Chapter 5

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I wondered, my eyes widening with annoyance and ears sharpening for any signs of explosives, why the terrorists waited until today to attack us. There were many opportunities when I was away from the palace. It left the capital vulnerable that if any nation, weak or strong, could have captured us.

What about the time the previous ruler died, and the nation was thrown in chaos before his son inherited the throne? Or, even when our army caught a flu that quickly spread in the battlefield?

My thoughts flew everywhere, causing a moment of hesitation to dodge the incoming grenade. I sighed, and pulled out one of my three swords. A real soldier brought their weapons anywhere they went. The world was unpredictable, to even try to guess its intentions were immoral.

"Your highness!"

I whipped my head around and saw the king and his queen surrounded by their retainers. What good were they if they couldn't even protect their ruler? My annoyance resurfaced when realization of his safety hit me.

I hastily ran to where he was standing and pushed back the rebels heading toward me. I used my strength to shout out the king's name. Formalities won't mean anything to me when danger presented itself.

The king turned his head towards me and a sly smile curved from his mouth. More accurately, a smile of familiarity? I shook my head and focused on the scene surrounding me. The king was exactly a yard away, hands holding the fragile arm of his queen. Meanwhile, the retainers were busy arguing, much less even pay attention to a rebel heading their way.

I swiftly sheathed my second sword, the force slightly delaying the rebel's attempt to assassinate the king. With two swords crafted from the best smith in the country, I slashed the rebel, thrusting my second sword and piercing it into his chest, before landing on my two feet. The retainers stepped back when they noticed me approaching them.

For me, an old coot who lived many years, it was easy to read human feelings. This was a skill I picked up from attending courts within the palace. However, the only two people I couldn't read was now staring before me, their blank eyes shielded with mysterious clouds: It was none other than the king and his wife.

"My dear general, have you come to save us?" The queen spoke, her voice soft as a feather.

I folded my hand into a fist and wrapped it in my right hand before shaking it forward and lowering my head. " I, General of Aeon, Xuan Shi Luo, has come to protect you."

"Stand. There is no need for this charade when you have already called the king's gracious name. Please, guide us to safety, and your crime will be excused." I heard a tone of malicious threat, but it quickly disappeared and replaced by her gentle tone.

Confused, I was lost for several seconds. What did I do to her?

"Yes, follow me. Your majesty, please order you retainers to stand by. It is harder to guide a large group. I am sure we know whose life is prioritized." I asked.

The retainers glared at me with hostility. I supposed I did have a bad reputation among non-warring men. They never liked my personality of acting outside my "status". The retainers however, had no choice, but to back out of the fight this time. The objective should be clear in their mind.

"A-alright. There is no need for your majesty to decree it. We will stay and wait for our personal bodyguards to deliver us." One of the men from the south faction spoke, his red robe dabbing in every directions.

I have him an apologetic expression before turning toward the king. Before the harem gathering, I placed some of my best underlings to guard my family for reassurance. My intuition was right and I could only hope that they were safe.

"Let's go."




Short, yea? Don't worry, the next chapter will be around 2k words! Just a premonition (:

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