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"The Irony! Our eastern wall has just fallen!"

The heavy accent belonged to a senior general who stormed into the tent profusely. The man wore a clad,bulky breastplate with a matching golden cuisse. His bronze gardbrace rested on his slumped shoulders attached to a pauldron. It extended to his vambraces, stopping short to a cut-off gauntlet.

He was gripping his helmet in anger, the veins on his wrinkled hands tightened because of the pressure. Without his usual headgear, his fringe of grey- white hair around his balding mottled scalp was visible. The man had a wizened face with dark umber eyes, hawk-like nose, and old scars etched on his cheeks. It was the rusted face of an old man who used to be good looking in his youth.

"Tactical? Bah! We're just feeding those fools our men is all!" The man gritted, and slammed his helmet onto the ground. It rolled near a group of two similarly dressed generals in the center.

One of them, who didn't seem much older than the senior, sighed and patted a spot on a ground near him. "Sit down, tell us what happened Puyi."

The old man, who his comrade called Puyi, reluctantly sat on the ground. He made a heavy. Umph, sound. Puyi pulled out a paper scroll he slipped behind his breastplate and furiously threw it in the center. " Take a look at that will you? Ain't much left to say."

His comrade calmly picked up the unrolled scroll and began scrutinizing it. His clear spectacles mounted in a wooden frame dropped an inch as he tilted his head this way and that. The man's careful black eyes were looking for any hidden agenda in this traditionally written scroll.

Puyi snapped in impatience to hurry the man up, "It's as blunt as it can be, Kangzi. Pass that thing to Qin, we don't have all day to be sitting here."

Kangzi glanced at Puyi with an intrigued look, but the scroll did not have as much of an impact as it did on Puyi. There wasn't a hint of fear or aggression toward that parchment he was handing to Qin.

Unlike the former two, Qin was a middle age woman with a different physique. Sitting across Kangzi, she had a much smaller build in comparison, and even a bigger difference next to Puyi. Although she had a full breastplate that drooped just above her upper thigh, it did not hide the fact that because she was a woman, she had a woman's body.

Her face resembled a delicate flower, much like the princesses of the Western Provinces. Unlike most women in their home country, Aeon, she emitted her own unique feminine scent.

However, anyone who thought Qin earned her position as a general based on her looks alone were wrong. Qin was a national phenomenon when she auditioned for the annual Aeon's warrior festival ten years and easily took first place. Her fame and popularity started to increase when she landed herself a position as a general a few years ago. Her arms alone were rumored to carry a spear up to fifty pounds!

Qin took one look at the parchment and calmly returned it to Puyi, who took it with aggression. He never liked the idea of the previous emperor allowing women to join the army. They should be at home, preparing for their husband's return, not joining their husbands in the battleground.

Qin said, "This was an expected ordeal. We've already had a discussion for this type of betrayal."

Puyi snarled, "A discussion of what to expect, not what to do. I always knew that man was up to no good the moment he said he wanted to plan our attacks! Should've known that fox had something up his goddamn sleeves!"

"Now's not the time to lamentate over the past," Kangzi got up, pulled out a larger paper scroll from his desk, and spread it on the cement, "We need to start our counter-measurement."

General or Lover? (LBGT/Gay)Where stories live. Discover now