Chapter Three: Beatific

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It's the last period of the day.

The long hand finally reaches the 8 and the school bell rings signaling it's time to depart.

I put away my things and leave A. Smith quickly before Alfred stop me (for any reason at all) so I won't be late again.

Reaching at work at a decent time, I check in and start doing my normal routine once again, same as yesterday. This time I'm not late. Hahha..

Starting my shift I take peoples orders and bring them their sweets and desserts.

As time pass by I begin to think Gilbert is not coming. Yesterday, both him and Elizabeta did come a little bit before closing time so maybe they'll do that again.

"Matthew, good job coming on time today. You're such a good kid." Mr. Bureau pats my shoulder, eyes closed, with a smile that has a million meanings behind it.

"Oh, uh yes Sir. I told you the reason I came late was because of Alfred. I will never be late again." I softly say, making a promise.

A little chuckle escape Mr. Bureau's lips and he run his fingers through his brown locks of hair. "Better." And he walks away proceeding to harass my co-workers. There isn't many of us, since the bakery is so small. I'm usually the last one to leave work. All my coworkers vacate the bakery before me.

I don't associate with them really. Only for work purposes. The bell on the door rings signaling someone walked in-

And it's Gilbert and Elizabeta.

I can feel my heart begin to race as they both approach closer.

"Mattie!" Gilbert greets me with his signature smirk.

"H-Hey." I stammer, waving at him and Elizabeta, "Back again?" I try to joke but I probably sounded stupid as hell.

"Yes, Gil decided we should come back since the desserts here are so good," Elizabeta says. "and I agree."

"That's good, I uhm..." I look at Gilbert and freeze, staring at him.

"Yes? I know I'm attractive. I'm pretty awesome aren't I, huh?" He state flexing and kissing both his arm muscles.

"Oh!" I get my notebook and things, "I'm sorry I was just spacing out. Uh-uh please follow me--"

"No Matthew we're not staying, can we get something to go?" Elizabeta cuts me off. Ugh, I'm a fool. "Sure thing what would you like?" I pull myself together and point to the bakery display that you see as soon as you walk in, and it's filled with all kinds of desserts and pastries.

"What's that?" Gilbert points to a certain pastry.

"Oh, that's mille-feuille." I tell the albino and he looks at me in a confuzzled way. "It's basically, a puff pastry and it has 3 layers--"

"He'll take it, we're kind of in a rush." Elizabeta cuts me off once again.

"Okay." I respond simply and open the glass door to get Gil's pastry. I put it in a paperbag and go to the register so they can purchase it and leave.

"Danke, Mattie." He pays and both him and Elizabeta leaves the bakery.

I wonder what they were such in a hurry for..?

For the past 2 weeks Gil and Elizabeta have been stopping by the bakery everyday. Its almost like a routine for them and during those two weeks I actually got to know them a little bit more. At school, they notice me and invite to eat with them at lunch with their cool friends. Which I kindly decline all the time because Alfred is there and his big group of friends make me nervous and uncomfortable.

I'm at home in my room watching hockey and enjoying time by myself. It's the weekend and you know what that means?

No plans whatsoever.

But knowing Alfred he'll try to drag me to a party or something.

Noooooo.. I rather stay home and get some homework done. Homework and chill anyone?

"Pfttt, haha." I laugh at my not even funny joke.

Maybe, I'm just a bit happy that I got a little bit closer to Gilbert. Can I consider him and Elizabeta my friends? I dunno.


I hear my phone vibrate on my desk from all the way across the room. That's so weird. No one ever calls me.

Confused, I get up from my bed to go answer it. "Hello?'

"Mattie! It's the awesome Gilbert."


"Gil? H-how did you get my number?" Because I never gave my number to him.

"You're brother gave me it~! But hey, I'm having a party tonight and you should definitely come."

Oh god.

"Uhmmm...I dunno I'm not a party person." I inform him.

"Come on! I want you to be there."

"I'm sorry Gilbert but no."

"Alright. You give me no choice." He laughs and hangs up.

I stare at the phone confused as hell. What does he mean by that?


A/N: in the next chapter it will be in Gilbert's P.O.V

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