Size // FrostIron

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"How tall are you dear?"


"How tall you are. Are you deaf? And why are you stuttering?" the god asked grinning.

"I'm not! And why does my size matter?"

The god's grin spread even wider.

"I don't now how they didn't realize that you're so small. 'Earth's mightiest hero's?' rather 'Earth's most incapable of even realizing the smallest things hero's.' I mean, are they really that incapable or are they just ignoring it?"

The genius puffed angrily.

"I'm sorry that I'm s small! I'll just go grow up!"

With these words he went to storm out of the room, only to be stopped by a hand pulling him against a cold chest.

"I'm not making fun of you Anthony dearest. I love you. Don't be mad because I said something as stupid as this. Your size doesn't matter to me."

The genius sighed and turned to face his lover.

"I know. It's just a very sensitive area for me. You know, it's not funny to be small and it takes a lot of effort to cover it up."

"I know."

With that the god kissed the engineer shortly and then smiled at him.

"You know I love you lokes?"

"You tell me all the time. Of course I know. And I love you too."

They smiled at the other in silence until JARVIS voice rang out.

"Sir, I am mostly unpleased to tell you that there is an attack in the city for which you and the Avengers are required."

The genius sighed and then stood up, kissing his lover on the forehead.

"See you later Loki. Love ya!"

The genius ran out of the door, leaving his lover alone in the bed.

"I love you too. Stay safe"

He whispered it into the silence his mortal left behind, hoping that nothing happened to him.

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