Fan fics and...scene 10!

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Dear wattpadians,
I have decided I will write a fanfic on this role play. You all with get credit for your characters and if you do/do not want your character In It let me know. I will begin asap! (Tomorrow or tonight looking at me schedule) and let you know. Thank you for all your comments and doing this in general. This is the first role play I've ever written and it's super fun so thanks so much. Now scene 12...wait what was the scene again?
Friends: *whisper ideas*
Me: This is Kane chronicles Not anime and you haven't read the books like... *sigh* I'll make a new idea hold on a sec
----a sec later----------------
Christmas / Hanukah!!!!!!!
Holidays!!!!! I'll pro only make another Christmas one closer to...Christmas but it's Hannuka so here!!
The holidays are near. Everyone is decorating according to their beliefs (though not sure what they believe  now knowing about ancient Egyptian gods)
Couples getting gifts, and Felix has an excuse for penguin magic.(U known what I mean)
Your in your room on your phone when you decide to finally go downstairs and see all the red, green, and blue. A couple kids run by giggling.
You go and sit by one of your freinds(pick whoever you know that's in the house of life you can't put Ciel Phantomive because wrong universe! prussia22 don't be mad)
And I guess you guys can do the rest!

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