Chapter 2

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~Chapter 2~

I could hear my name calling in the distance.

"Linda Kay Jones. . . Linda Kay Jones. . . Linda  Kay Jones"

"Jesus?" I said warily

"No, you moron!" Wyatt laughed, smacking the side of my head," I've been yelling at you for three minutes. I thought you were dead."

"Me to," Trenton joined in," . . . Linda?"

"What?" I muttered rubbing the side of my head.

"You got some drool right," he pointed at the left corner of his smirking mouth,"here."

I quickly scrumbed my face. I looked around the room while I was getting the slober off.

"Why are you guys in my hotel room?"

"We were told to wake you up," said Trenton in a matter-of-fact tone,"the other girls are at the pool."

"Yeah!," Wyatt said wiggling his eyebrows,"So, get up!" He pulled on my arm.

"Heck no. I'm tired."I murmored snuggling back into the covers.

"Come on!," Trenton yelled.

"No!" I yelled back.

"Well, you asked for it." I heard him say.

The covers were thrown off of me and I was suddenly placed over somebodies shoulder and was heading for the door.

"Hey! Put me down!" I yelled hitting, what looked like to be Wyatt's, back.

"No, you'll just run back to bed. I don't want you to miss out on this," he said.

"Yeah, we all know how you love to swim," Trenton smirked.

I gasped.

"You wouldn't dare!"

"Yeah we would." they both snickered.

We got confussed looks from all the other guest looking back at us. I glared at everyone one of them. Rude, is what I call them. Nosey people these days.

"Looks like ya'll have quite a load there," I heard behind me. Wyatt stopped and Trenton almost ran into him and he would have if I didn't stop him with my outstretched hands.

"Are you calling me fat?" I questioned. The boy walked around and came face to face with me. He looked at me,he obviously was checking me out. His eyes fell upon my face. The blonde boy smirked, then he nodded. "Jerk," I glared at him.

"Hey! I like this guy!" laughed Wyatt, "What's your name?"

"Justin," he laughed," Justin Owen."

"Well, to bad for you. Wyatt has a girlfriend and isn't interested in men," I said sternly,"Wyatt, where ever you are taking me, get me there quick. This guy looks like nothing good."

"See ya later, Justin!" Trenton waved.

"Bye, tell your friend bye for me to." Justin yelled back.

Jerk. I'm glad he's gone and I'll never see him again. I caught sight of the pool. There were loads of guys there and right smack in the middle was Summer and Casey.

"Ooo! We are just in time!" Wyatt skretched.

"Just in time for what?" I asked confused.

"To humiliate you for not getting out of bed this morning," Trenton answered patting my head.

"I'm not a dog you know." smoothing out my hair.

"I know but that guy back there," he pointed the direction we came from,"probably thinks your a cow."

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