chapter three

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"till we meet again"
coras prov:

once the plane landed I rushed to pack my things. which was a lot bc we were on there for sixteen hours and I slept for 8 hours of that.

as I got off I noticed the guy from the airport and his friends were being bombarded by paparazzi and screaming girls. guess he wasn't lying about that. before I walked away he turned his head towards me and smiled then disappeared into the crowd of people.

I still don't understand how he knew my name. but for some reason I didn't care bc I knew I wasn't going to see him again due to the fact he's very well known and is probably not able to go out in public as much as normal people.

Once I got my bags I exited the airport not knowing what to do bc my Korean wasn't the best and I didn't know how to call a taxi.

"need some help?"

Quickly i turned around a saw the guy from the plane but with a medical mask over half his face. the only reason I recognized him was bc of his voice.

"Um yeah" I awkwardly smiled," Do you know how to call over a taxi?"

"It's just that I've never done it before and.."

Before I finished he interrupted me.

"Why a taxi I could just give you a lift?" He asked in a calm voice taking his mask off to show a friendly smile. not that creepy friendly just one that makes you know they would like to help you.

"If it not and inconvenience.."

"the fans all followed the group van"

"and you stayed behind bc?"

"to make sure you were okay." 

"well thank you" I smiled still nervous by his presence.

I got even more nervous when he grabbed my hand with his and the other grabbed the biggest suit case I had brung.

"you okay? your shaking a lot."

"yeah I'm fine"

With that we headed towards the parking garage where there was a black Hyundai avante.

"Did you leave this here?" I asked puzzled once again.

"my boss did he left with the boys"

once we were in we sat there for a good three minutes.

"so where are we off to?" He asked with a lil laugh at the end.

"Oh here's the directions"

"thank yooou" he stretched the end.

as we were on the highway heading to my fully furnished apartment. the same question kept popping up in my head. so I didn't hesitate to ask.

"since you know my name what's yours?"

"taehyung but everyone calls me v or tae"

"next question" I smiled sitting up in my seat which made him take his eyes off the road for God known reason.

"how did you know my name?"

After I asked that he froze up. turning back to the road and completely ignoring what I had just asked.


still ignoring me. I sank back down in my seat and just looked out the window and the city I would be living in. it was very different from where I lived before but sort of enchanting. if that makes any since.

"we're almost there" he broke the awkward silence. 

"ok" I said silently. I'm surprised if he even heard me bc of how quiet I was being.

he stopped the car in the front of my building.

"fancy, do you need help with your bags?"

getting out of the car with no answer I went to the back of the car attempting to open the hatch and failing which led him to rush to my side.

"you have to unlock it" he teased.

"of course you do" I weakly smiled.

before I could grab the bags he quickly beat me to it.

"I think we both know you can't get these up the stairs princess"

"judging my skills already?" I teased.

"and she has a sense of humor" he teased back.

Laughing all the way up the stairs, we got up to my door.

"thank you for helping me today" I opened the door and put my bags on the floor in front of me.

"just thought I'd do something nice for a change" he smiled.

"No really, I probably wouldn't have even gotten here if it wasn't for you."

"well in that case maybe giving me your number would be and equal"

"well V I'm pretty by the fact you knew my name before I told you" I smirked," we'll see each other again"

"bye V"

with that I closed the door, locking it and leaning my back up against it.

thoughts flooded my mind about him. how did he know my name? why did he help me?

this means Im in need of some Netflix and ramen therapy.

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