"Hey look, its that emo slutfuck." a girl whispered to her friends, giggling. I just kept on walking, my head down. I had to deal with this every single day. I'm surprised I haven't broken someone's face yet. So, me wearing a Black Veil Brides shirt, purple pants, black boots and makeup make me a slutfuck? Yeah, okay.
So, I'm Leena. Leena Carlson. I'm 16 years old and I live in Atlanta. I'm that girl who is the outcast with no friends, and sits alone at lunch. I'm quiet, but I get good grades.
So I LOVE Black Veil Brides. With all my heart. I know a lot of people say this, but they are so much more than a band to me. I'm not even kidding right now. I got into them first when I was 13, the same year I was in a horrible car wreck. I was in a coma for 2 days. The song "Saviour" started to play.
So hear my voice, remind you not to bleed,
I am here...Saviour
Will be there
When you are feeling alone
A Saviour
For all that you do
So you live freely without there harm...
After that, I woke up. Right after the chorus. My mom was normal back then, not a drunk, nor did she abuse me. She cried and hugged me.
She told me that my dad and my 4-year old sister, Nadia, had died.
That left me mute for two years because of that. It traumatized me, haunted me. I was so haunted, I was scared to speak. I would wake up screaming Nadia and Dad for the next week in the hospital.
After about a month in the hospital, they wouldn't release me for another week. I got tickets to a Black Veil Brides concert. I was really upset I wouldn't get to see them. My mom never visited me anymore and they seem like very caring people, and I felt like I had to talk to them. There was this really nice nurse named Shelly, and she called their tour manager and he said I could come backstage to meet them. That news was the best I've ever heard in months.
I had butterflies in my stomach. I was hooked up to an IV and I had a cast on my leg and a head injury, so I was bald and had peach fuzz hair, because they had to do surgery. But they found a way to transport me safely without having to go through the crowd. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to speak to them.
Shelly rolled me into their backstage area. It was after the show and the meet and greet, and they were chilling on the couch. I couldn't believe my eyes. I held on to my minty green hospital gown when they looked at me.
Andy was smiling and laughing when the guys, but when he saw me, his smile faded. He looked as if he felt sorry for me. I bet it was really hard to see a fan that way. The rest of the band looked like it, too. They stood up and walked over to me.
"Are you Leena?" Andy asked me.
I tried to say yes, but it wouldn't come out.
Shelly sighed. "She's become mute ever since the accident," she said.
Andy thought for a minute. "Can you write?" he asked, smiling. I nodded.
He ran and grabbed a dry erase board of the fridge. "There! That's how you can talk to us," he said, cheerfully. I smiled brightly.
Hi! I'm Leena. Sorry I can't talk... but I love you guys. I came out of a coma when Saviour was playing on the radio. Loved the violin solo, Jinxx!! ♥
Andy read it aloud to the guys. "Wow! That totally rocks!!" Ashley said. "WE SAVED A 13 YEAR OLDS LIFE OHMYGOD!" CC yelled, fist pumping.That was the first time I laughed. "Thanks kiddo, glad you liked it," Jinxx said, smiling. I grinned, showing off my rainbow braces. I chatted with them for a while on the dry erase board, and after about two hours we had to say goodbye. I almost started crying.
"Hey, hey, sweetheart...You'll see us again!" Andy said.
I shook my head and wrote on the dry erase board.
my mom has changed. She won't do stuff with me like this again.
Shelly noticed this too.
"She is drinking, so we are sending her with her aunt. She is going out of it." she said.
"Well, as your aunt to come see us! We'd love to see you again!" Ashley said, smiling. I smiled and nodded.
I love you guys ♥♥ I wrote.
"We love you too!" they all said in a unison. Each of them kissed my bald head carefully, then hugged me goodbye.
That was the last time I saw Black Veil Brides.
I have finally learned to talk, and I am living with my aunt, but my mom has come and hit her because she wants me back. It's really scary, so we got a restraining order.
But then...she commited suicide... I was upset, but maybe it was best...she just wasn't herself anymore.
That's why BVB is special to me... I was to busy remembering that when all the sudden...
"Miss Carlson! Enough daydreaming!" My teacher, Mrs. Harvy, yelled.
Everyone laughed at me. I just ignored it and kept listening.
But that wasn't the last time I would see Black Veil Brides.
Not even close.
Legion of the Black: Wretched and Divine
FanfictionLeena Carlson loved Black Veil Brides. She would listen to them, watch videos about them, and one time she even met them. She found out about them before a traumatizing car wreck that killed her younger sister and father. That is her weak point...an...