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Hi! My name is Mr. Ali, I am an Eight-grade science teacher. Here at Finely Elementary and I just wanted to say to all of you! Have a fantastic break!

It was broadcasted on every T.V and Speaker in the classroom. Not to say that not everyone liked 'The new teacher' but faulty said it would provide the kids with some kind of hope since there last favorite science teacher was 'fired'

I guess it's hard to live under a shadow. I had just started working at this school a little over 8 months ago. Right before October, and honestly a teacher looking for a fresh start. This seemed like the place to be.

It was the first day of spring break and all the students of Finley Elementary have left. Some of the faulty including myself stayed a few extra hours to get ready for the next semester when the students arrive. Tonight I stayed longer then usually due to the fact I had a student I was tutoring

"Excuse, Mr. Ali I'm leaving now. The school is all locked up so when you leave just leave out by the quad. The back door opens from inside. So it'll lock when you leave"

I told the janitor. Thank you and he persisted on his way. As far as I know I was the only one in the school. So I sat there underneath my luminous lamp light at my desk. Grading away at my students papers.

The human skeletal system. There were so many of the white hardened factures in our body. Lying right beneath us. Bones, I always had this love hate relationship with it. I always found it fascinating but whenever I saw someone with a cast or a broken bone. My stomach turned.

Amazing how they could have managed to remembered them all.

There I sat marking grades for the papers when I peered over to the classroom skeleton. There he laid against the corner near the door entrance. The room was empty and silent. Harshly lit by my undertone lamp. I got back to grading when my phone rang.

I nearly jumped when I heard it and peered over to the caller id, but there was no number. Quivered I as answered the phone. "Hello?" I asked but there was no answering just faint giggling on the other line. "Listen, I don't who this is, but you have the wrong number" I figure it was a student. One of which got a hold of my number and was prank calling me, as initiation of their break.

Just before I was about to hang up a voice answered.

"We know Mr. Ali" The phone then hung up and quite frankly I was shaken, but just disregarded the phone call. The phone rang again but I just let it go to voice mail. Ring, Ring, ring. The phone buzzed few more times then stopped. I was in relief. Until, it rang an hour later.

"Hello?" I answered more demanding this time hoping to frighten the prankers, but nothing. There was a banging at the door. I jumped out of my seat knocking over the lamp. With a loud thud I hit the floor, just before gathering myself and looking for the phone. Heart racing, the pounding grew stronger and strong on the door.

I crept towards the door with phone in hand as my only source of light. Thud, thud, thud, thud...It finally stopped when I reached the door. Hand shivering, I reached out and clenched the cold handle. I opened the door.

There was no one there.

I looked left then right


Nothing, but the eerie hallways.

"Hello?" there was no answer. Then the strangest thing happened. I didn't notice it the first time I looked, but from the corner of my eye. I could see someone watching me. A figure.

I quickly turned back inside only to see the skeleton had been place right behind me. Startled I moved the facture out of the way and walked back to my desk.

There I sat phone clenched in my hands. Staring at the open door.

I thought about calling the police or someone, but I figured it was just a late night. My mind hallucinating.

I grabbed my pen and continued to grade the papers. When I saw the ink was a dripping a thick liquid. Unlike regular ink so I wrote on the corner of the paper, and it oozed out vile dark colors of red.

Blood? I dropped the pen and shuttered. I then looked away from the corner and at sheets of test paper. Was this some kind of sick joke?

The test, was pictures of skeletons where the kids were required to fill-in the blanks.

On this test, it showed a rope tied around the skeleton's neck saying "Mr. Ali"

The test had no name.

I looked at the next test and saw a drawn picture of a little girl.

There was a line pointing to the neck with a blank line. It read "cervical vertebrae". Then it said


I clenched my mouth and tried to calm myself. I looked up and saw it just sitting there. Staring at me with those cold hollowed out eyes. The skeleton..I walked over to the skeleton. Checking to see if there was even the slightest possibility...no it couldn't be alive. It was a model. Deader than dead, lifeless...

It was holding on to something. I couldn't really see it since the room was so dimly lit. I tried to tug whatever it was holding on to but the grip would budge. That's when my heart dropped to my stomach. It was a backpack...Heavy and you could tell filled with an assortment of supplies. I unlocked my phone to get a better look, but couldn't bring myself to see the color of the backpack.

There was a giggle coming from within the classroom. The lamp light went out. The room fell silent, I got up. Thinking of something to say but no words came out. It wasn't that I couldn't speak because there was nothing to say. Just in that instant there was a hard a tug at my neck. Quickly gasping for air. Something wrapping my neck with a thick rope. I couldn't breathe. I tossed and kicked but I fell back down to my back. Now being dragged.

My vision was fading but I could still make-out my classroom. There the skeleton was watching me being dragged out of the room. Into the hallways, but with enough force I let go of the rope's strain and latched myself to the doorways beams. Holding on to them for my life, as if these beams where the only thing saving me from whatever was dragging me out.

Finally, within time the force of being dragged was released and the rope around my neck was loosened. My head banged to the floor, and everything went black for a couple of seconds. I regained my consciousness and made my way back inside the classroom. Locking the door and walking towards my desk. Stumbling over chairs and desk along the way, the skeleton still sitting there.

I picked my phone off the floor and walked towards the classroom closet. Locking myself inside, fear within my eyes. Heart throbbing, I started to dial 911. When something silky brushed up against my back.

"We all have skeleton's in our closest"

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