Chapter 1

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Its a bright sunny day in London. The sky is as blue as ever, and theirs not a cloud in sight for miles. People hurry along side the street's doing their daily routines. Some holding the hands of young ones, some holding their bags and treasures, while others push their carts up and down the street's, selling fresh food or item's. Although its a beautiful day, its as busy as ever.

Horses pull carriages up throughout the street's. One particular carriage stops in front of a store called 'Funtoms Toys'. A girl around the age 12 peer's out of the window, her glistening brown hair floats like a wave when a soft breeze flys by, the sun shining on it as it does. Her brown eye's hypnotic, causing passing people to stair for a fraction of a second.

She's to busy to notice though, she's gawking, Awestruck by everything. Every little detail she takes in, until she notices the toy store.

"Mother " she yells. "Look..look at that one, isn't it the cutest! " she say's, pointing to a Furry rabbit with a black laced hat and a bright blue bow with a button on it. She leans out more, trying to get a better look at it through the glass. She leans more and more until her body's halfway out of the carriage.

Her mother smile's, but then notices her daughter's situation.

"Isabel, darling, get back inside the carriage or you'll fall out and hurt yourself. " her mother say's, putting her hands in the air as if afraid she'll fall in and get stuck. Isabel leans more out, not noticing her mothers words.

"Isabel, listen to your mother now." her father says sternly but with a smile upon his lips, as if he's amused. All of them have a clear British accent.

"Sorry mother, sorry father. " she says and swiftly lowers herself down, making a huge 'THUD' as she does. She pulls her lavender dress down over her legs more.

"Its alright darling, just please, be more careful next time. You could have fallen out and gotten hurt. " her mother says softly, almost angelic like. She picks up her daughter's hair and starts to braid it gracefully into a beautiful braid. The carriage starts to move slowly.

"Sorry, I promise I will. I was just trying to get a better look at that rabbit, its was the most adorable thing iv seen all day, wasn't it mother." Isabel says, shaking her mothers arm lightly.

"Yes it was darling. " she says laughing lightly.

"Well you didn't have to stick your whole body out of the carriage, you were only two inches away from it ...well your noes was at least ." He says chuckling and gently taps her noes.

She backs up in frustration. "What are you refering too father? " she says crossing her arms over her chest.

"That my daughter ....Isabella Cornelius Milford Blain....has a very, very big noes." He says dramatically, raising his hand up in the air as if about to give a grand speech.

"Father!! " The little girl yells, pouting.

"Julius, don't be so mean " her mother says glaring, though with a sly smile on her lips.

"I was just teasing Terra." He says putting his hands up in defence.

Her mother rolls her eyes and turns towards her pouting daughter.

"Don't pout darling, your father here..." she says, eyeballing him, he looks out the window and whistles lightly, as if to say 'I didn't do anything ' "is just jealous that's you have a beautiful noes, while his is as big as a tree stump " she says smiling and turns towards her husband.

"Ohhhh is that so? " he says with a mischief grin on his face.

"Yes it is so father " Isabel says sticking her toung out at him.

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