Kill myself (if you are really sensitive, don't read this part!)

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Theo POV:

Life has been miserable, I have fallen into a deep depression, my self-esteem has gone extremely low, I've barely gotten any sleep and I'm extremely thin, it's all because I miss my sister. I've been thinking now, is it time for me to leave the world, after all, I have been cutting myself for the last three weeks. I skipped my morning classes and went to moaning myrtles bathroom. I secretly took my razor, and put it against my arm. I watched as my blood came out and dripping on to myself, I laughed loving the feeling that I was going to leave. Soon I started to become dizzy and collapsed to the ground, my eyes started closing while I continued to cut myself. In a few minutes I was dying, then someone burst through the doors yelling "THEO AXEL NOTT! STOP CUTTING THIS INSTANT! YOU ARE HURTING YOUR SISTER! SHE REMEMBERS YOU NOW!" I recognized the voice as Ginny weasley. I slowly stopped cutting but still was, I was appalled to what she had said. Hermione remembers me? Soon as the razor was off my arm, I was already passed out. I felt myself being carried somewhere then being placed on a bed. I don't know how long I passed out but when I woke up, I heard sobbing. I looked to see who was crying and it was my sister. My voice was dry but was loud enough for only her to hear.  I quickly said "stop crying sis, you are going to ruin your beautiful smile" Hermione slowly looked up and saw me awake. Then she gave a weak smile while saying "when you were cutting yourself, I felt the pain on your arm but no blood was coming out while yours did, thats when I a whole bunch of memories came rushing through my head. What everyone had said was true, I am your sister, I just didn't believe them. I miss you" I got up but Hermione pushed me down then giving me a kiss on the head before saying "you cannot get up, your body is too weak, Madame pomphery told me to give you this health potion, you are to drink it everyday at breakfast time before eating or drinking something else starting today" Hermione then took out a yellow liquid, she opened my mouth and poured all the drink in, it tasted like honey and lemons. Most of the time potions are horrible but this one is delicious. I started to feel a little bit better but not enough to properly walk yet. Hermione then summon a house elf to bring us food, in less that a minute food was on the desk next to my bed. The one thing I'm glad to have back was my sister!

Hermione POV:

I was walking to potions with Ron, Harry been acting strange, he keeps disappearing but I don't want to question about it. As I arrived in potions, I found Harry and Draco working together laughing, so now they are friends. Ron and I went to take our seats when professor Snape came and the rest of the class came. As he was explaining, my right arm started to hurt, almost as if it was cutting my skin off. Then I collapsed and a whole bunch of vision or memories came. There was a girl with thick Raven black hair, grey eyes, and soft red lips. She was entering someone room and transfigured his quill into a snake. She put the snake near the person pillow and scared the life out of him. Another memory was when the two kids were playing wizarding chess, they were laughing and talking the whole time. That's when it hit Hermione, she is the sister of Theo Nott. I got up and saw my appearance had change to like original self in the memories. I quickly asked professor Snape if I could see Theo, he nodded and I ran to where he was. On my way I bumped into Ginny and she told me he was in the hospital wing. So I quickly ran there and found a boy with pale skin, baggy eyes, you could see his bones, and lots of cuts on his arm. I immediately knew him as my brother and started sobbing. I was crying for a few minutes when I heard "stop crying sis, you are going to ruin your beautiful smile" I slowly looked up and saw Theo was alive, I gave him a weak smile before saying "when you were cutting yourself, I felt the pain on your arm but no blood was coming out while yours did, thats when I a whole bunch of memories came rushing through my head. What everyone had said was true, I am your sister, I just didn't believe them. I miss you" Theo was trying to get up to hug me but I had to push him down while saying " you cannot get up, your body is too weak, Madame pomphery told me to give you this health potion, you are to drink it everyday at breakfast time before eating or drinking something else starting today" it's true, Madame pomphery had a potion on the desk near Theo bed, I took the liquid and put it in Theo mouth. Then I called up a house elf and together we ate. I'm glad I'm Theo sister again!

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