Let's talk about the news and the chatter,
Let's talk about the injustice we've seen.
Let's talk about why all of it matters,
Let's talk about the entire damn scheme.
There is a child laying dead in the street.
A toy, A toy, just another Child dead,
They say, wanting us silent. Too, too, sweet.
What can we do, what should we do, but dread?
Fight. Pick up signs. Don't take non-indictment!
Burn the flag, it no more stands for justice.
We'll be a generation of movement,
We will no longer stand by your bias.
You need not be silent in the chatter
But instead scream out loud, Black Lives Matter.
Color Me Gray
PoésieIt's about my life in a way. A lot of my poetry stems from things I go though. And Unfortunately I only update when something makes me generally upset or overjoyed. I'm happy with whatever feed back.