Dress Shopping

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"Bye babe, I'm going dress shopping. I will see you later." I said and kissed Ashton's cheek.

"I wanna come" Ashton pouted.

"Ash, we've been over this." I sighed.

"I'm coming with you though!" Michael yelled as he walked out of the kitchen.

"I love how you just walk into our house whenever you want without knocking or anything" Ashton said sarcastically.

"But we needed food Ashton!!! Do you want us to die?!?" Niall exclaimed as he walked out of the kitchen.

"Anyone else in there?" Ashton asked.

"GUYS THEY HAVE PICKLES!" Joseph yelled from the kitchen.

"That what happens when you give them a key" I informed and Ashton nodded his head.

"But it was supposed to be for emergencies." He replied.

"It was an emergency. We couldn't find any food." Michael said.

"Okay. Well are you ready to leave now?" I asked Michael.

"Yeah. And they are coming too. And Calum. And Louis and Harry. Then all the people you already knew were going." He replied.

"Are any of you guys staying with me?" Ashton asked.

"No. We actually don't like you, so we aren't staying with you" Michael said.

"Michael Gordon Clifford, you really suck" Ashton said.


I have been trying on dresses all day and so far I haven't found anything good. I am currently trying on a dress that Michael picked out. As I walked out in the dress I could tell everyone was going to agree with me and hate it.

"What the hell is that? You look like a fooking cupcake!" Louis exclaimed as he saw the dress.

"That's pretty bad." Luke said with a laugh.

"Pretty bad? That's a fücking disaster. That dress needs to just be burned!" Calum exclaimed and the lady who worked there just looked at him.

"Please woman, you know it's true!" Calum said to her.

I walked over to the racks and started looking again and saw a dress that I liked but when I went to grab it there was someone pulling on the other side.

"Elle I can't get the dàmn dress! Someone else is trying to get it too!" I exclaimed and Eleanor came over to help me try to get the dress.

"This girl has a grip" Eleanor said as we tried to get the dress.

"I've got your back!" Harry said as he grabbed the dress and pulled it, dragging along the girl who was on the other side of the rack. She was still holding on to the dress and was determined to get it.

"Emmy?!? What are you doing here?" Harry asked.

"I WAS trying to get my dress but you took it from me! And now I can't have that one anyway because you saw it! Why are you here?" The girl asked.

"I was helping my friend pick out a wedding dress. Speaking of friends, Emmy these are my friends. Everybody, this is my fiancé Emily." Harry said with a smile.

"Fiancé?" Zayn asked with the same confused expression as all of us.

"When did you even get a girlfriend?" Liam asked.

"Well... Do you remember those girlfriend rumors going around close to the same time Ashley and Ashton started dating?" Harry asked.

"Hazz! How could you have a girlfriend for that long without telling us?" Niall asked and playfully slapped the side of Harry's head.

"It's because you idiots are all embarrassing" Louis said.

"Oh please, you are the worst one!" I said to Louis.

"You can have the dress now since Harry saw it" Emily said and handed me the dress.

"Thanks" I replied with a smile.

"Now go try it on and hope it looks good so we will be done with this!" Harry said.

"Okay. But you are the one who had to come see the dresses." I said as I walked back to the dressing room.

The dress was beautiful and I was so happy with it. Nobody had any complaints about the dress and I decided that it was the one I was going to get.

"Harry, you suck" Emily said.

"I love you too Emmy" Harry said with a smile.

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