Silent Night

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Silent Night


Back in February, we had record breaking snowfall around here. Every night, the silence of the frozen world was broken by the coyotes, hunting for hidden prey in the snow. As usual, I could hear them howling and searching. Suddenly, it got silent. Like that think, heavy, ear ringing silence. Then the sounds of coyotes yelping and snarling. Not just one, but all of them. The commotion filled the air.

I lasted about five (5) minutes. My neighbors and I have discussed it. We all heard it. No one ever saw signs of a fight in the snow. No remains. I haven't heard a coyote since that night. Not a single yip or anything to this day. The dogs in the area that stay out at night are silent. My dogs inside the house sometimes look out the large sliding door to the backyard and back away slightly. 

I'd love to hear the sound of a coyote again.

Not this.. Silent Night.

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