Chapter 26

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((As promised, the next chapter of The Alpha Claim series. Hope you enjoy it. >.< ))




I watched the little girl as she told me her name. Her caramel hair and light blue eyes were stunning under the low bathroom lights. Though despite the fact that she was beautiful for such a young child, I couldn't help but move away from her.

I didn't feel disgust, more like I was afraid to be near her because she made my head hurt. Memories kept on probing into my mind. Images of her and another girl hugging me to the point of suffocation in a large bed. Lyra's hair being twirled around by a older man; her smile. Her laugh. Her small hands wrapped around my waist.

"Are you okay Scarlett?" The soft voice of Lyra was heard through the series of images. I tried to ignore her, but I couldn't.

"Who are you?"

"I told you. Lyra. You couldn't have forgotten..." She seemed to be angry and sad then, her emotions were surprisingly apparent to me. It wasn't as though her actions portrayed her anger and sadness but more like I could actually feel her emotions leaking through to me through our bond. Our bond? What? Bond? I shook my head at the insanity that was going through my head and stared harder at her.

"Well I was lost my memory in a coma-according to my husband at least." I told her honestly, not wanting her to be sad anymore and hoping that the information would help her.

Lyra gasped, slapping her palms over her gaping mouth. Confusion filled her blue lit gaze. "Your husband? You don't have a husband! You have a mate. Your a werewolf, we don't get married. We get mated. Derek told me. Dominic is going to be so angry-"

"Dominic? Mated? Werewolf?" I arched my eyebrow in amusement at her. It was then I knew that this kid was playing with me. Werewolves didn't exist.

"Stop playing and go home." I told her sternly. My words were as sharp as a knife and she knew it because the child finch away and widen her eyes.

"You really don't know..." Before she could say anything, the door slammed open and I saw my "mother". I instantly became annoyed when I saw her and placed my hands on my hips, glaring at her.

"What in bloody hell were you doing in here?" Laura dismissed Lyra's presence and only paid attention toward me. I didn't care though, the less attention Lyra got, the better. For some reason, I knew that if she noticed Lyra, then something bad would happen.

Lyra seemed to know the same thing because she jumped off the counter without making a sound and walked out, amazingly my mother didn't take notice and still stared at me, expecting a answer.

I didn't say anything and turned around to wash my hands. I was tired and confuse and his name kept being repeating throughout my mind.




A endless pattern of those three syllabes kept on continuing in my mind. I yearn to know who this Dominic was. What was he to me? Why did Lyra say he was going to be angry?

"I'm talking to you and expect a answer young lady." The annoying woman talked again and I turned to glare her down.

"Watch it." I warned, power filling my voice. Unknown and awakening power. Laura jumped, her mouth opening and she almost ran out of the bathroom. I took my time drying my hands, before following her out.

Lyra and the man she was with earlier were gone. Their table was cleared out as though they weren't even there in the first place. Looking at my parents table, I saw my mom's face red with anger as she dramatically explained what happened in the bathroom to my father.

I sat down on my chair and continued my meal. The food was cold by now but I continue to chew and swallow. I could tell that James was upset at me, but I could also tell that he had scolded my mother into submissiveness.

We ate dinner in silence for another ten minutes, ordering some dessert only because no one in the table wanted to go back to the mansion. Taking our time getting up and leaving the little town, we stalled as much as possible. My parents were by a little shop while I was leaning outside on a tree. No one approached me at first but then a crowd of people passed in front of me, blocking anyone's view of me.

Someone stopped in front of me and I recognized him as Lyra's partner. He didn't say anything but grabbed my hand and placed a piece of paper in it.

"Please come, alpha." I narrowed my eyes at him as I watched him disappeared within the crowd. My parents came then, my mother rolled her eyes at the crowd.

"So annoying. We couldn't even see where you were." She complained and I knew that she had forgotten the little bathroom accident earlier. I just shrugged and we decided that it was time to go. They walked ahead of me while I trailed behind, glancing once at the crowd, scanning for that man. Not being able to see him, I sat in the back of the car and pushed the paper into my pocket, squeezing my fist at the same time.

The car ride to Vincent's home was exactly like the car ride to town, my mother ran her mouth off while my father listened as I stared out the window. It was getting dark now and the moon was already position in the sky, making me stare up at it. Lately I've been drawn towards the moon, it looked so beautiful almost being a full moon that I just wanted to succumb to its lull.

My mind was occupied of thoughts about the mysterious little girl, the man with her, what the paper he gave said, and Dominic that I didn't realize that we were already at our destination. I grabbed the few items that I bought and got out of the car. Vincent's staff were already outside and helping Laura with her bags. One person, Mary tried to get my bag but I glared at her and pushed past the cold people and went straight to my room. I placed the purchased items away in my closet and collapsed onto my bed, rubbing my eyes with my thumbs.

My mind was being assaulted by a headache which was making me irritated and angry when I remembered the note. I quickly took the note from my pocket and opened it. I read it silently and froze, staring blindly at the content it held before snapping my head up to the sound of the door opening.

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