Chapter 16

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~~Jin's POV~~
"Hello?" I answered my phone to Jungkook calling me.

"Jin Hyung... My parents lied." I could hear him crying.

"What's wrong??" I panicked.

"I was just about to head over to your house and they stopped me asking where I was going so I told them. They said not to because they didn't want me dating a guy." I heard him say with sniffles in between words.

"I thought we got their approval."

"I thought so too."

"And Jin Hyung, here's the reason why I'm crying... They are forcing me to break up with you." He said.

I was speechless.

"They are standing right behind me right now... So they hear every word I say. Jin Hyung, we're over..." He hung up after saying that.

I just stared at my phone the whole time, tears were filling my eyes.

I was expecting a text saying: 'Hyung, let's pretend we broke up and still date.'

Sadly... I didn't get a text like that.

But an hour later, I got a notification on my phone from Jungkook. I quickly picked it up and looked at it.

I threw my phone on the couch I was sitting on and butted my hands and started to bawl out of frustration. It was really over between us.

The text message from him said that if we kept dating, I'd know what his parents would do to him, it'd be bad. He wanted to do everything to help me with Ki Nari. He wanted to be the only person I thought about. But because of his parents, he can't... So it's officially over. His parents would hurt him if he kept on going.

I knew it too. I seriously thought everything was perfect between us two. Why now? I'm still not completely over Ki Nari and now Jungkook is going to make me depressed too...

Why now?

"Jin, you forgot the goodbye kiss." I remember Jungkook would say whenever I would leave without kissing him.


"Oppa! Saranghae!" I remember Ki Nari saying to me everyday.

Now both the people I cared for most are gone... But the person I miss the most now, and it's changed since last time, is, Jungkook.

Knowing Jungkook's parents, they'll probably move again...

I have to get Jungkook back but I don't know how to at all.

The next Monday I went to school and Jungkook wasn't there at all.

I decided to go to his teacher and ask where he was. When I found out, I went immediately to where our group, bangtan boys, usually hung out.

Thank god everyone, well besides Jungkook, was there.

"Guys, there's an emergency." I told them, sitting at my seat with an empty seat besides me that was usually Jungkook's.

"You're late. We already know. Jungkook transferred schools." Namjoon said.

My eyes widened, "How do you guys know?"

"He texted us." Jimin spoke up.

"Did he not tell you?" Yoongi asked and I shook my head.

"Then how do you know now?" Hoseok was curious and asked.

"Well, Jungkook..." I paused because tears welled up into my eyes which made everyone wide eyed wondering what I was going to say. "J-Jungkook broke up with me because of his parents... So when I didn't see him at school, I asked the teacher and found out." I told them.

"Wow, suckish parents." Yoongi said.

"Yeah, if my parents broke Yoongi and I apart, I'd be pissed." Jimin said causing everyone to look at Jimin, even Yoongi. No one knew of their relationship.

"Uh, pretend I didn't say anything." Jimin said.

"I'll pretend too because you'd be in so much trouble." Yoongi told him.

"Anyway!" I shouted. "Let's skip school."

Me, being an honor student, and saying those words, made everyone say at unison, "What?!"

I'd do anything for Jungkook. Anything to get him back.


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