Chapter 1- Do I like her?

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"Hey Mudblood!" I called to Granger while I was walking through the hallways, sniggering with my friends as we saw her turn around with tears in her eyes. "Little bitch." I whispered to Crabbe and Goyle. The dumb fucks laughed. I seriously have no idea why I hang around with them anymore, well, it's probably because they do pretty much anything I ask them to. I looked back searching for Granger but she wasn't there. She probably ran away to cry in a cupboard or something.

Next thing I know Potter shows up pointing a wand at my neck. "What have you done with Hermione??" He half shouted. Everyone turned to look. I looked him straight in the eyes and laughed, "All I did was remind her of who she truly is, Potter." And with that I walked away. He doesn't threaten me, especially not in a group of people.

It was nearly the start of the winter holidays so there were fewer people in the school and even more would leave in the next day or so but Granger wasn't going. A strange satisfaction came over me when I found out, it was probably the feeling of knowing someone whom I could insult would be here. I was walking back to the dormitories when I saw her, I glanced a little longer than I should have and she noticed me. "Filthy scum like you are why this world is a mess!" She shouted, storming away in the other direction. When she said that a part of me hurt, I was confused. I don't like Granger I know that for sure. Every single part of her disgusts me, her dirty blood, her horrible voice, her big eyes, her long flowing hair... I shook Granger out of my mind, continuing my path to the dormitories.

"Parseltongue" I said standing before the dormitory door. I walked in and the place was empty which was strange as I thought at least Crabbe and Goyle were supposed to be here. I shrugged it off, they probably went to get some cakes even though I had specifically told them to come straight here after our little meeting. I paced the room and after a couple of minutes, they half walked half stumbled in. "Sorry Draco, we overheard Harry talking to the Weasley guy and he said that he's staying over at the Weasley's." Crabbe said. "Yea he's staying over at the Weasley's so our plan won't work." Continued Goyle. "Shit" I muttered under my breath. "Guess you two can go back to dealing with cakes, I'll deal with Potter after the holidays." The two of them rushed out and I was tired so I went up to read a book. I picked up a book and started reading but the words weren't registering in my mind. Granger. She was the one occupying my mind, but not in a good way. I thought about horrible things happening to her and that made me smile, soon those thoughts got boring but I couldn't stop thinking about them. It soon got annoying and tiring battling with my mind so I went to sleep. At least that would make me not think about her.

I woke up with someone shouting in my ear. "DRACO THERES A TROLL IN THE BATHROOM AGAIN!" It was Crabbe. He was leaning right on me so I pushed him off and got out of bed warily. "And what am I supposed to do about it?" I said in a drowsy voice. "Well a-apparently some of the Gryffindor girls got t-trapped in there, along with Granger and W-Weasley." Crabbe stuttered, calming down a bit from his terrified state. My heart sped up, this was my chance to be the hero while getting rid of someone I hated at the same time. I could make it look like the troll killed Granger. Perfect.
I had fallen asleep in my clothes last night, so I put my shoes on and marched out of the dormitory. I reached the bathroom where a horrible roar was heard from it. I entered and saw the troll, a giant, brown troll with hair overgrowing from every place and a smell that smelled like a bin being set on fire, in his gnarly hand he was also holding a big, deformed, wooden club. I saw the four girls standing in the corner and smirked when I saw Granger. Her face was priceless, the way her nose was scrunched up from the smell and the fear in her eyes, that face gave me a feeling of satisfaction. Their wands where resting on the sink, they must have taken them out while looking at themselves in the mirror. I got focused on the troll again and whistled at it. The girls looked at me as if I was crazy and I looked at Granger and saw the confusion in her eyes. The troll turned towards me and I motioned for the girls to run and all of them ran behind the troll, to the exit except for Granger.
Right into my trap.
The troll then lost interest in me and started heading towards Granger, every step making her even more and more scared. I took pleasure in seeing her like that, she looked at me as if to ask for help, then the troll lifted his club and...
"ALARTE ASCENDARE" The troll shot straight up into the air and hit his head on the ceiling, knocking him unconscious. I was standing in front of Granger. With my wand pointed at the troll. Had I just... saved her? I looked at her and she was just as confused as I was but I quickly put a smirk on my face and said, "Next time you won't be so lucky." And walked out. I spent the walk back to the dormitories in confusion, why did I save her? That would have been perfect to get her killed. Why did I suddenly just decide to jump in front of her and save her? Wait, do I... Do I like her?

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