chapter 2- here kitty.. come back

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alice says going wide eyed " fred were gona be late for transfiguration! "

"right! "says fred

they walk in silence to the class

"alice? " he asks

"ya fred?"

"can you help me play a trick on Magonigal?" he asks looking misgevious..

"sure fred.. what is it?" she asks

fred grins his signature smirk.

he wispers in her ear..

her eyes grow wide " fred!, fine! only because I'm not in the mood to do any work today.."

"oi' love what's got you acting like a Pansy?" he asks

     I haven't told fred yet.. i'v only known him for two years. dumbledore said to wait for when the time is right to tell him, fred and george were my best friends, besides my cousin who actualy knew everything.

"its nothing, I just... didn't sleep well thats all.." I say.

He looks in my eyes before responding "alright love but if something is wrong tell me, alright?"

I sigh with my responce "yes freddie... " i smiled at him.

     ^^ did i mention that i'm in love with my best friend..... BAD!  but he IS my best friend and im not going to ruin that. ^^

fred walks into magonigals class with a white panther with black stripes on her legs and tail

magonigal yells " MR. WEASLEY! if this in another one of your jokes! it is not funny!"

fred only smiled and took his seat

the panther jumped up into the chair next to fred 

the panther talks "hello professor! " the panther smiles then turns back into Alice.

 magonigal exhales "my goodness miss blackwood, you gave me a right good fright, but that was brilliant! i must say 50 points to Gryffindor!"

  freds pov

" yes!!!" i say then look over to alice to see her smile fade as she passed out falling to the floor.

I looked at her shocked before instantly picking her up and heading towards the door, ready to take her to the hospital wing

"alice! alice please wake up! please!!!" i rushing to get to the hospital wing and yell now running carrying an unconscious alice to madame pomfrey

 madame pomfrey bustled over as I set her down gently on the hospital bed

madame pomfry asks concerned "mr. weasley! what happened to this girl?"

"I dont know, we were in class and she collapsed without a word" I say sitting down next to my best friend.

     ^^did i mention i was in love with her..BAD....^^

she was my best friend, besides george, but george is my brother and it's different.

 I held her hand as Madame Pomfrey dripped a few drops of some potion into her mouth.

Madame Pomfrey gives her a few more drops of a potion "now mr. weasly if you will be kind enough to take miss Blackwood up to her room and ask miss Granger to watch out for her for the night, she should wake in the morning but I'm sure she most likley will not like to wake finding herself here"

"of coarce" i say picking her up.

I carried her back to the common room sending my sister Ginny up to get Hermione.

Hermione came running down stairs, Ginny closley in tow.

"Ok fred, bring her in " says Hermione following me up to the dorm.

We go up to the room setting her down carefully onto her bed.

"Hermione, take good care of her alright?"

"don't worry fred, I will" she says

I gave alice a kiss on the head before making my way back to my own room.

Wait...Madame Pomfrey said she will be fine should she wake up in the morning, if she wakes..

 oh.. alice please wake up love, please wake up.....


 well thats another chapter for ya

and p.s. i just say harry potter and the deathly hallows part two tonight and it was epic but its 4 in the morning so i think il go to sleep now

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oi' im the good looking twin love A fred weasley love storyWhere stories live. Discover now