chapter two

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you were red, you liked me cause I was blue, you touched me and suddenly I was lilac, and you decided purple just wasn't for you.
coras prov:

thirteen hours into the flight I woke up to the flight attendant saying we will be landing in Japan for some more fuel.

nodding my head I opened up my laptop and continued writing a email to the person who is letting me rent out they're place while they're out on vacation in Hawaii and until I have a good standing at school and work.

but as I was writing I couldn't help but notice a strange man in first class staring at me. he was quite attractive but I couldn't let myself get distracted by boys at this time in my life so I just continued my email and plugged in my headphone.

friends by Chase Atlantics started playing and I closed my eyes to listen to the beautiful music.

" Girl, tell me what you're doing on the other side
And so, just tell me what you're doing with that other guy "

Not realizing I was humming the beat the strange man from first class came and sat down next to me. tapping on my shoulder. Startled I jumped in my seat and took out my head phones.

looking at him face to face now I realized how good looking he really was.

his hair was perfectly styled. lips nice a plump. perfect skin I might add.

"great music taste" he complimented facing me.

stuttering my answer I replied with a thank you.

"so why is an pure blooded American girl going to South Korea?"

thinking of the reasons I started to get teary eyed. quickly thinking of other things I made a valid excuse.

"trying to make a new life for myself" I replied with a polite smile looking down at my computer seeing the email has been delivered.

"so why are you going?" I added still nervous by his presence.

"my friends and I are up and coming celebrities there" he smiled looking in my eyes.

I turned my head to see what time it was but he stopped me by gently grabbing my hand.

I looked back at him and he said four words that left me in a complete puzzle.

"Until next time Cora"

With that he got up and went back to him seat where we took off for the last time to meet our destination in Seoul, South Korea.

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