#7: First Steps

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Okay.. Obviously I have a thing for One Direction and babies considering everything I write😂So this BSM book is mainly when you are a baby/toddler. I didn't know if I should write this one, considering I am doing a baby series.. But first steps aren't until like toddler ages so I decided to go ahead and do it.


Liam was visiting you guys, as he had just got off his American leg of the tour (😢) and he had about ten days off. He loved coming home, he gets to spend time with his three sisters and mom and dad who he doesn't get to see that often. You miss him a lot also. You may be little, but he's your favorite. Liam was sitting on the ground with you, watching you play since he was the one in charge of you. Everyone else was out and he didn't mind, he wanted to spend a little time with you. "Huny," you say, patting your stomach. He knew what you meant, you were hungry. He smiled as you couldn't get the correct word out. He nodded, and told you he'd be right back, and not to go any where. He got up and began to walk into the kitchen. You didn't want to be alone, so you tried your hardest to get on your two feet. Once you finally did, you took a step, and then another, and then another. All went well, so you kept going. You went into the kitchen where Liam was getting some fruit for you. "Li!" You squeezed, happy you found him. He jumped, not expecting it. He turned around to see you unsteadily walk over to him. He bent down and you went into his arms. "Good job baby! Mom is gonna be so sad she didn't see it. Will you walk again so I can record it and show her?"


"Y/N, come here babes," Louis says, opening his arms for you. He and the boys wanted you to walk so bad, but you just weren't having it. You were on your with them, and they wanted to play with you as much as possible. You look at Louis, mouth slightly open, with no emotion. Harry then said,"Y/N, come to me, come to Harry!" You smile, hearing him, looking at him. All five of them sat spread out in a circle with you in the middle. "What about your favorite, Niall?" Niall says. You snap your head over to him. Zayn and Liam both trying to get your attention. Louis comes over to you, and you take both his hands, standing up. You hold on to his thumbs, walking around. When the boys walk away to get dressed, you start to pout not liking that the attention wasn't on you anymore. "Ni!" You say, and let go of Louis' fingers, taking your first official steps. Niall turns around, just in time to see. "Go Y/N, come here!" He says, kneeling down and opening his arms as you almost fall, waddling the rest if the way over to him. "Niiiii," you say, happy you got to him. He laughs, and hugs your tiny body, picking you up and throwing you in the air before catching you and just holding you. "I knew I was your favorite." Louis was upset that you didn't walk to him, but he was the one that helped you when you let go if his hands.


You wanted to walk so bad, everyone could tell. It's just that you couldn't. You tried, and tried, but your little legs just wouldn't have it. You could stand up, you usually used the small table in your living room to do that. Niall desperately wanted you to walk, so he could take you two could go to the park and play and things like that. "Y/N, there you are," he says, walking over to you by the table you use to stand up. You cheekily smile, eyes lighting up at your older brother. "Ni!" You squeal, happy to see him. He chuckles, and comes over to you. He lets you hold on to his hands, and walk around. He let go of your hands, causing you to pout as you stood there helplessly. Niall scooted back,"Come to me Princess," he says. You look at him, and then place one foot in front of the other. You smiled, liking the feeling. You did it again with the other foot, and again, and eventually made your way over to Niall who was cheering you on. "Good job! We must show Greg now, okay?"


You had always had a hard time. Something didn't grow all the way in your legs, so you couldn't really find the strength when you were little to walk. It was frustrating for you, but also your family. You saw everyone else walking but didn't quite understand why you couldn't. Harry was determined to get you to walk, no matter what it took. He would stand you up, over and over again, trying to build up the strength in your legs. One day, you finally stood on your own for a little while. Harry cheered, smiling so brightly as he hugged your tiny figure. You kept practicing standing, and now it was time to take a step. You looked at Garry, you smiling. You were only about a year and three fourths old, but you knew what was happening. "Come here baby," Harry says. You take a shaky step forward, placing your foot firmly on the ground. You take the other one, and do the same. Before long, you're taking solid steps to reach Harry. When you finally did, he hugged you so tight, proud of his baby sister.

I'm not gonna do Zayn's yet. I will later... I just wanted to get this one out there.

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