chapter 3- the dream

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  • Dedicated to fred weasley

I lay there on the floor of the great hall next to fred

george is leaning over him screaming and crying,

I say softly "george stand back, I have to do this.. "

george looks at me with wide eyes and says "no alice dont..."

but it was to late. I took fred's limp hand and gave my energy to him, my life

I transfigured my animagus, unlike my dad being a dog, i was a small white panther

i did this so i didnt screem out in the pain of transfuring my energy

i transfured my energy to fred, slowly i was starting to go into blackness, it was too slow and too painfull, squirming in pain i lay there watching him

fred opened his eyes looking to my now normal hand in his then to my face.

I smile at him..

"bye fred.. I love you.. " I say softly

"alice..I love you too.. please dont go....." he begs

george hugs fred then says "shes gone.. she gave her life for you mate"


     Hermiones pov

alice was screaming and crying for fred in her sleep but she wont wake up..

I ran in to get fred

I yell into the boys dorm " fred! fred! get up shes screaming and she wont wake up please hurry!"

     fred pov

we run into the dorm to see alice levitating just off her bed, she only ever does that when she has really bad nightmares

shes twisting and turning, screaming out in pain.

the screaming stops.

I reach my arms out to grab her before she falls and pull her close to me as she opens her eyes and starts to cry more.

I never see alice cry. EVER.

"please take me to dumbledore..." she says almost so I couldn't hear.

"anything love" i wisper in her ear.

Alice turns herself into a small white cat as Hermione raps her in a blanket.

I carried her out of the common room and down to Dumbledore's office.

we walk past Angelina.

" o my god fred! you got me a kitten!" she says trying to take alice but

my eyes go wide as i say to her "NO angelina this is not your cat! go away!"

my god the git is just like pansy to malfoy, she doesn't know how to shut up and go away.

We walk in to dumbledores office,

alice turns back into herself, silent tears still rolling down her face.

 dumbledore opens the door and says "bring her in mr. weasley"

I take her in still holding her, she doesnt move and I definitely don't mind holding her.

dumbledore walks back behind his desk before speaking "I presume it's time miss black" he states..


" yes.." she says softly.

dumbledore walks over to us and takes a tear from her and drops it into a silver tray surounded by mirrors.

the 3 of us fall into the smoke..

we walk throught the rubble of the hogwarts great hall..

..and at the end of the walk we watch as we see alice bleeding badly on a mat and me not moving next to her..

..the three of us watch silently and hear the scene infront of us.. is crying and screaming over my body..

"george stand back, i have to do this " alice says softly.. goes wide eyed and says "alice dont .."

..but it was too late..

..we see alice take my hand and start to glow a bright white light..

..she squirms in pain turning herself into a white panther.. eyes open back up as alice turns back into herself going limp..

..she smiles at me next to her..

"bye fred.. i love you.. " she says softly as her eyes start to close..

"alice.. i love you too.. please dont go.." i say franticly..

george hugs me "fred shes gone.. she gave her life for you mate.. "


 we pop out of the smoke.

I hold alice close to me

 dumbledore says to me "Mr. weasley, this is not alice blackwood, this is alice black, only child to serius black, dont be mad at her for not telling you, it was for both of your protection. I now trust you to take good care of her. do not let her out of your sight, watch out for her and protect her"

I nod at dumbledore, holding alice close..

dumbledore says once i pick alice up " i leave her life in your hands mr.weasley"


 well thats another chapter for you guys

hoped you liked it

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