Sunday (day 2)

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bill is in new york now and wherever bill goes i go no matter what. I got a bus ticket to new york and I will be on my way soon. I have money and food. I will survive. bill is love bill is life. bill is my other half and I swear I will do anything for him. I want bill to father my children. bill is my other half. bill will always be mine. i cannot eat or sleep without thinking of him. If Rachel ever gets in my way(I saw that little hoe today) i will cut her if she talks to me. bill is my sunsibe not hers. she needs to stop now before i murder her with my bare hands. how fucking dare her shes such a evil bitch hoe spiteful and jealous is she of me? how fucking dare you rachel she fucking crossed a major line with me. that shit is not okay. you dumb evil fucking troll. she has no idea how much i hate her she is disgusting
-always for my bill, y/n

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