The Text Message

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In a pushed-back chair in a crowded room,

Unaware of her surroundings,

many assume

Sits a middle-aged mother,

phone in hand

Quietly texting as fast as she can.

She had waited all week without a word;

Had cried many times til her vision was blurred.

Then the message “Just want u to know I’m OK”

Appeared on her screen as she sat in the café.

Her friends had smiled as she snatched up her phone -

They knew who it was by the sound of its tone

And the relieved expression that washed over her face -

Their voices grew hushed as they gave her some space.

Now strangers nearby give a puzzled glance

And are wondering why she grabs this chance.

Why she first smiles,

 and then wipes a tear

And seems so oblivious to all who are near.

But her time is precious and her minutes are few

To send back her replies

“I luv & miss u!”

“Do u need anything?”

“R ur buddies OK?”

And, “Did u have a nice day 2day?”

In no time at all it comes to an end

As she writes one more message and presses “send”.

For her soldier must leave now and be on his way

Where he’s going, he cannot say.

She longs and prays for the day he comes home

But today her love must be sent through her phone.

Cynthia Gibbs

Ok so I’m not going to ask you to fan me because I didn’t actually write any of these except one or two of them… but I do ask that you comment and vote these poems mean so much to me and a lot of people all across the world.

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