Letter To Axel Halbridge.

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There are many things that I have wanted to say to you, but I just haven't found the courage or grace to say them, so I've decided to write this where hopefully I get some of this out. For example, that one night I had spent with you has been tattooed into my mind. There are the obvious reasons why, you're not bad when it comes to sex. Other, more discreet, reasons would have been you were the first man I had slept with after the guy I lost my virginity to. He... We... Yeah, well, That's a story for another time.

When we spent the night at your place, the last thing I planned to do was sleep, because then I felt like I'd wake up to my own bed after a raunchy and slightly disturbing fantasy of a non-existent person. What I'm trying to say is that sleeping with you was like a dream.

My whole life, my worth to those outside my family has been a price tag, a beauty label, a status, I have always been something to crave and devour. When your eyes met mine, maybe it was just the alcohol induced thoughts, but I had truly felt beautiful under your gaze, for more than my looks. I felt more naked with you than I have in my life, even clothed, people have never gotten beneath my skin but the moment you had touched me in that club, I felt like I'd never be the same again.

Maybe it's just me but what I felt that night was magic.

I've had five years of over thinking to wonder what if, when and how's. Running circles in my mind trying to figure out if it was something more than what it was or if it was simply meaningless sex to you.

They say you can't fight fate.

I have been on the pill since I was sixteen, when I first started to have sex I made Mitchell wear condoms and take me to get the emergency contraception pill, I made him do it for three weeks, until my mother told me it was extremely unnecessary. There is not one time in my replayed version of events where we had unprotected sex. Of the multiple times we had sex, it was all safe! So I have no idea how it happened, but somehow I ended up pregnant.

The magic from that night formed this being in my stomach.

I hadn't bothered with trying to find you, in fact, I enjoyed the mystery of it. That is until I found out that we had created this little person and it was growing inside of me! At first I was absolutely fuming with you! Thinking that you knew who I was, wanting to create a publicity cloud around me, but my publicity had stopped. Then I started thinking about our interaction and there was no real flaws in the way we handled the situation.

I was most angry that I was left with this huge decision on my shoulders without anyone to confide in. Nineteen years old and pregnant, I decided that I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I got an abortion. I couldn't fathom having a family later on in life and always pondering over my choice because I was simply not ready, it felt selfish.

I'm not a purest, I didn't believe that I was killing a baby but I know that it would always hang over my head. I didn't want to make myself suffer more with unanswered questions. I was studying a double major and my father was grooming me to take over the company and on top of that a child was thrown in to mess up my plans, but I made it work.

When I told my parents they were disappointed but supported my choice.

What I'm saying is that you have a child, we have a child.

This baby and I shared the same body for about 38 weeks and we grew together. Thirty-five hours of labour and this beautiful child was in my arms, her delicate body, so fragile and sweet. In one month she had a perfect dimple with the striking resemblance of yours. If I'm being honest, I felt so close to you, we had created this little perfection and she was also a part of you. I don't know how to describe it, but something inside me just clicked and I wanted you here with me.

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