Than Sadie burst through the door.
"I know you're telling her."
She said.
Julia went pale.
"And I agree she should know." She said smiling.
"Haha I scared You didn't i!" She said laughing.
Than Carter came in.
"I know your about to tell her and don't!!!!"
Julia laughed.
"Yo Carter!" Said someone.
She had long pink hair and wore all black.
"Hey Rayerk" Carter said.
"It's Ryuk! REE-OOK!" She said.
"And the group is done coast is clear sir." Sh said.
"RYUK this is (your name)
And Carter don't kill me." Julia said
(Ryuk angeloid is prussia22 ) yay role play!!)
Kane Chronicles Role Play!!!!
RandomBe a magician in the house of life! Or a demigod because why not! Or whatever! ROLEPLAY!!!!!