your house, and took you back to your real family. My name is Janet Rosella Nott, your father's name is Garrot Axel Nott, you also have a twin brother, which I guess you probably now since our last name is Nott, it's Theo Nott. Also your name is Hermione Athena Nott. You were always a pure blooded witch, never a muggle born or in the Nott terms, mudbloods." As soon as she finished, a man came in, probably my real father. He came straight to my bed and said "it's nice to have you back Hermione" judging by his tone, I guess he heard the whole conversation from outside of the door because, he kissed me lightly on my head. I'll admit, it felt good to be kissed by your father than not be kissed at all. At least that what happened at home, my adoptive parents would say "love you" but they never gave me a kiss or a hug. At least here I got one. Then another person came in and it was Theo,  he came in and said "there you are mom and dad! I've been........Why is mudblood Granger here!?" Ever since Malfoy and his friends have been calling me that, I've gotten used to it so it didn't have any affect on me at all. Soon my father said "Theo, don't talk to your twin sister like that. You see, we gave Hermione to the orphanage hoping that dark lord wouldn't find her and just our luck, someone adopted her but never showed love to her since she was able to do magic, now I expect you to be nice to her since you are her older brother" Theo mouth fell open and said "okay, I'm gonna go to my room and take time for this to come through me" then he left. When I was feeling better, I got out of my bed and walked over to my mother, giving her a hug along with my father. They both hugged my back, I was taking the time to embrace this moment because I've never felt loved in my entire life, even from my friends. Soon my parents and I were talking, my mother told me that now I know my true identity, I have to get resorted. I agreed with her to be resorted, I hope I get Slytherin or Ravenclaw!! I don't want to be a Hufflepuff or continue being a Gryffindork! After my parents left, I looked at me room and noticed how beautiful it was, it was a black, purple and white room. As I was admiring everything, I heard a voice that made me jump. I turned around and saw Theo, he was saying "listen Hermione, I'm sorry about earlier. It was just a lot to take in. I hope you can forgive me and accept me as your twin brother. If you do accept me, I'll try and be the best brother I can be" after he said that, I rushed into his arms giving me a hug. Apparently Theo was shocked and my reactions but gave me a hug back while talking, I said "yes Theo, I do accept you as your brother and I hope I can be the best sister" that made Theo tighten his grip on me. I was excited that I have a new family that loves me!

Theo POV:

Today I felt happy, it's not because of hogwarts, it's because someone is happy. I went down to the kitchen to ask my mother what this feeling was, but she wasn't there, so I went to my father office to see if he was there and no. I looked all over the mansion and couldn't find them, it's been two hours! Then I heard a pop, probably one of the house elves. As I was walking into my bedroom, I heard my parents talking to someone. So I opened the door and saw my parents, then I turned to whoever they were talking to and it was mudblood granger. Why was she here? Then my father told me "Theo, don't talk to your twin sister like that. You see, we gave Hermione to the orphanage hoping that dark lord wouldn't find her and just our luck, someone adopted her but never showed love to her since she was able to do magic, now I expect you to be nice to her since you are her older brother" My mouth dropped, mudblood granger is my twin sister. I couldn't handle it anymore so I left to retreat to my bedroom. When I made it, I collapsed on the bed and a whole bunch of thoughts went through my head. How was granger my twin? Was she the reason why I felt happy this morning? Can we talk telepathically? Can we feel each other emotions? What would my friends say? Will she be resorted? What would her friends say once they find out she a pure blood? Would Draco and Blaise have a crush on her? Will her appearance change? I had so many question to not realize that I already accept her as family, when I came to realize that, I got up and went to her room. When I entered she was admiring the bookshelf, my voice is what made her jump, I said "listen Hermione, I'm sorry about earlier. It was just a lot to take in. I hope you can forgive me and accept me as your twin brother. If you do accept me, I'll try and be the best brother I can be" what came next shocked me, she hugged me, soon I slowly hugged her back and she said "yes Theo, I do accept you as your brother and I hope I can be the best sister" I tighten my hug around her, I was glad that she accepted me, since I'm the older brother, that means I must protect her at any cost. Then I noticed she had a glamour charm, then I remembered that if a twin was given away to someone, they must have a charm to look like them, then I remembered my or our birthday was tomorrow, so I told her that her glamour charm would come off tomorrow, her mouth dropped but said "I can't wait to see what it look like then" I'm glad that I have a sister, a sister that I can love and protect. I always knew something was missing in my heart and now, Hermione has filled that missing piece!

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