#17: Bedtime

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ages 2-5

Louis; age 3:

"Y/N, I think it's time for you to go to sleep, it's past your bedtime and mom said I'll be in trouble if you're up too late," Louis says, picking you up from your spot on the couch. "But, Lou, stay up please?" You ask, tired eyes drooping. Truth is, you were exhausted, but you never get to see your brother so you wanted to spend as much time as possible with him. How could you do that if you were sleeping? Louis smiled,"Sorry babe, but you d got too. How about I read you a story, yeah?" He asks, and you nod after a second. He let you stand on the rug, and then got some pajamas out and helped you change into them. After changing you into the clothes, he lauded you down, picked out a small book that was on top of your dresser, and lauded down next to you. You decided it was more comfortable to lay on top of him, face hidden in his neck. After about three pages of reading, he realized you were out. He wanted to move you, at least he tried to tell himself he should. What's one night in your bed?

Liam; age 4:

You were coloring while laying down on your floor when Liam came into the door. You knew what it meant, so you gathered up all your crayons as fast as you could and put them into the box, struggling a tiny bit to get it closed. Liam watched with adoration, just loving the little things you do. He smiled, while finished getting all of your coloring books and putting them away, sticking out your tongue in the process. After you put the books and the box of crayon away in its designated cubby, you went up to Liam and out your arms up, so he could hold you while you figured out what pajamas you were wearing to bed. He smiled again, lifting you into his arms and walking his was over to your small dresser. "What would you like to wear tonight babe?" He questioned. "Pony jammies," you declare, resting your head onto his shoulder. He nods, getting the soft prices of clothing out quickly so you don't fall asleep. Standing you up, he quickly helps you change while your eyes droop. "Alright, good night Y/N, I love you," Liam says, tucking you into your bed. "No bubba! Please sing lullaby," you say softly, pouting just a little like your Uncle Niall showed you. "I guess," he says, acting annoyed. You giggle before cuddling into your blanket, the one you take everywhere, and listen to him sing before falling asleep.

Niall; age 2:

"Oh Y/N," he sings, whistling through the house, stopping when he sees you giggling in the living room. "What are you doin'?" "Me play!" You say, throwing your arms up into the air. He chuckles,"It's time for your bath, darlin', so let's go." He picks you up, taking you into the bathroom. He undressed you, then took your diaper off. He turned around to start the tub, and when he looked back around, you were gone. "Um, Y/N?" He asks, standing up to see where you could've gone. He looks out the hallways, and sees your naked little butt stomping your way down to the end. He tried so hard not to laugh, but couldn't help himself. He ran up to you, scooping you up into his arms and then started to kiss all over your face. "What are you doing silly girl?" After he took you back into the bath, he washed you up before taking you into your little room, picking you into another diaper and then putting you into really soft footie pajamas. Putting you into your crib, he puts some blankets on you, putting your butt when you turn over. "Gimme kiss," he says, puckering out his lips. You made a "Mmmah" sound before settling back down into the blankets. Niall turned on the night light, saying a quick I love you before shutting the big lights off and leaving you to sleep.

Harry; age 5:

Harry had just picked you up from your house, and your car seat had been transferred to his car. He would be watching you for a few days while your parents went out of town. You were super excited that you would be going to stay with your brother, that you had woken up early just to make sure you were ready for his house. After picking you up, buckling you in, and starting to make the half an hour drive back to his place, he could see your eyes start to droop through the mirror. "Are you tired, Y/N?" He asks. You open your eyes and shake your head, trying to make it seem like you were wide awake. No matter how hard you tried though, you were asleep in the next five minutes. When Harry pulled into his drive way, he brought your backpack and bags inside before going back out to the car and then carrying you inside. He layer you down on the couch, putting a blanket over you before going to make you some lunch. Maybe this wouldn't be as hard as he thought it would be.

A/N: yay, update!

So I was thinking, would you guys like me to start writing DDM's on here too? Would anyone read them is really what I'm asking.

Well, let me know if you have any BSM or DDM requests if you're interested.

50 votes for the next one please🙂

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