Fucking lost as shit.

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I had the attention span length of a fish when I was younger this was back when I lived in a home and I was happy and nice to everyone, it was a much different time a brighter time. My mother worked for a cruise company (she might still idfk) and my family used to go on cruises all the time and one regular cruise (some were Disney) there was a mustard drill where my family and I were lead to a place (i was like 7 you expect me to remember what kind of room it was?). We were sitting in the middle of the room on some sort of couch embedded in the floor and I was trying to not touch any of the shiny shit on the sides of my jacket (i think there was a whistle) so I was just staring at the colorful floor thinking about the swirls of the carpet. Some time later I managed not to touch the shiny stuff, I also managed to stay out like I was told. I stayed put so much that the room was empty and my first thought was "Wasn't this place just full of people?". It then dawned on me that I had just gotten lost, I never had been told what to do if you get lost so I just waited for a while. Picture in your head if you will, a skinny as a twig, shorter than the attention span I described, brown haired bright eyed little shit sitting in the middle of the floor in a big ass room on cruise in a life jacket that's meant for an adult. Yup that's a stupid image isn't it? Well it happened and I'm gonna stop with the proper sentence shit cause it's annoying. I then had some cruise lady come up to me and go something probably (again 7 or younger at the time) like this "Hello there are you waiting for the mustard drill?" me "No I just did it I'm waiting for my mommy (7 shut up) and daddy" her "well do you know what they look like" me "yes". I then went with her to a computer and just started looking through cruise IDs (they give you like an ID type thing that you put money on for like kids or some shit) and after I point them out they call em up and I get returned kinda like forgetting a phone (except those weren't entirely a thing yet). And apparently I had gotten chocolate cherries from the cruise people cause I was "brave" but my sister's ate those. Anyway figured I'd put something in detail I'm actually just avoiding cleaning up gun parts and I got bored and I did think about doing this so yea there it is and there's plenty more, just wait till the ones with pain. So that was the story of how I got lost on a cruise in detail...wait there was another time, but that's neither here nor there I got shit to clean up.

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